《Bride of the Dark Lord》#8 The Lady, the Dark Lord and the Dragon


I woke up that morning to the sound of noise. What's happening? Why did it seem like everyone and everything was awake?

I washed my face and hurriedly took a bath. Since I arrived at the Castle, the Dark Lord and I slept in separate bedrooms. It was as if, he was giving me space, or perhaps, a choice in the matter, I'm not confident of which.

I stepped out of the Castle and the first person I saw was Nadia. Dressed in her military attire and giving her horse a bath.

I walked towards her. Since after the river incident, that she, Ashton and the green-eyed shifter refused to talk to me, for putting everyone's life in danger, I think we've gotten quite a bit closer.

But, I'd not say the closeness would have gotten a start, had the Dark Lord not defended me. Yes! Defended me. It was the day Hunter died. And so, that evening, we sat in the hall to eat. The Dark Lord ate on the same table, with his friends, who were also his elite personal guards.

During the meal, his friends all chatted - Ashton and Nadia talking mostly, and then, He barked "Stop!"

"Just stop it! Why're you not talking to her? You know she's the Lady of this Castle, right?"

Nadia mumbled and then said, as she placed her hand on the Dark Lord's "she took Hunter from you".

I'd have felt a bit jealous of how Nadia touched and cared for the Dark Lord, but from the conversations they've had around me, I've come to understand that the Dark Lord has known Nadia for a longer time, than the others. That in fact, He and Nadua grew up in the same household, after He left the Capital at age nine. And so, Nadia was protective of him, like a big sister would be.

The Dark Lord answered "Hunter was precious to me but he, was not a coward" He continued "And if he was here right now and could speak, we both know, he'd tell us he was glad to have given up his life, while trying to protect his lady".

Unshed tears filled my eyes and the spoon in my hand, dropped.

He held both of Nadia's hands with his gloved hands "I loved Hunter but he loved the task of protecting others, more".

Nadia shook her head in tears.

The room was now silent. No one was was talking. No one's cutlery moved against the plate they used in eating.

"But if she had not decided to roam about that night, Hunter won't be dead. And you'd not be sad".

And before the Dark Lord would answer for me, I said, "but I did, and for that, I'd always be sorry".


"Deeply sorry" I said.

For a long time no one spoke, and then, Ashton in his jovial style, said, "so, Nadia. Can I start talking to her, again? Without you, wanting to murder me?"

I looked at Nadia, "you told everyone not to talk to me?" I said.

She took a napkin and unfolded it on as she placed it on her thigh "I don't know what you're talking about, my lady".

And Ashton burst into a wild laughter.

Since then, the tension between us has ceased. But, not without me realising, tjat if I harmed the Dark Lord, she'd be the first to get on a horse and chase me down to the ends of the world, just to slay me too.

I stood not too close to her horse, so as to avoid the water she poured on it, to bathe it.

"What's with the noise?" I said.

She turned to look at me "morning, my lady".

I chuckled "oh please, stop teasing me". Ever since the Dark Lord referred to me as, 'Lady of the Castle', she wouldn't let me rest.

"We're travelling" she said. "We return to the camp today".

I was not sure how I felt about that information. The military camp was at the Northern border. And I've heard of how cold it waa there. Snow fell there.

"What about me?" I asked "would I be going too?"

She shook her head, as she finished washing her horse, "you'll remain here".

"If you're bored, walk around the castle, I'll see you later" she said and sped off with the bowl that held the water she used in washing the horse.

I walked towards the south side of the Castle. I've not walked this way since I arrived here. The path was a lot more quiet. I took a turn. And came upon the largest open space I've ever seen in the compound of a castle.

I gasped.

The space was so big. A super-large vast field. And resting upon it, was a magical creature whose legend reigned along with that of the Dark Lord, on the streets of the Capital.

A dragon.

A fire-breathing dragon.

On this massive creature, the Dark Lord sat and rained down fire upon Tarko warriors when they attempted to take the Northern lands of Armalith.

The Tarko king, a greedy fellow, always looking for more and more lands to acquire. Not by doing it nicely. But, oppressing those there and taking it forcefully.

Well, after this dragon visited the Tarko king's army, it's safe to say, the king learnt his lesson. And realised no portion of Armalith could ever be for him.

The dragon growled.

Its mouth opening wide. I almost feared it was about to release a fireball.


I stepped forward. Waited a while to see how it reacts. It remained silent. Beautiful fear-inspiring creature. With brown scales.

It stared at me. Kept staring, I must say. Hypnotized by it, I couldn't resist covering lots of steps to come closer to it.

It moved his neck close to me. And I stroked it, grinning.

The only living dragon.

The only offspfing of the most Ancients. Dragons existed long long before all things, hence, unlike many things, can not be affected by sorcery.

I touched the scales. The Dark Lord's enemy would find it almost impossible to pierce this dragon.

I hugged it. Already feeling myself loving this creature a lot.

According to stories, it was born after the last true dragon Lord - the Dark Lord's grandfather, the previous king, King Ricker.

Either King Randall or the Dark Lord shluld've also gotten the Gift of a true dragon Lord, but it seemed neither did. And I was glad about that. Not that I think the Dark Lord would abuse the Gift, since I've come to know Him better. But I knew Randall, he'd definitely cause terror with such a Gift.

A true dragon Lord, apart from being able to call upon a dragon (no matter where he was in the world, the dragon would hear his call), a true dragon Lord could also fly the dragon to wherever in the world he wanted - even beyond the birthplace of the dragon.

Also, a true dragon Lord Gift made the Gifted individual heal very quickly. Cutting them would simply trigger their dragon Gift and brown scales would appear on the skin to heal and close the wound.

That was why many believed, it was the Dark Lord who murdered King Ricker, who was found dead in his bed chambers with his skin completely toasted.

Only an extreme injury or extremely powerful Gift, such as lightning or soul deep pain (that leaves its victims looking like they've been struck by lightning) could've killed someone like Ricker.

And at the time Ricker died, no one with the Gift of soul-deep pain (a very uncommon Gift) was anywhere near the Capital. And so, till today, the Dark Lord remained the prime suspect.

More so, because the people of the Capital loved King Ricker, the Dark Lord, was banished away from there.

He might have inherited the throne, since many said the late king, Ricker loved Him more than he loved Randall, but, at the time, people were too angry, to consider a prime suspect to the murder of the king they loved, to be their next king.

So, most likely until the Dark Lord takes the throne, He won't return to the Capital.

I tickled the dragon, my newest love, "what's your name, handsome?"


I looked back. The Prince stood behind me. Holding a basket and looking so handsome. Those alluring blue eyes of his, were really dangerous to a female's health.

"A female?" I said, facing Shalott.

He moved near me. And nodded.

Wow! Female dragons could reproduce by themselves, unlike male dragons that needed a female for reproduction to occur.

Shalott started growling. Happy growls. The Dark Lord laughed "she knows breakfast is here" he said, laughing.

Nice one. So, he could laugh like this. This was the first time I was seeing an iota of joy on his face, since, Hunter died.

He removed the lid on the basket he held. And a delicious aroma wafted from it.

Dried meat. That was why Shalott was excited.

The Prince put a piece of meat near her jaws, and quickly, she snatched it and gobbled it up.

Then, he held my hand, "let's have some fun" he said, still so happy. The corners of his eyes, crinkling.

He should smile more often.

He took a piece of meat and threw it away from Shalott. She moved her huge body and caught it before it landed on the ground.

Wow! "Impressive, Shalott!"

And so, the Prince and I took turns in throwing Shalott's food into the air or away from her. And impressively, she caught all her meals. Even, when the Prince and I threw multiple pieces at once, Shalott still caught it. Her large throat gobbling her meals.

And from the Prince and I playing with Shalott, we started chasing each other on the field. Shalott, growling as she laughed.

I grabbed a piece of Shalott's meal, and threw it on the Prince's head.

It hit right at the centre of his forehead.

His eyes bulged.

Even I was shocked, did I just overstep my...?

And then, he was laughing, running after me, I sped off. And soon, I tripped and fell to the ground, laughing. My heart feeling so light.

He jumped on me "surrender!" He yelled, like how those little boys howlered out to their friends, as they played games, impersonating the military.

Shalott moved near us, growled again. And I couldn't resist laughing.

I was joyous. So very joyous.

Was I happy the day the Dark Lord freed me from Eleanor? If so, then, today, I was happier. Happiest!

In six years, until Him, no one has made me this happy.

And I feared what that meant to my heart.

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