《Meta Human》Chapter 10: Fight


"Good morning Alex." greeted Abigail as she sat next to Alex temporarily.

"Good morning."

She sat there trying to come up with a sentence to engage in a conversation with Alex but it was hard since they shared nothing in common.

She eventually gave up and started thinking about the circrate bracelet.

Alex heard her thoughts by accident then quickly asked; "Have you heard of the new circrate bracelet?"

Her eyes lit up in excitement hearing that."Yeah. Am planning on getting one and you."

"Yeah me too. But I bet they're expensive."

Abigail frowned at Alex's answer; "Yeah your right" she paused looking at the desk then looked back at Alex, "But can you imagine the things you can do with it. Like omg! Best invention ever!" she exclaimed excitedly.

The two chatted for a while before Calvin came in and sat at his seat behind Alex, "Good morning bro." he said then shifted his gaze to Abigail, "Hello"

Abigail replied to him politely and Alex introduced the both of them to each other even though they already knew each other since they were in the same school.

He was just running out of what to say to Abigail.

The bell rang and Abigail quickly went to her seat in the front row.

"You didn't tell me you were now courting Abigail," said Calvin in surprise.

"Am not, we're just friends."

Alex wanted to say something thing else but Madam Morgan walked into class the next moment.

"Good morning." she greeted then picked up a green marker to start writing on the whiteboard.

She turned around while putting the lid over the marker. "Can you write that down?"

Pages turned as everybody opened their books to where they last stopped writing.


They wrote down the heading they saw on the whiteboard.

But as soon as they finished, Madam Morgan turned on the projector and interactive whiteboard, and her laptop's screen was displayed.

She then opened up a word document and scrolled through it until she found what she needed.

"There start writing." she pulled a seat close to the front corner of the class where her laptop was.

Everyone started scribbling down what they saw and they never stopped writing. Madam Morgan always scrolled as soon as they were done and a new set of words awaited them.

Those that were slow were left out and could only give up writing.

The students' hands got cramped now and then but they just couldn't find time to rest.

The bell rang and the students let out a sigh of relief as they closed their books.

They had their breakfast and came back in for their next lesson, Literature.

A bald man with a black mustache entered the class with a novel in his hands.

"Good morning class." he greeted.

He spoke with a hint of a British accent that the students loved.

And every time he narrated a story, they wouldn't forget what he said because of his interesting gestures and expressions as he said certain lines or paragraphs.

"Can you pull out your novels.?

Everyone opened the lid of their desk, reached inside, and picked out a book with a pig for a cover.

Its title read "Animal Farm."

"On which chapter did we stop on last week?" he asked flipping through the pages.

"Chapter 30." everyone said in unison.

"Noice" he complimented his students, "Any volunteer to read page 49 to us?"

He looked around the class but didn't see any hands raised.

Everyone feared standing at the front of the class and have all those eyes stare at them.


"Anyone..." he asked one last time. "I want co-operation in my class. Don't be afraid to step up. This is my lesson. No one will laugh at you. You need not be afraid." he assured his students.

Finally, a brown-haired boy with brown eyes that completed his hair, walked to the front of the class.

His neck bobbed up and down as he swallowed in nervousness.

The teacher smiled seeing him and complimented him," Ahh... Perfect."

The boy stood at the front of the class, looking down at the novel, and started reading; "Napoleon ordered his...."

The lesson went on with everyone listening keenly and allowing their minds to form imaginations of what was happening in the novel.

The bell rang and it was now lunchtime.

Everyone's tense mood after Morgan's lesson had dissipated after the literature lesson.

"Give me your lunch money." McCoy pinned a boy to the wall by his collar.

"Ahhh McCoy leave me alone." I don't have any lunch money I spent it all. " the boy struggled to free himself from McCoy's clutch.

" I said. Give me your lunch money. "McCoy said angrily squeezing the boy even harder to the wall.

" McCoy...aghhh." the boy gritted his teeth in pain.

Everyone in the cafeteria on looking at the situation but couldn't do anything.

They were all wary of McCoy and his rage.

Alex, who saw the whole incident couldn't help it and tried to help the boy.

" Hey McCoy. "he said.

McCoy turned his head to look at the person that just called him," what?" he said in rage.

" Why can't you just let him go?"

McCoy seemed to have listened this time and he let go of the boy's collar.

He walked over to Alex and looked down at him.

" I've let him go now what? "he said growling.

Alex swallowed as he looked at those raging eyes.

Alex was slowly lifted off the ground by his collar.

" Now you'll have to give me your lunch money punk," said McCoy looking up at the boy he raised in the air.

Alex tried to move McCoy's hands off his collar but couldn't.

He just hang there, his legs off the ground.

Alex now felt the same despair the boy felt when he had his share of McCoy's rage.

McCoy threw him and he landed on a trash can causes it to fall over and spill trash all over the place.

McCoy didn't end there.

He walked up to Alex who now lay on the floor looking at him in fear.

He grabbed Alex's collar again and made him stand up.

Alex struggled to push McCoy's hands off his collar but he couldn't do anything.

As Alex touched McCoy's hand attempting to push it away, a small blue spark happened between their skins and Alex was now standing in a basement of a wooden cottage.

"No no. Please don't do this to me." cried a woman above him while crawling backward with her hands. "My child needs me please."

Her face was terror-stricken as she looked at the thing or person in front of her.

The light from the room above Alex fell on his eyes as he pipped through the spaces on the floor to see what was happening above him.

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