《Meta Human》Chapter 7: Dr Hudson


He spent some time on the internet surfing and reading a bunch of short marvel comic books on telepathy.

At least now he had a better understanding of telepathy although not all of it was true.

Alex went to bed excited about what else he could do with his powers.

He could only think of the frown Madam Morgan would have when he passed the test with a hundred percent.

Alex woke up the next day, did the usual, and went to school.

"Good morning class." Madam Morgan said leaning at her desk at the front of the class.

"Here are the results for yesterday's quiz," she said with a frown.

Everyone didn't expect the teacher to mark the papers that fast overnight and couldn't help feeling nervous.

"Debbie..." she called out.

And a girl stood up from her seat and went to receive the paper.

"I just hope she doesn't say my marks out loud." she thought to herself as she walked nervously to the teacher.

But unfortunately for her Madam Morgan wasn't that type of teacher.

Madam Morgan handed her her paper; "60%"

The girl sighed in relief for she at least passed the paper.



After 3 minutes, she finally called Alex's name.

"100%," she said handing Alex's paper to him.

Her impression of Alex had changed a bit.

She didn't expect him to score that high on the pop quiz.

In fact, she expected an f given Alex's past results in some subjects.

The other students were no exception.

Everyone eyed Alex in amazement as he took his seat.

He was the one with the highest mark in the class.

Calvin tapped Alex's shoulder with a pencil; "Bro... How the hell did you..." he could not even complete the sentence.


Alex just chucked and focused his attention back at the teacher.

Madam Morgan picked up a marker and walked to the whiteboard behind her desk; "Alright that's the last of the papers."

She scribbled on the whiteboard, writing headings and topics and explaining them.

The bell rang and it was now time for breakfast.

Just as Alex stepped out of the classroom, Calvin tapped on his shoulder again, prompting him to look back.

" I just can't believe it. How did you nail such a mark."

"The day I stayed home, I so happened to revise the topic set in the quiz. It's just luck."

The two headed to the cafeteria together for some snacks.

They chatted as they had their breakfast as usual.

"I thought he was a dumb kid." Alex heard a voice and immediately looked around.

He caught sight of where Julie and her friends were seated at.

Some of them kept on throwing glances at him from time to time.

"I bet he cheated." thought another girl.

Alex shrugged it off and tried to keep the voices out.

The bell rang again and the students went in for their next lesson.

"Do you have your music book with you?" Julie asked her sister. They were both heading out of the classroom to attend their music lessons.

Alex of cause heard this, he was only meters away from them.

Calvin sighed as he walked alongside Alex his eyes glimmering with joy; "Music, music. The apple of my eye." he said holding his music book to his chest hugging it, "Well except Becca and my mom."

"But I thought Becca was the apple of your eye," said Alex bemused.

Calvin rolled his eyes I'm realization; "Well, yeah. She too."


"What about your mom?" asked Alex sarcastically.

"Agh. Alex can't you just let it be, okay." Calvin said in frustration.

"Okay...Welcome to your music class. Last week we looked at the pentatonic scale. I hope you all understood the explanation. Today am teaching about the diatonic scale." said a skinny tall lady.

Calvin had his eyes fixed on her. Music was his favorite subject and he couldn't help thinking about answering whatever questions were asked.

He spent most of his time reading music books ahead of the lesson so he could earn the teacher's attention when he volunteered to answer the questions.

"Anyone knows what a diatonic scale is?"

Immediately she asked, Calvin's a was already in the air.

She looked at him with a smile and looked back at the class after that; "Anyone else apart from him?" she asked.

Calvin too, looked around to see who would challenge him this time, his arm still in the air.

After a while, Debbie put up her hand.

And without hesitation, the teacher picked her to answer the question.

Alex wasn't the least bothered about paying attention in class.

He just sat there and let his thoughts drift away.

"Just look at th...Eww Eww Eww. Snap out of it Julie. He's so lame."

Alex heard Julie's thoughts and a frown settled on his face after that.

He didn't know what he had ever done to this girl to earn such treatment from her.

The bell rang once again indicating the lesson was done.

They heard their lunches and went in for the next lesson.

"Alright, then goodbye, Calvin." Alex bid his friend a farewell and he entered his house.

"Welcome back son." greeted his mom.

He threw his bag on the couch; "Thanks, mom."

He fell on the couch and let out an exhausted sigh.

He then picked up the remote next to him and turned on the TV.

The screen light fell on his face as the TV turned on.

The first channel. That displayed was a news channel so he lifted the remote to change it.

But before he could press the button, he saw a familiar face on the TV.

"And yes, with the help of this wonderful machine. Transport will be safer and quicker. You can travel to the Sahara desert, African savannas, the North pole. Anywhere you can name in a blink of an eye."

Alex flashed back on the man in the suit that killed a person in an alley;" Oh my God. That's him!" he said shocked quickly removing his feet from the table and placed them on the floor then leaned in closer.

" There you have it, folks. Pex Corp industries are at the breakthrough of new inventions. This Teleport-3000 Dr. Hudson just talked about will be the next big thing." said the show's host smiling at the camera.

The end credits rolled on the screen and the show ended.

Alex frowned remembering the incident that happened alley that day.

He picked up his phone and dialed a number.

" Hello.... "

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