《To the Stars》Unexpected


Loke sat at her desk, fiddling with a small black box. Lucy had just gone back to the guild to talk to Levy and Loke had stayed behind so the girls could have some time. His heart was pounding in his chest. She had been acting strange when she left, quiet all morning, the only thing that kept his head on his shoulders was that she had make sure to give him a quick kiss before she left and told him that she loved him. He had no idea what was wrong but he was worried about her. He heard the door knob jingle as she put her key in and he quickly slipped the box into his pocket. She looked so sad, he hurried over and wrapped her in his arms before she could say anything.

"What's wrong my love?" He pulled her over to their bed and she sat next to him leaning her head on his shoulder,

"Loke, I didn't just go to the guild this morning." Her voice was quiet and shaky, tears starting falling down her cheeks and she clenched her fists in her lap.

"What do you mean?" He wasn't quite sure what was happening.

"I went and found Natsu, and he brought me to the doctor's." It was getting hard to understand her between her sobs but Loke just held her close and rubbed her back absentmindedly.

"Are you ok? Are you sick my love? I can make you some tea and we can take it easy today, get you feeling better in no time!" He was confused why Natsu would have taken her, she definitely could have gone by herself unless something had happened at the guild, "did something happen while you were at the guild?" Concern rose in his voice.


"No I-" she tried to catch her breath between sobs, "Loke I'm pregnant!" She covered her face and Loke just sat there a little dumbstruck.

"You're? We're?" He shook his head a little bit before it processed, he looked down and the woman he loved and something connected, he scooted behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling him back against his chest and resting his hands on her stomach. "Lucy I love you, I will stick by you with every decision you make." He kissed her cheek, wiping away a tear. She let herself collapse into him, curled up in his arms as the sobs began to simmer.

"Really?" Her lip trembled when she asked.

"Lucy, I fought for the privilege of calling you mine for months, and the time we have been together has been the happiest time of my life, nothing is going to change that. You're my other half, and I want what you want." She turned at looked at him, wonder in her eyes,

"Loke, I want to keep it, I don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet, but I want to be a family." She was so quiet but the words hit him like a ton of bricks and his heart swelled, she wants to be a family he couldn't keep his smile away. He pulled her close and nuzzled his face into her neck.

"I'm going to be a father." He whispered almost giddy. He jumped up and grabbed her in his arms, swinging her around gently, "we're gonna have a baby!" He laughed watching her tears dry and her smile return,

"You really want to start a family with me?" She was quiet, Hope swelled in her voice and he was amazed she could even wonder that.


"Lucy." He smiled kissing her tenderly, "it's all I've ever wanted." She laughed as she threw her arms around his neck holding him close. "But I do have one question." He pulled away from her so they were standing face to face, he kissed her sweetly and took her hands. With one graceful swoop he had bent down on one knee and pulled out the small black box, placing it in her hands, "I know we've been through ups and downs, we've grown so much together and I feel whole when I'm with you, I want to start this life and end this life with you, by my side, forever. Will you marry me?" She gasped as the tears welled up again.


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