《My Precious Flower》Chapter 11: Vision Hug



"You should have told me the second you saw the vision. Think of the family." Abuela scolded Agustín.

"I was thinking of my daughter!" Agustín retorted.

Snow blew around them.

"Pepa, calm down." Abuela told her daughter.

"I'm doing my best!" She snapped, covered in snow.

"Yes." Félix agreed.

"You're lucky it's not a hurricane!"

"Mamá, you've always been too hard on Mirabel." Julieta cut in.

"Look around. We must protect our family, our Encanto. We cannot lose our home." She insisted.

Suddenly, the doors to the house opened, and a man stepped in.

"Señora, pardon. People in town are becoming anxious about the magic. They want to see you."

Abuela sighed. "Mirabel was in that vision for a reason. Find her."


Mirabel and (Y/n) knelt down on the ground in Antonio's room as Bruno started to pour a circle of sand around them. They room started to shake, causing birds to go flying.

"We might wanna hurry." (Y/n) said nervously.

"You can't hurry the future." Bruno chuckled.

He then stopped in his tracks as he came face to face with a capybara that was in his way. He just moved the sand around it.

"What if I show you something worse? If I see something that you don't like, you're gonna be all, 'Bruno makes bad things happen. Oh he's creepy and his vision killed my goldfish.' "

"We don't think you make bad things happen." (Y/n) reassured him.

"Sometimes, family weirdos get a bad rap." Mirabel said sheepishly. "You can do this."

Antonio held out his stuffed animal that Mirabel hand made him. Bruno took it in his hand.

"For the nerves." He explained, before climbing on his jaguar and riding off.


"I can do this, I can do this, I can do this, I can do this." He chanted.

He took out some salt and threw it over his shoulder before lighting a match and making a fire in the center. He took a burning stick and lit four smaller fires. He then cracked his knuckles and his eyes glowed green. The area around them turned darker, and it got more windy.


Out in town, Abuela and some of the villagers noticed the change in the atmosphere, and looked towards the house in confusion.


Back inside the house, Bruno's door began to glow again.


Bruno held out his hands for Mirabel and (Y/n) to grab.

"You might wanna hang on." He advised.

Mirabel and (Y/n) each grabbed one of his hands, while they two of them were still holding hands.

Bruno closed his eyes, and the sand in the circle started swirling around them, creating a dome. Strong winds blew throughout Antonio's room and Bruno's door glowed brighter.

Mirabel and (Y/n) looked around and saw the house breaking, and the candle falling from the window sill.

Then they saw the ground cracking in the village while one of the mountains cracked in half.

Félix grabbed Antonio just before he got crushed.

In front of the cracking house, stood Mirabel. The house flickering between broken and together.

"It's just the same thing. I gotta stop!" Bruno insisted.

"No. I need to know which way it goes!" Mirabel urged. "There's gotta be an answer. Something we're not seeing."

"You're looking at the same thing I am. If there was something else..."

"There!" (Y/n) shouted pointing at a butterfly. "Over there!"

"Butterfly! Follow the butterfly!"

Mirabel pulled the other two over to the butterfly, and saw that it landed on a plant in a body of water.


"Where is that?" Mirabel asked.

"I don't know." Bruno admitted. "It's all out of order."

A vision of the candle appeared, shining brightly.

"It's the candle. The candles getting brighter! I think you're gonna help the candle!" Bruno said happily.

"How?" Mirabel asked.

A figure of Mirabel and someone else appeared.

"Uh, there's someone with you! And you...you fight him!" He yelled.

"What?" (Y/n) and Mirabel said at the same time.

The two figures started moving closer together.

"Wait, no, no. Is that a hug?"

"Am I fighting or hugging?" Mirabel snapped.

The two embrace each other tightly.

"An embrace, an embrace!" Bruno cheered. "To make the candle bright you have to embrace him."

"Embrace who?" (Y/n) asked.

"Uh, almost there."

"Who is it?" Mirabel asked impatiently.

"Almost there. Oh, oh. I got it!"

The figure turned and flipped his hair, revealing Isaiah.

"ISAIAH?!?!" Mirabel roared with rage.

The vision stopped and sand fell all around them.

Bruno held the new vision in his hands.

"Oh, your brother? That's great!" He said optimistically.

He looked up to see Mirabel's face contorted in rage as she growled angrily, (Y/n) awkwardly looking around the room.

Bruno sighed in disappointment and tossed the vision away. "Every time."


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