《My Precious Flower》Chapter 12: Isaiah's True Feelings



"Why would embracing Isaiah do anything?" Mirabel scoffed.

She, Bruno and (Y/n) were looking at Isaiah's door from the railing.

"I don't know. Our family got a miracle. How do you help a family miracle? You hug a brother." Bruno said.

"Sounds like solid logic to me." (Y/n) shrugged.

"Mirabel? Mirabel?" Camilo called, before his shapeshifting glitched and he turned into a baby with an adult body. "Mirabel!" He called in a high pitched voice.

"Well, I think we're running out of time here." Bruno observed.

"It's not gonna work. He won't hug me...ever, okay? He hates me! Also, I don't now if you heard, I ruined his proposal!"

"Mirabel." Bruno whispered.

"Plus, P.S...he is just annoying. Of course it's Isaiah. Why can't you be the one hugging him (Y/n)? He'd gladly hug you."


"What's his problem with me anyway? He's the one with roses coming out of his..."

"Mirabel!" Bruno said loudly.

The two looked at him with shock.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry. You see, you're missing the point. The fate of the family, it's not up to him. It's up to you. You're exactly what this family needs. You just have to see it."

Mirabel smiled at his uncle.

"By yourself, after I leave." He suddenly said, hiding behind a potted plant, and dragging it with him to the painting.

"You're not coming?" (Y/n) asked.

"It was your vision Mirabel. Not mine." He said in a deep voice.

"You're afraid Abuela will see you." Mirabel accused.

"Yep. I mean, yes, that too." He opened up the painting that led inside the walls. "Hey, after you guys save the miracle, come visit."

"After we save the miracle, I'm bringing you home." Mirabel promised.


"Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock. Knock on wood." Bruno knocked on the wooden frame, before disappearing in the walls.

"Your uncle is a weird guy." (Y/n) told her.

"...Yeah." He nodded.

"Do you want me to come with you to talk to Isaiah?"

Mirabel grabbed her shoulders. "Please!" She begged.


The two stood in front of Isaiah's door.

"You got this. Just gonna save a miracle. With a hug." Mirabel told himself.

(Y/n) gave her a reassuring smile and a sympathetic shoulder pat.


Mirabel entered Isaiah's room, and (Y/n) stood by the door, and gestured for Mirabel to walk forward. She sighed heavily, but kept walking.

"Isa? Heeeey!" She called awkwardly. "I know we've had our issues, but I'm...ready to be a better sister...to you. So we should just...hug. Let's hug it out, huh?"

(Y/n) tried to suppress her giggles at Mirabel's weird speech, before she noticed some vines lowering down Isaiah's bed.

"'Hug it out?'" Isaiah sat on his bed with an annoyed expression as he was lowered down. "Luisa can't lift an empanada." He plucked a flower from one of the vines. "Mariana's nose looks like a smashed papaya!" He crushed the flower in his hands. "Have you lost your mind?" He screeched.

Mirabel smacked her lips. "Isa, I feel like your upset. And you know what cures being upset? A warm embrace." She tried to approach his bed, but vines appeared in front of her blocking her path.

"Get out." He demanded. And a flower appeared over Mirabel's mouth. "Everything was perfect. Abuela was happy. The family was happy. You wanna be a better sister? Apologize for ruining my life."

Mirabel narrowed her eyes at him.

"Go on. Apologize." He said mockingly.


Mirabel used all her will power to swallow every ounce of her pride and force out an apology. "I...am...sorry..." She choked out.

Isaiah looked down at her smugly.

"...That your life is so great!" She added.

"Out." He dismissed her with a wave of his hand and the vines started dragging her away.

"Wait! Fine! I apologize!" Mirabel bumped into a pot of roses and latched onto it. "I wasn't trying to ruin your life!"

Mirabel managed to pull the vines off of her and she stood up and tried to walk back, but the vines grabbed her ankles and started pulling her back, while (Y/n) was wondering if she should interfere.

"Some of us have bigger problems, you selfish...entitled prince!" She yelled at him.

"Selfish?" Isaiah gasped. "I've been stuck being perfect my whole entire life! And literally, the only thing you have ever done for me is mess things up!" He screamed at her.

"Nothing is messed up! You can still marry your perfect woman!" Mirabel told him.

"I never wanted to marry her! I was doing it for the family!" Isaiah confessed.

He started stalking towards where Mirabel was laying.

"I wanted to marry (Y/n)! But every single time I tried to talk to her and ask her out, you always got in the way! And now, I'm going to have to marry some woman I don't even like instead of the girl of my dreams, and I'll never get to tell her I love her!" He ranted.


Isaiah slowly lifted his head to see (Y/n) standing by his door. He hadn't seen her standing there, and he just confessed his feelings for her. His entire face turned deep red, and his eyes bulged out of his head.



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