《My Precious Flower》Chapter 6: Surface Pressure



The family was outside eating their breakfast and (Y/n) and Mirabel spotted Dolores over at the food table piling up a plate. They both made their way over to her.

"Dolores, hey!" Mirabel greeted. "You know, out of all my older cousins, you're like my favorite cousin, so I feel like I can talk to you about anything, ergo you can talk to me about anything. Like the problem with the magic last night that no one seemed to worry about, but maybe you heard about that maybe we should know about."

She had said all of this very fast and Dolores hadn't said anything.

"Uh...please?" (Y/n) added.

Félix suddenly appeared behind them.

"Camilo, stop pretending you're Dolores so you can have seconds." He scolded.

Camilo turned back into himself. "Worth a shot." He shrugged, and casita hit him with her windowsill.

Félix rolled his eyes and walked away, as Dolores came up behind the two.

"The only one worried about the magic is you two and the rats talking in the walls. Oh, and Luisa. I heard her eye twitching all night." She informed, before walking away.

Mirabel and (Y/n) glanced over to Luisa who was carrying a table over.

"Everyone, to the table! Let's go, let's go." Abuela announced.

Casita pulled chairs over, and everyone took their seats. Mirabel rushed over, and took the seat next to Luisa, pushing Tía Pepa aside, while (Y/n) sat next to Mirabel across from Isaiah.

The said boy's eyes widened. He didn't know she would be here, but he was glad she was. This was his chance to apologize, and maybe ask her out.

"Family. We are all thankful for Antonio's wonderful new Gift." Abuela went to sit down, but paused when she noticed that there were animals on it.

"I told them to warm up your seat." Antonio smiled.

"Thank you, Toñito." She shooed the animals away and sat down. "I'm sure we'll find a way to put your blessings to good use."

Mirabel leaned over and whispered to Luisa. "Luisa, Dolores says you're totally freaking out. Any chance you may know something about last night with the magic?"

Luisa's eye started to twitch and Mirabel slammed a hand on the table. "You do!" She exclaimed.

"Mirabel." Abuela said. "If you can't pay attention, I will help you."

"Oh, actually..."


Mirabel's chair was moved right next to Abuela, Mirabel being dragged with it.

"As I was saying...we must never take our miracle for granted, so today, we will work twice as hard." Abuela continued.


"Mm-Hmm. I will help Luisa." Mirabel volunteered, pushing her chair out.


Mirabel was pushed back to the table.

"First, an announcement. I've spoken to the Guzmáns about Isaiah proposing to Mariana."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened. This news surprised her. She was even more surprised by the fact that this news made her a bit sad.

Abuela stood from her chair and made her way over to Isaiah. "Dolores, do we have a date?"

Dolores listened for a moment. "Tonight. She wants five babies." She answered.

This made Isaiah's eyes grow wide, and pink flowers popped out all around his head.

"Wonderful. Such a fine young woman with our perfect Isaiah, will bring a new generation of magical blessings and make both of our families stronger."

Isaiah glanced at (Y/n) to see that she was already looking at him. Once they made eye contact (Y/n) immediately looked away and became focused on her food.

Camilo shifted into Mariana and started teasing Isaiah by making kissy faces. He retaliated by blowing flowers in his face.

"Okay. Our community is counting on us. La Familia Madrigal." Abuela announced.

"La Familia Madrigal!" Everyone repeated.

"La Familia Madrigal." Mirabel quickly said, pushing her chair out. "Luisa, hey." Mirabel stood up and looked at Luisa's chair only to see it empty.

She looked over at (Y/n) with raised eyebrows, and she pointed over to where Luisa was heading.

(Y/n) raced off to follow her just as Isaiah approached her.

"Hey (Y/n), I-!"

He was interrupted by Mirabel bumping into him. "Sorry." She apologized as she rushed off.

"What is your problem?" He snapped.

Mirabel didn't answer, solely focused on talking to Luisa. "Hey, Luisa! Hold up."


Luisa lifted up the entire church and moved it over a few feet.

"Luisa, can you re route the river?" A woman asked.

"Will do."

"Luisa, the donkeys got out again." A man said

"On it."

Luisa went around the town picking up donkeys and putting them on her back. Mirabel climbed over a wall and saw her.

"Luisa hey!" She called before falling.

(Y/n) winced and leapt over the wall and helped her up.

"Hey Luisa, wait a second. Please." (Y/n) begged.

"You gotta tell us about the magic." Mirabel said. "What's going on? What are you hiding?"

"Nothing. Just got a lot of chores so maybe you two should just go home." She responded.

"Luisa, my house is leaning to the..."

Luisa kicked the house back up right before the man even finished his sentence.

"Dolores said your eye was twitching." (Y/n) informed her.


"Yeah, and it never twitches. Something's making you nervous." She accused, walking in front of her.

"Hey, move. You're gonna make me drop a donkey." She replied.

"Luisa, will you just..." She walked away from them.

"Just tell us what it is." Mirabel grunted.

"There's nothing to tell." Luisa insisted.

"You're obviously worried about something. Luisa if you know what's hurting the magic, and it gets worse, cause you won't tell us what's wrong..."

"Nothing's wrong!!!" Luisa bellowed.

Mirabel and (Y/n) looked at her in shock.

"Wow, uh, sorry. That...that snuck out there. What I meant was, um..." She put the donkeys down, and faced the two.

"Why would anything be wrong? I'm totally fine. The Magic's fine. Luisa's fine. I'm totally not nervous." Her eye started twitching.

"You're eye is doing the thing." Mirabel pointed out.

She leaned down to their eye level.

She then picked up a boulder and tossed it in the air.

The rock landed on her head and shattered. Mirabel and (Y/n) shared a look.

Mirabel and (Y/n) "Okay."

She flexed her arms and looked back at them.

Mirabel: "Of course ...I mean, hey where are you going?"

The donkeys took a step back.

She pushed rocks away with her hips.

She stomped towards them. The ground shaking underneath her.

She lifted the ground and suddenly, Mirabel and (Y/n) found themselves on a trip wire.

Luisa held up a stick with a pile of donkeys on each end.

She bounced the wire and Mirabel and (Y/n) went flying.


Luisa caught them both in her arms.

They were now in an arena and Hercules screamed and ran away from a giant three headed dog.

Luisa caught the sword and shield.

Luisa emerged victorious, but as the dogs heads crashed to the floor, the ground split open under Luisa.


She dove into the crack and landed on a platform with donkeys falling around her in slow motion.


Luisa was holding a scale that had Mirabel and (Y/n) on one side and a bunch of donkeys on the other.

The donkeys piled up and Mirabel and (Y/n) were flung into the sky.


They landed and Luisa wrapped her arm around them.

Rocks started to fall from the sky, and Luisa caught them.

The rocks turned into the Earth and the ground stilted and they all landed in a juicer.

Luisa punched through the juicer.


Luisa pulled Mirabel and (Y/n) off the ground as a geyser shot up.

Luisa threw a rock over one geyser and stood on it shooting them all into the air.


Luisa was holding onto a cliff with one hand and holding onto Mirabel's hand with the other while Mirabel held onto (Y/n)'s hand.

The edge of the cliff broke causing them to fall.


They were in the town and an avalanche of rocks was head in towards them.

She held her hands out to stop the rocks.


Now they were on the Titanic heading for an iceberg.

Mirabel hugged onto (Y/n) in fear, while Luisa leapt off the ship to punch the iceberg.


The three were washed ashore.

A bunch of doors appeared in a line.

A tornado suddenly appeared, wiping everything out.


Now they were floating through the sky surrounded by fluffy clouds.

Luisa jumped on the clouds like trampolines.

Luisa was now riding a donkey that had a unicorn horn, while (Y/n) and Mirabel rode their own, Mirabel struggling to stay on.


Luisa, Mirabel and (Y/n) were floating in a circle holding hands.

Rocks started hurdling towards them and Luisa caught them.


More rocks kept piling on top.

And more.

Suddenly the whole house landed on her and for a moment, they thought she was crushed, until she picked it up.


Luisa was surrounded by donkeys and was dancing in the middle of them.


Mirabel and (Y/n) were in a miniature version of the Titanic that was surfing on Luisa's muscle.


She was back dancing with the donkeys.

Suddenly, she caught the entire Encanto in her hands.


They were back to reality, and Luisa was heavily panting. Mirabel and (Y/n) rushed forward and hugged her.

"I think you're carrying way too much." Mirabel said as they were pulled into a bone crushing hug.

"Maybe I overdo it." Luisa admitted.

"Yep." (Y/n) forces out.

"Um...there is something you both should know. Last night, when you saw the cracks, I felt weak."

"Wait, what?" They said.

"Luisa! The donkeys!" A man shouted.

"On it!" She responded, putting them down.

"Wait, Luisa, what do you mean?" (Y/n) asked her.

"What do you think is hurting the magic?" Mirabel persisted.

"Don't know. But I heard the grown ups once. Before Tío Bruno left, he had like, some terrible vision about it." Luisa revealed.

"Tío Bruno? What was in his vision?" Mirabel asked.

"No one knows. They never found it. But if something's wrong with the magic, start with Bruno's tower. Find that vision." Luisa advised.

"Wait, how do you find a vision? What are we even looking for?" Mirabel called after her.

"If you find it, you'll know. But be careful. That place is off limits for a reason."


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