《My Precious Flower》Chapter 5: Waiting on a Miracle



Time seemed to slow down as Mirabel glanced sadly at her family.

She approached her family.

She sighed.

Tears welled up in her eyes.

She walked over to Luisa.

Then Isaiah.

She placed her hands on Julieta's shoulders.

She moved over to Tía Pepa.

She walked over to (Y/n)'s form and placed a hand on her shoulder.

She made her way out of the room and down the stairs.

She turned and faces Abuela's door.

She walked up to it.

She ran up the stairs and stood on the roof as fireworks appeared around her.

Mirabel was back in the house and she looked up at the candle in Abuela's room.

Mirabel heard a clattering sound next to her. She looked over and saw a tile on the ground. She knelt down and picked it up to examine it, but when she did, she cut her hand. The ground started shaking, and Mirabel put her hand out in concern.


Suddenly, cracks appeared on the floor and made their way along the ground. Mirabel followed the cracks as they passed Abuelo Pedro's portrait, and went up the stairs, past everyone's doors, and made their way to the candle which flickered dangerously. Everyone's doors also started to flicker and fade for a moment, and Mirabel's eyes widened with shock and fear.


Up in Antonio's room, everyone was still enjoying the festivities. Music was playing and everyone was dancing and having a great time.

Isaiah had noticed (Y/n) wandering through the crowds looking for Mirabel and a smile appeared on his face.

He took a moment to make sure his hair was perfect and that his breath didn't stink, and he smoothed out his shirt and slowly started to approach her.

He weaved his way through the crowd of people came close enough to her that he extended his hand out to tap her shoulder and opened his mouth, about to ask her to dance.

"The house is in danger! The house is in danger!" Mirabel cried, running into the room.


The music stopped and everyone paused and looked at him. Isaiah furrowed his brows in frustration and annoyance. He was so close!

"The tiles were falling, and there were cracks everywhere. And the candle almost went out." She explained frantically .

"Show me." Abuela demanded.


Mirabel made her way down the stairs only to find that the cracks were gone, and the candle was shining brightly. It was like it never happened.

Mirabel adjusted her glasses. "What?" She breathed.

Everyone looked down at her.

"The cracks were there. They were everywhere. The house was in trouble, the candle was..." She trailed off.

(Y/n) looked down at her with concern, while Isaiah just rolled his eyes and glared at her.

"Abuela, I promise..." She pleaded.

"That's enough." She snapped, holding her hand up.

She then turned to the crowd. "There is nothing wrong with La Casa Madrigal." She announced. "The magic is strong. And so are the drinks. Please! Music! A bailar! A bailar!"

Luisa carried over a piano, and Agustín began to play.

Everyone started going back into Antionio's room and Mirabel looked up and saw his mother looking at her from the top of the stairs.

She hurried down the stairs and led Mirabel to the kitchen. (Y/n) watched them go with a worried expression on her face.

"Hey, aren't you coming back to the party?"

She turned and saw Isaiah staring at her from the doorway.

"Um...I would, but I think I should check on Mirabel. Make sure she's okay. But you have fun though."

Isaiah became annoyed. "Fine, I will have fun. Maybe I'll ask Mariana to be my dance partner. She's a better dancer than you anyway." He snapped.

(Y/n) flinched slightly at that comment. "Um...okay then." She shrugged and walked away.

Isaiah's face morphed into one of guilt. Why did he say that to her?! What was he thinking?! How could he be so stupid?! He probably just blew his chance.



"If it was all in my head, how did I cut my hand? I would never ruin Antonio's night." Mirabel insisted, sitting on the counter while (Y/n) sat next to her. "Is that really what you think?"

"What I think, is that today was very hard for you." Julieta replied gently.

"That's..." Mirabel grunted. "I was looking out for the family. And I might not be super strong like Luisa, or effortlessly perfect like señor perfecto Isaiah who's never even had a bad hair day but..."

She sighed. "Whatever."

Casita bounced an arepa next to Julieta and Mirabel monotonously held her hand out.

"I wish you could see yourself the way I do. The way (Y/n) does too. You're perfect just like this. You're just as special as anyone else in this family."

Mirabel took a bite of the arepa and her hand healed. "Mm Hmm, you just healed my hand with an arepa con queso." She deadpanned.

Julieta took her daughter's hand in hers. "I healed your hand with love for my daughter." She said dramatically. "With her wonderful brain..."

"And big heart" (Y/n) added leaning against her.

"Cool glasses." Julieta continued.

"Mamá, (Y/n)!" Mirabel whined. "I know what I saw!" She stated firmly.

"Mirabel, my brother Bruno lost his way in this family. I don't want the same for you. Get some sleep. You'll feel better tomorrow." Her mother suggested.


Mirabel laid in her bed staring up at the ceiling, thinking about what she had seen, when the window in her bedroom suddenly opened. She sat up in surprise when (Y/n)'s head poked in through the window.

"Hey. Is this a bad time?" She whispered.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, climbing out of bed.

"I wanted to see if you were okay."

Mirabel sighed. "I guess so. You believe me right?"

"Of course I do. I know you would never make something like that up." She reassured.

"Great. Cause I need your help with something."

"What is it?"

Mirabel waved her over to the door. She opened it and looked up at the candle in determination.


The two quietly made their way along the roof, sneaking towards the windowsill where the candle was. When they approached the window, Mirabel put her hand on the wall where the cracks were and had a look of confusion on her face.

(Y/n) the heard footsteps approaching, and extended her arm in front of Mirabel and pushed them against the wall. They looked up and saw Abuela approaching the window.

Abuela pulled out a pendant that had a picture of her husband in it.

"Ay, Pedro. I need you. Cracks in our casita. If our family knew how vulnerable we truly are...If our miracle is dying...We cannot lose our home again. Why is this happening? Open my eyes. If the answer is here, help me find it. Help me protect our family. Help me save our miracle." Abuela kissed the small picture and disappeared from her window

"I will save the miracle." Mirabel whispered.

"You're gonna do what now?" (Y/n) replied.


Mirabel burst open the door to her room, (Y/n) following after her. She grabbed her bag and put her shoes on before making her way to the door. As soon as she put her hand on the doorknob, she paused.

"Wait, how do I save a miracle?" She asked aloud.

(Y/n) and casita shrugged.

"By figuring out what's happening to the miracle?" (Y/n) suggested.


Casita shook the window sills in response.

"Oh, I have no idea. But there is one person in this family who hears everything about everything." Mirabel glanced to a family portrait and looked at Dolores. "So if anyone would know what's wrong with the magic...it's her."


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