《My Precious Flower》Chapter 7: Many, Many Stairs



Mirabel and (Y/n) stood in front of Bruno's door. Mirabel turned the doorknob and pushed it open to reveal a doorway shaped like an hourglass that had a waterfall of sand coming down in front of it.

"Casita, can you turn off the sand?" Mirabel asked.

Casita flapped the tiles outside the door.

"You can't help in here?" (Y/n) realized.

Casita flipped her tiles in response.

"We'll be fine. I need to do this. For you, for Abuela, maybe a little for me." She admitted.

Mirabel grabbed (Y/n)'s hand.

"Find the vision. Save the..." Mirabel took one step through the sand and fell, dragging (Y/n) with her.

The two fell a few feet and landed on a pile of sand, sliding down it. Mirabel slid to a stop on her face, while (Y/n) slid down on her butt.

(Y/n) stood up, brushing the sand from her dress and hair before helping Mirabel stand up. She snickered when she saw that her glasses were filled with sand. Mirabel removed her glasses and wiped the sand out of her eyes.

"Whoa. This is amazing." (Y/n) commented.

In front of the two, was a giant spiral staircase that seemed to lead up to Bruno's room.

"Wow." Mirabel breathed.

Suddenly, a bird landed on a rock next to them.

"Awe, hey there little friend." (Y/n) cooed.

The toucan squawked in response.

"Lot of stairs." Mirabel commented at the bird. "But, at least we'll have a friend." The bird flew off. "No. He flew away immediately."

(Y/n) snickered and Mirabel playfully nudged her.

"Well, we better get climbing."


"Welcome to the Family Madrigal." Mirabel started to hum.


"There's so many stairs in the casa Madrigal." (Y/n) panted.


"You think there would be another way to get so high cause we're magic, but no." Mirabel was practically crawling up the stairs now.



"Ugh! How many stairs could you possibly fit in one room?!" (Y/n) groaned.

"Tío Bruno, your room is the worst!" Mirabel shouted.


They finally crawled their way up the stairs, and were met with a new problem. A huge chunk of the bridge that led inside Bruno's temple was broken.

Mirabel groaned and (Y/n) muttered an "are you kidding me?"

Mirabel made a makeshift rope swing by lassoing it onto a rock on the other side.

"Okay, we can do this." Mirabel said, as she and (Y/n) clutched onto the rope for dear life.

They took a deep breath, and jumped off one side and swung across the to the other side and safely landed on their feet.

"Ha. Whoo!" Mirabel cheered and (Y/n) gave her a high five.

Their celebration was short lived however, as a chunk of rock from the ledge they were standing on broke, and the two girls jumped back.

"Let's...keep moving." (Y/n) suggested.

"Uh...yeah..." Mirabel agreed.

Mirabel and (Y/n) slowly entered Bruno's temple and walked down a hallway with multiple stone carving in it. They heard a clattering noise and turned to see that the toucan had kicked a pot.

Mirabel walked forward and knocked over another pot that had some rats in it. The two shrieked in surprise as the rats ran back into the walls.

The toucan appeared behind (Y/n)'s hair, shaking.

They all turned to the end of the hall where a circular door was ajar. Mirabel, (Y/n), and the toucan all looked at each other before the toucan flew away.

"Quitter!" The two yelled at him.

Mirabel and (Y/n) went through the door into a large circular room, that had a circle of sand in it.

"Empty." Mirabel muttered as a large gust of wind blew the door shut behind them.


It was pitch black for a moment, but the room was illuminated by green light. They looked down and saw little green pieces glowing from underneath the sand.

Mirabel knelt down and dug through the sand and picked up a green glass piece.

"What's hurting the magic?" She whispered.

Mirabel dug for another piece and put the two together, not noticing the rumbling sounds that were happening.

She picked up another piece and put it together with the other two as the structure around them started to crack.

Mirabel put the third piece in and saw herself in the vision.

"Me?" She whispered.

"Mirabel!" (Y/n) shouted.

The room started to crack even more and sand was pouring down from the ceiling.

"Get the pieces!" She yelled.

The two dug through the sand collecting all the pieces of the vision and putting them in her bag.

They then stood up and started to make their way to the exit when Mirabel spotted one more piece.

"Go, I'll be right behind you!" She told (Y/n).

The girl ran over to the door trying to bust it open as Mirabel dug through the sand and grabbed the final piece. She ran back over where (Y/n) was, avoiding the falling rocks and started slamming her shoulder into the door as sand piled up around them.

Eventually they managed to get it open and they toppled out of the door, and the built up sand pushed them out of the temple.

Mirabel and (Y/n) landed on their backs and sighed in relief, which quickly turned to panic as they realized that they were very close to the ledge. The two screamed and backed away panting.

"Are you alright?" Mirabel asked (Y/n).

"Yes, yes I'm fine. Are you okay?"

Mirabel nodded.

"Uh...we should...probably head back." She muttered, still trying to calm her racing heart.

"Yeah." Mirabel agreed looking at the pieces in her bag.


The two exited Bruno's tower and tried to make their way to Mirabel's room, but they bumped into Abuela.

"Where are you two coming from in such a hurry?" She asked.

"Oh, we're sorry, we were..."

"What is in your hair?"

Before Mirabel could respond, Luisa came running upstairs.

"My Gift! I'm losing my Gift!" She sobbed.

"What?" Abuela asked in shock.

"Mirabel and I were having this little talk about me carrying too much. So, I tried not to carry too much, but I realized it was putting me behind. And I knew I was gonna let everyone down. And I felt really bad, so I was grabbing all the donkeys, but then when I went to throw the donkeys in the barn, they were...heavy!" She cried, before running off, sobbing.

"What did you do? What did you say to her?" Abuela accused.

"Nothing. I...I don't..."

"Mirabel." Abuela scolded. Before she checked her pocket watch. "I have to go get the Guzmáns for Isaiah's proposal. Stay away from Luisa until I can talk to her. Tonight, we can't have anymore problems. And whatever you're doing, stop doing it." She commanded, before waking off.

Mirabel looked at (Y/n) who shrugged in confusion. She looked down at her bag that held the pieces in it with determination.

"Come on." She gestured for (Y/n) to follow her to her room.


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