《Muddy Green Waters || Draco Malfoy》11 - Wicked Game


What a wicked game you played to make me feel this way

What a wicked thing to do to make me dream of you

Draco Malfoy watched the retreating figure disappear out of sight and he felt something stir in the pit of his stomach.

"That was too funny!" Pansy shrieked in his ear making him wince. "Did you see her face when you sent her sprawling to the ground like the filth that she is?!"

Draco forced a smirk that he hoped would appease Pansy, but the truth was he didn't feel as elated by it as Pansy did. It hadn't been his intention to push Rosie over like that, but there had been a feeling there that had frightened him when he got that close to her. He tried to push it away.

It was Pansy's idea to humiliate Rosie. She had had it planned for a long while. Draco had been surprised when she had started to play nice with the Mudblood. It had irked him even; he had got so used to ignoring Rosie's presence in the Slytherin House that it was as if she didn't even exist to him. And then Pansy had to start drawing attention to the Slytherin imposter by parading her about as if she was her best friend.

But it had all been a game to Pansy of course. Draco soon realised that when Pansy shared with him her idea of giving her the ultimate humiliation; revenge for daring to try and be a Slytherin. Draco just wanted it to be done as soon as possible so that he could go back to denying her existence.

So he had agreed to this ludicrous plan of seducing her and then knocking her back at the last minute in front of the whole of Slytherin.


When he had first seen Rosie earlier that night on the dance floor standing by the buffet table, he couldn't believe it was her. She looked so different. The dress she was wearing showed off so much of her skin and he had had to look away because after all, he was a fifteen year old male. But he didn't want to look at a Mudblood in that way. It wasn't right. It wasn't normal.

And then later, when she was dancing with Pansy, there was no way he could take his eyes off of her. She was hypnotic in the way she moved, and the way she laughed was mesmerising. This part of the plan wasn't difficult for him, although it took him everything not to go up to her too soon.

Once Pansy had given him the nod, he got up and made his way towards Rosie. She looked serene as she danced with her eyes closed, her body moving fluidly to the music. Her eyes had sprung open as if she had sensed his penetrating glare, and she stopped moving as she watched him approach.

He could feel his heart beating in his chest as got closer to her, never breaking eye contact. She looked like a deer caught in headlights as she stood frozen, her blue eyes wide and almost fearful.

He kept staring into her eyes as he placed his hands on her hips, coaxing her to move with him to the music. He dared edge his body closer to hers, feeling the heat and short ragged breaths between them. He was so close he could smell the shampoo in her hair and see the sweat glistening on her skin.

Although he would never admit it out loud, Draco felt almost disappointed when the song had drawn to a close and he realised it was time to go in for the kill.

Cupping her sweet dimpled chin, he looked down at her pink luscious lips, lowered his face closer, inch by inch, barely daring to breath. He had to stop himself from attacking her lips with his mouth as the desire almost overpowered him. Using everything inside of him to take control, he moved his lips to her ear and whispered the words that would break the spell.


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