《Muddy Green Waters || Draco Malfoy》10 - Humiliation


Christmas was almost approaching and the mood in the air was full of excitement as decorations went up and plans were excitedly discussed.

"We've got to go shopping!" Pansy squealed as she threw herself on to my bed.

"Why? What for?" I asked wondering what had got her so eager as I brushed my hair.

"We're having a Slytherin Christmas party on the last night before the holidays and it's a chance to show off our great bodies." Pansy wriggled her eyebrows up at me and I giggled.

Pansy insisted on choosing the outfits for me to try on, all of which were a bit on the wild side for me but I was having such fun modelling them in the shop changing rooms that I decided to just go with it.

"Work it girl! You look gorgeous!" Pansy wolf whistled as I came out wearing a rather short strapless black tube dress with silver detail down the side. I pulled at it self consciously feeling like I was wearing just a small towel wrapped around me.

"I don't know, it's a bit much just for a common room party." I said looking at myself in the full length mirror. Although I didn't say it out loud, I secretly thought it showed off my figure quite nicely.

"Nonsense - it's Christmas! Everyone dresses up for Christmas!" Pansy clapped her hands together and, eventually deciding on that dress, I left the shop with my purse lighter and my bag heavier.


The final week of school went by achingly slowly. The Slytherins were very excited about the Christmas party and there was talk of a DJ, dance floor and Firewhisky.

"And Snape is ok with all of this?" I questioned as Daphne brought me up to speed. "Oh sure yeah, Snape is cool and he always turns a blind eye to us Slytherins. You know - as long as we are not killing anyone!" She giggled excitedly.

I noticed Pansy whispering furtively in Draco's ear a lot over the final week, I wondered what it was she was badgering him about but I never asked. I always felt uncomfortable bringing him up in our conversations.

Finally, the night of the party arrived and Pansy, Daphne, Tracey and I were getting ready in our dormitory. Pansy insisted on doing my hair and make up and, I must admit, she did a gorgeous job. I admired my blue eyes shining out from behind my thick black lashes, my cheek bones enhanced with a subtle blush and my lips puckered with a shiny pink gloss. And my hair which had always just sat limp down my back now had waves which showed up my usually hidden natural highlights and fell thickly over my shoulders.


"Wow." Tracey simply said.

"You'll knock em dead!" Squealed Daphne.

"Come on babe, let's go party!" And Pansy led the way out of of our dormitory and into the common room.

It didn't even occur to me why they were especially so keen and excited for me.


The Slytherin Common Room had been transformed. The table and chairs had all been moved to the sides, except for the sofas which remained by the still-lit fire, a large dance floor filled the centre with coloured lights strobing and rotating across it, on the edge was a DJ box and a long buffet table had been placed right at the back of the room filled with all sorts of food, Butterbeers and, sure enough; Firewhisky.

"Awesome!" Pansy cried and strolled over to the sofa where Draco Malfoy was lounging looking unfazed by his surroundings. He was wearing a black suit with a white shirt. I stood awkwardly by the buffet table as I watched Pansy whisper something in Draco's ear and then felt horror struck as he turned his head and looked straight at me, his grey eyes piercing into mine. A scowl on his face, he instantly turned back to Pansy who then looked over to me, smiled and waved. I wondered what on Earth was going on and what she had said to him to make him look over.

"Firewhisky?" My attention was drawn as Daphne offered me a paper cup which contained brown liquid at the bottom.

"Th-thanks." I accepted it hesitantly, took a sniff and then shrugged my shoulders and knocked it back.

I nearly spat it all back out. Daphne patted my back as I coughed and spluttered it down.

"Good stuff isn't it - first time?" She laughed as I barely made a nod through my wincing.

As the evening wore on, more people were braving the dance floor and the atmosphere got hot and sweaty as people drank and loosened up.

Daphne, Pansy and I were dancing together and I felt wild and free after a few more Firewhiskys. Sexy dance music pumped into the night and I laughed as I rocked my hips alongside Pansy, my hair falling over my sweaty heaving chest as I twirled around giggling uncontrollably. I had never had as much fun as I had in this moment.


Pansy sidled up to me and brought her lips to my ear, "Draco can't take his eyes off of you." She giggled and pulled away, her eyes gleaming in delight.

Confused, I looked towards the sofa and there he was, Draco Malfoy, leant forward with his elbows on his knees, his chin resting on his hands and his eyes directly on me. He didn't look away when my eyes connected with his. Instead his lip curled into a smirk and my stomach clenched as my heart suddenly started racing. Why is he staring at me? Why is it making me feel like this? My head was fuzzy and I couldn't work it out. I broke free of his hypnotic stare, turning back to Pansy who was still grinning knowingly at me. I couldn't understand why she wasn't pissed off.

I carried on dancing, trying to ignore what had just happened and hoping my heartbeat would return to a normal pace. However, every now and then I would glance back at the sofa and he would still be there, staring right at me, almost hungrily, and my heart would start racing again.

I closed my eyes, trying not to think about his staring, and lost myself to the music as I swayed my body to the rhythm. When I opened them again I gasped. Draco was no longer sitting on the sofa, but instead, on his feet, crossing the dance floor slowly, his jacket removed, sleeves rolled up and his top buttons undone. His eyes bore into mine as he headed directly towards me. He was like a predator walking towards his prey.

When he reached me he said nothing. Never taking his eyes off of mine, he grabbed my hips and started dancing, pushing his body close to mine. I was too shocked to object and found myself continuing to move with him to the music, utterly hypnotised by his intense grey eyes. I could feel the heat radiating between us, slick sweat gliding down my skin as our short breaths grew ragged. He was so close that I could feel his hot breath on my skin and I thought I would die with the sudden wave of longing that bolted through me.

As the song started drawing to a close, he leaned closer and closer into me, his hands still on my hips. My heart was beating so hard and fast, I thought it would explode out of my chest. My eyes darted to his soft, pink lips, which were parted ever so slightly and I felt a strong yearning desire to kiss them. His face leaned down closer to mine, his breath now tickling my lips. I could barely breathe. His right hand left my hip as his fingers cupped my chin. I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the touch of his lips upon mine.

But instead, his lips went to my ear and as the song came to an end, he whispered harshly and with such venom, "As if I'd ever touch a filthy Mudblood like you!" And with the nastiest sneer, he pushed me away so violently that I fell clumsily backwards on to my backside on the dance floor. With a last look of complete disgust, Draco turned on his heel and sauntered back to the sofa where I noticed with such dismay that Pansy, Daphne and Tracey were laughing their heads off, pointing at me.

The humiliation was too much. I could feel hot wet tears already sliding furiously down my cheeks as I scrambled back up to my feet. I looked around me and I could see every one of the Slytherins staring at me like I was some kind of freak.

I turned and ran to my dormitory without looking back, sobbing and feeling broken, like the stupidest fool ever.


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