《Texts | Justin》Wtf


I'm all alone at home sitting in my room on my computer. Charlotte left earlier and I haven't had a bit of me time this few weeks so why can't I now, Justin is supposed to come soon so I need some time before he comes.

I go on Twitter and see I have more than 100k notifications?????? How? I dunno.

I see I've gained 65 thousand followers

I now have 100k followers and I also see I've got some mentions,

As I was about to read them my doorbell reads, I groan and take my phone going on to Twitter.

I open the door still with my eyes on the phone

"Hey holly." Justin says kissing my cheek then entering my house to the kitchen. I follow him and sit on the island.

I look up and see Justin holding a box. I look at the sign on the box and it was a sushi bar takeaway. I see he changed into a black plain shirt with a black cap and black ripped jeans.

"Hey J" I say putting my phone down

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, how was tour rehearsals."

He shrugged then he opened the box and peeks in the box

"Look I brought sushi."

"Oh yum," I said snatching a pair of chop sticks "come let's sit at my backyard." I randomly say

He laughs and nods.

I open my sliding door to my backyard and I go outside and sit on the table and chairs on the veranda, he follows me and sits next to me then he opens the box then we start eating

"Why're you wearing a cap at night?" I laugh

He shrugs "my hair was not in the best condition."

I laugh then take his cap off his head


"Ay, give it back" he says reaching for it.

Before he snatches it I wear it but backwards

"Hey yo I'm Justin Bieber, swaj" I play along and do that praying stance with the squinted eyes Justin always used to do.

"It's actually swag."

"Whatever." I say eating some sushi

"Can I have my cap back now." He asks

I hold the cap onto my head and frown, "no, you don't even have hair."

"I do." He disagrees

"Well you have a buzz cut"

He groans

"Don't worry its buzz cut season anyway," I say finishing my sushi then I just give it back to him

"Do you know proms on Friday,"

"Oh good luck, who's your date again?"

"Actually I don't think I'm going."


"My date got back together with his ex girlfriend so what's the point."

"Don't let one silly boy ruin your special day."

I look at him confusingly and shrug

"You know I've never been to your house." I say changing the subject

"I don't know why" he says turning around to look at my backyard

"Me neither." I laugh

He just smiles and looks at me and I smile back but suddenly the door bell rang

I give him an apologetic look and he shrugs and follows me to the door

I slightly open the door to see Charlotte

"Charlotte what are doing here?"

"Um because?"

"I'm kind of busy right now so just come back later."

"Why? What's keeping you busy?"

"Um I, am naked, yeah I was taking a bath." I lie and Justin just keeps in his laughter

"Okay then, I'll just see you before school? " she asks

"Yeah we could go together."


"Okay, damn holly you made me walk like 50m, agh goodnight"

"Goodnight." I say shutting my door and taking a deep breath

Justin bursts into laughter and I just laugh quietly rolling my eyes.

After that my phone makes the notification sound multiple of times and I think, social media

"Who's that?"

"No one." I say muting my phone

"Sounds like a group chat." He says sitting on my couch in my tv room taking out his phone.

I ignore him sitting next to him and see he's on snapchat checking some filters

I go on my phone and see I got a message from Mac


Yes i know you back together with Chloe

Now fuck off

Listen you asshole find someone else to screw, not me

I don't care

I don't do fuckboys

Don't tell me how to live my life

I'll talk to you at school Mac


I just lock my phone and throw it across to the other couch. Justin gives me an odd look.

"I have so many things in my brain, gosh first,,out of the bloom I get 65 k more followers on Twitter and like 180k on Instagram because I've been seen around with you and now people found out my social media and my everything, now Mac is fucking texting me saying that he still wants to go to prom with me and apparently he likes me, but I don't like him, now your here and your leaving me for like fucking months and you made me have feelings for you but I don't even know if like me which make life so hard!" I say in one breath, pulling my hair

Justin just looks at me, I don't know what look he had in his face but it had more than one meaning.

"Holly May," he starts "I-"

"Just forget it, I have school tomorrow I think it's time for you to leave"


"Just please I'm getting really tired." I say pulling him up

He sighs and frowns then heads for the door. I open the door for him and he just stands there looking at me

"I'll see you around." I whisper

He just sighs and just walks out. I shut the door and take a deep breath. What am I doing with my life? I feel like Justin is not the only bipolar person.

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