《Texts | Justin》Boys&boys


Later today Charlotte came over to my house to chill. She first wanted me to tell her about Charlie but there wasn't really that much to tell. I mean we had like one conversation.

"Okay enough about Charlie now." I sigh

Charlotte rolls her eyes and sits up changing the channel

"Yeah tell me about Justin." She says and rests her chin on her hands looking straight at the tv.

I look at the tv and see Rob & Chyna playing. I hold my breath thinking how I'm going to explain what happened to her.

"Well," I nervously laugh "we kissed." I rushed looking at the tv.

She freezes then looks at me. "You what?!"

"I don't want to say it again!!" I say burying my face into my hands.

"You kissed Justin?!"

I nod looking anywhere but her.

"Holly, tell me everything "

"There isn't that much to tell, when you didn't want to pick me up from Malibu, I went back to the beach house and like he was the only one there, and he kinda told me he liked me.....then he kissed me."

"But you've met the guy like once!!"

"Actually twice." I confessed


"We talk everyday, so we basically know each other." I say

"Are you guys together now?"

"What no, we're just friends."

"I know you like him Holly"

"Yeah as a celebrity crush du-"

"Not like that, come on, I'm your best friend I can see."

"How can you see?" I question

"Because your blushing." She smiles

"Agh man." I say covering my cheeks


"Stop I seriously said to him it's too fast like I've met him a few times and i don't know why he likes me because I know he probably doesn't consider me as girl friend material."


"Well then why are you wearing his sweater?" She pointed out

"I had no clothes." I laugh

"Whatever, just let me know when you guys are together."

"I won't be telling you that because it's never going to happen, he's leaving for tour next week anyways."

"Oh yeah, I'm so excited."

I give her a confused look and frown.

"Oh it's just that remember that our parents are going to London for that business trip, I'm going with them so I can see Justin on tour."

"Since when did you start liking Justin Bieber?"

"Since I heard the song baby." She says giving me a duh look

"Sure." I say sarcastically

"Why don't you go with your parents, and then we could all go together."

"Well they're still in Puerto Rico so I'll ask them when they get back."

"Okay cool, Anyways are you still going to prom?"

"Psh, no" I say leaning back on the couch

"Mac is just a dumb ass bitch."

"Tell me something I don't know." I joke

"Oh there's this new hot guy at school."

"Mm, what's his name."

"Dylan Jordan." She gazed

"Is he that hot you have to drool?" I ask laughing

"Whatever but just ask him before he gets asked by someone else."

"Who is that someone else"

"Duhhh me."

"Remember what my mom used to say to us?"


"The seven b's"

We laugh together and say the seven b's together

"Books before boys because boys bring babies."

"I don't agree with it though" Charlotte says shrugging carrying on watching tv.

I roll my eyes and my phone vibrates

"I need the toilet" Charlotte says jumping out of her seating and running to the bathroom


I check my phone.

Oh just a message from Bipolar Bieber


I miss me too

Lol I always do

Yeah *sigh*

Aw das so sweet

Lol did you ...let me guess

Enable your Instagram

Then what is it


It's more of a suprise for you

Well it's not a suprise anymore since you told me your coming

See you later alligator


I lock my phone and carry on watching Rob & Chyna. A few seconds later Charlotte comes back

"You have to come to school tomorrow."

"Well yeah, I kind of have to so." I shrug

She laughs and we carry on watching tv. No matter how boring it sounds, I love to be back watching E! With Char, she loves it and she judges everyone. It is hilarious. But I still kept thinking about Justin and I. If we actually go a step ahead, and things get ruined, will we actually ever be the same again, do I want to be with him, does he want to be with me, agh man life is fucked up.

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