《Texts | Justin》LA


Right now we are finally going back LA. Sofia left about an hour ago to catch her flight so it's just Maejor, Mikey, Justin, the driver, Todd and I. We in the car and we just left. Can't wait to see Charlotte. I'm sitting in the middle and Todd is sitting on me. I can't stop touching him because he's soooo fluffy omg.

"Did you like it here?" Maejor asks

"Yeah it was so much fun." I reply and Justin takes Todd and puts him on his lap. I look at him and pout, he just shrugs and starts playing with the dog. He was treating Todd like a baby which was so cute so I unlock phone take a snapchat video and put it up my story.

Aw I'm gonna miss em'. I'm not going to see Justin for a while since he's going on tour.



We finally in LA after a long drive and we are now entering Calabasas to drop me off. Todd is fast asleep on Justin's lap and Justin and I are having a normal conversation and well Maejor, fell asleep. We finally arrived at my house and sigh feeling glad I'm home. Justin has been so kind to actually invite me on this trip to Malibu.

"Thank you so much." I say to the driver

He smiles and nods and I also say goodbye to Mikey and he waves bye.

"I better get out the car." I say to Justin so he can let me out.

"Oh right, Maejor you fag wake up!!" Justin says to maejor

Maejor wakes up immediately and groans "shaking me to wake up would be better" he says

"Just hold Todd for me while I walk Holly out." He says putting Todd on Maejors lap


"Oh are we in LA? Bye Holly, nice meeting you." He says

"See ya soon, Maej"

And then Justin opens the car door and hops out and I do too.

He says he's gonna walk me up to my front door and I agreed because I didn't mind.

I open the front door and face Justin.

"Thanks so much for the trip Justin, really" I say to him

"It's no biggy." He says and I look on down the floor and I realized I'm still wearing his sweater

"Oh your sweater." I say about to take it off

"You can keep it really." He says stopping me

I thank him and smile and bearing the awkward silence for a second

"Good luck for tour next week." I say to him

He sighs, "yeah thanks, I actually have rehearsals now so,"

"I'm sure you'll do great." I compliment

"Thanks, so I'll see you around?"

"Yeah, I'll text you later."


I hug him tight around his neck and he puts his hands around my waist.

I've known Justin for nearly 3 months and I can't believe how close we are now.

He pulls away from the hug and our faces are an inch away from each other.

I can't help myself but lean in to kiss him. He looked so kissable, if that's even possible. He kisses me back passionately and pulls me closer into him. I didn't want this to end up being a make out session, so a few seconds later I pull away and put my head on his neck.

"I'll see you around Holls." He says to me still a little breathless

I stand back and nod ready to close the door. He walks back to the car, and before he gets in he blows a kiss and I laugh waving goodbye. Then the car drives off and I shut my door and take a deep breath, glad I'm home and I smile thinking about Justin.

Omg Charlotte..

I need to talk to her, it's so easy to go to her house because she's my neighbor, so let me take a shower then I'll call her telling her that I'm coming over.

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