《Texts | Justin》Starbucks


Yup it's just coffee I mean come on



Today we leaving for LA again but Sofia's got an earlier flight to New York so she's taking another car to go to LAX. Model life. She asked me to come to Starbucks with her so we can get to know each other more before she leaves. Also since I didn't have any extra clothes, Justin gave me his purpose tour sweater and I put on my jeans that I was wearing earlier and my white Adidas.

I look at the time and see its 10:30 and we were leaving at about 12:30.

We were now next in line.

I feel so uncomfortable here because quite a few people are staring at Sofia and I. I mean I got spotted with Justin maybe once or twice, doesn't mean I'm famous.

"Hey girls, can I get your orders?" The waiter says. I look at his name tag and see his name is Will.

"Hi Will, could I get a chocolate frapachino ." Sofia orders then looks at me

"Sure, and you." He asks me

"Can I just have an iced coffee please."

"Okay. Should I write your name on your orders."

We nod

"Okay your names?"

"I'm Sofia and she's May." She says pointing at me when she says my name

He nods writing it down

"Actually my name is Ho-" I say but she cuts me off

"Thanks Will."

"No problem. You guys can sit down and we'll give them to you" He says and Sofia thanks him as she drags me to a hidden place, probably so that we can't be seen by a lot of people.

I sit down opposite her and she sits and sighs.

She knows how much I hate being called May, why would she.


Okay okay, maybe it's just a name so I don't care..

I mean I can't get her name right sometimes either so..

"So when are you graduating?" She asks resting her hand on her chin

"Next month."

"Oh, that's exciting."

"I know, I can't wait."

"And what university?"

"I don't know yet but it's either UCLA or UNY and if not those ill just have a gap year."

She nods going on her phone totally over this conversation I text Justin


She doesn't like me

She's on her phone not talking to me

And she told the waiter that my name was May

And you know I don't like being called May



But she's a model

But that chin oh gawd it needs to be botched I'm sorry

Not sorry

I said I'm sorry

But it's not my fault that you don't want to be with her

I've said this before

Sarcasm doesn't work on text messages

Ew no

Was better when you called me May

"Texting Justin?" Sofia asks

Agh not again

I just shrug, "just replied to an old message."

"I'm sure." She says sarcastically looking back on her phone

I give a wtf look and mouth what she said to me. Then my phone vibrates


It's Holly-May

And i don't like it because it was my identical twin sisters name

But she died when she was 7 because of a heart failure

But before she died my name was just Holly Hamilton......

It's alright I'll talk to you later


"Hey girls, here are your orders." The waiter said giving us our drinks.

"Thanks Will" I say standing us locking my phone.

"No problem."

Sofia stands up ready to leave and I wait for her so we could leave together. I look at my cup and it was written 'May' in cursive. I shrug then take a sip of my iced coffee

We head to the door and a see a few paparazzis waiting. I'm guessing for Sofia. She puts her sunglasses on as we exit the door, many questions were being asked and I just walked behind her to get some shield.

We finally get to the car and she sighs shaking her head. She puts her sunglasses off and we drive away back to the beach house. All I really want is to go back to LA.

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