《Texts | Justin》Feelings



So this is gonna be a long ass drive. Since I don't have my car here I think about taking an Uber, but I think again, an uber from Malibu to Los Angeles, do I have a money tree hanging out of my butt? Sadly no so, uber is out of this situation. I do the last thing I have on my mind, the last choice, ask Charlotte. So I call her.

She replies after 3 rings

"Heya Holls." She greeted

Please say yes Charlotte

"Hey Char."

"How's Mailbuuuuu! Omg is Justin with you and right now?"

"No just listen." I begin

"I'm all ears." She says

"Okay, so I kind of sorta, got into a fight with Justin on the phone and then I told him, I'm leaving, like going back to LA."

"Your point is?"

"Please come fetch me!" I beg her

"What the fuck noooo"

"Please Charlotte."

"Nooo I'm not fetching you when you have stupid explanation why."

"But we were texti-"

"For over a stupid fight on the phone Holly-May, you would have to go talk to him face to face."

"ugh but-"

"But what? Go talk to him now and if he's bitching call me and I'll maybe come and fetch you."

i sigh, " he's just being immature."

"Lol how?"

"Well he left to go play his music with some dj and then I go by the bar and start talking to Charlie-"

She gasps through the phone after hearing Charlie

"Charlie? Which Charlie, are talking about my Charlie." She rambles

I laugh and she screams

"What the hell Charlotte." I say after hearing her scream

"Holly-May Hamilton, how dare you meet him before me."

"Ew don't say my full full name." I groan

She laughs

"At least it's better than Charlotte Victoria Mair." I chuckle

"I doubt it."

"Whatever, I'm gonna go talk to Justin now."

"Okay, but last thing, did you really meet Charlie,"

"Yeah, I took a photo with him since I knew you wouldn't believe me."


"Lol yeah."

"And also when you didn't believe me when I told you I was texting Justin Bieber."

"Okay I get it-"

"Oh yeah when that time told you your sister looks like a hor-"

"Holly, go talk to the Biebz before he cries himself to sleep."

"I doubt it." I shrug

"Night may."

"Night Vic ."

I hang up. Well then. That call was not worth it

I walk back to the beach house and look under the mat to see if the keys are there where I put them. But they weren't there. Maybe they're back.

I open the door and the lights were on but the tv wasn't.

I look around for anyone but they weren't here.

I enter the tv room and stop seeing Justin petting Todd. Justin instantly looks up when I stopped walking and I freeze not knowing what to say to him.

"I thought you left." Justin said putting Todd down.

"Where is everyone?" I ask

"After party, decided to go back here and chill here for 3-4 hours until they come back."

I nod.

"I thought twice about what I said-" I say referring to the texts but he cuts me off

"Listen I'm sorry for being rude, it's just that..." He pauses heading closer to me and now standing face to face.

I say nothing so he could carry on talking.

"I don't know the guy, and seeing you with him close laughing, sharing what you guys have in common it just gives me this feeling." He says not really knowing how to explain it.

"You mean jealous?"

He sighs and messes his short hair up "yeah."

I pause and rethink what he said, "but why would you be jealous?"

He deeply sighs and looks up, we were still together and I smelt his cologne. Omf this is what one million dollars should smell like.

"God, I don't know," he pauses then looks into my eyes "it's just that idk you make me feel this type of way." He says


My heart skips a beat, is Justin telling me that he likes me?

"What way?" I ask but after that he grabs my shoulders and pulling me into him and he kisses me. It was a short 3 second kiss and I widen my eyes after that.

I stood there shocked and suprised. Did he like me? Is he just fucking with me? Did we just kiss?

I'm shocked that, it's felt so.......right?

Without thinking I pull him back to me and kiss him, he instantly kisses back. He has his arms on my waist and I have my arms around his neck not knowing what to do with them. Why does this feel so right??? When I used to date this guy Ashton. I guess I could say I kind of loved him but when we kissed it didn't feel this way.

Right now I had butterflies in my stomach.

Actually, scratch that...not even butterflies. I have a Fourth of July with butterflies and birds going on in my stomach.

He goes gentle rubbing circles on my hips and I'm just dumbfounded kissing back leaning against him so we could have no space between us. He sucks my bottom lips and bites it and I do the same.

After a few minutes my mind comes back. As much I don't want to pull away, I do. I open my eyes and take a few steps back from him. He just stands there like he wasn't finished kissing me. I just stand by the couch pressing my lips together and putting a finger by my lips not knowing what to say.

"Justin, we're best friends." I managed to say

"Fuuuuuck, holly may the things you do to me."

"What did I-"

"Can't you see? I don't want to be just friends! Holly you're beautiful inside out and the way you get me is just magical. I want to keep someone like you in my life"

I stand there in shock, i never thought the feeling was mutual, well mine was a crush on him but like omg. No way

"Justin," I sigh "I like you, but it's too fast. We met like a month ago. And fuck I forgot Sofia, okay she's not really your girlfriend I know but I don't want you to think of me like her, girlfriend but not a girlfriend. You're kind and loving, sometimes mean but let's just see where we go, we'll start in LA."

He nods and takes a deep breath stepping closer to me.

I just give him a hug and he hugs back kissing my forehead. I smile

"Can we watch a movie?"Justin asks

"Okay but can I borrow some of your clothes. I'm uncomfortable." I pout

He winks and runs to the bedroom to take some extra clothes. Seconds past and he runs back with a white over sized shirt with an over sized pink sweater.

"Omg loooovvve." I say referring to the pink sweater

I head to the bathroom and get undressed. I take everything off except my underwear. Yup I even took off my bra cause it's uncomfortable. And I wear Justin's clothes. Then I put my hair in a messy bun

I come back a few minutes later and he has everything set, some blankets curtains closed and he's just finished making the microwave popcorn.

"You look great in my stuff." Justin winks eating some popcorn

"I try," I sass "now come on let's watch this movie." I say sitting on the couch, covering myself with the big blanket.

He sits next to me with the popcorn bowl and wraps the blanket around him also.

"Let's watch a horror movie!" I suggest

"Yes!"he agrees

"I'm choosing which one though." I tell him

"Yeah of course." He says giving me a loving smile

"I feel like watching Evil dead."

"Okay evil dead it is." He says searching evil dead and putting it on.

Before the movie starts I get a message from Charlotte and Charlie.

Yeah thanks and stop trying to be Nicki bitch ur white


funny one 😂😂 anyways you, me in LA - must happen


Shame.. Good luck Charlie!

goodnight :)


Justin gives me a fright by jumping and spilling the popcorn, I guess I got distracted while the movie was on. Justin clings on me using me for protection if the scary parts come on. To be honest this movie is actually kinda scary....


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