《Texts | Justin》Chemistry



Today is Wednesday and its 2 more days till prom. I actually got up today to go to school. Charlotte and I are going to school together and I'm not in the mood, Justin hasn't texted since last night which is odd, he always texts me goodnight and have fun at school but no he didn't, I sent him a good morning this morning but he didn't reply. Yeezus. And he's leaving on Saturday, I don't want him to leave when we in bad terms.

Charlotte and I arrive to school. I look ahead taking a deep breath finishing my coffee.

"Le' go" Charlotte says hopping out the car

I shrug and I hop out too. We enter school together and I instantly feel all eyes on me. I ignore them I go to my locker. My first lesson is Chemistry so I take out my chemistry stuff then go with Charlotte to her locker.

"Have you got everything for prom?" Charlotte asked

"Well I still need to get shoes and shit but yeah, I'm sure. And I think my parents are coming back from Puerto Rico today." I say checking the date.

"That's exciting," charlotte says shutting her locker "my parents got back yesterday"

"Coo cool." I say looking around then seeing people are still looking at me "why is everyone staring." I say getting kind of nervous

"They probs know." Charlotte says

"About Justin?" I ask

"Uh huh." She nods

I sigh thinking about how Justin is still ignoring me so I try send him a message


Are you there


Why aren't you answering

Please reply

I'm sorry



Why aren't you answering my messages

Don't call me your cousin

You being so rude



Yes, I'm very sure

No it wasn't ew

I don't get emotional when I'm on that day

But ew let's stop talking about that

Nah, I thought it wouldn't matter

I was scared...

Because I thought it was too fast

Well I know that now

I'm at school I'll talk to you later


"Lemme guess you texting bae? Charlotte asks

I shrug and put my phone away, we enter the bathroom and see the group of girls I didn't want to see today.

I look at them and roll my eyes then we go to the mirror to check ourselves

"Look who decided to show up at school." Some one says, I didn't they weren't talking to me so I look around and look at the person who was talking, agh it's just frances

"You talkin to me?" I look around and point to myself seeing if she's talking to me

"Who else would she be talking to?' Chloe butts in, with her eyes still on her phone

"Haha oh, well I was busy" I say about why I was absent on those two days

"Busy with Justin? Lol side hoes." Chloe says

Bitch don't start.

"Yeah actually she was, they're great friends but at least he knows we exist." Charlotte says to her

"Sorry I don't know what you do because I don't stalk your life like you do to me." I say to her. I just makes me so mad when people say that about me. I'm not his side hoe, well that's what I think I'm not, I'm just a friend to him, and that's all they need to know

They scoff and Charlotte and I just exit the bathroom to go to our next class

Unfortunately we have to go past the boys, which is Mac. Agh I hate most people at my school. Well some


"Oh no," Charlotte says when she spots the boys by their lockers by our classroom "agh why by the classroom" she groans

I shrug and when we got closer they spot us and they head to us.

"Well well well," Wil says. Wil is like the best soccer player, well he's also a player.

he's the best jock, he can basically play any sport but soccer is his no.1, he's sometimes nice and shy and also super cute but nu uh, he's kind of not my type

"Please don't start," I say

He just laughs and rolls his eyes, I ignore everyone and get into my class until Mac calls me

"Hey holly!" He calls

"Mmhm" I say not in the mood

"A word?"

I sigh and go to him. We go somewhere alone

"You have thirty seconds." I say looking at my watch

"I'm sorry I fucked but please can you come to prom with me?"

"Why should I"

"Because I really want to go with you."

"Doesn't Chloe want to?"

"No please,"

"I'll go to prom with you." I sigh

He takes a deep breath of relieve

"But after you will leave me alone." I say but before he could reply I walk away to find Charlotte talking to Gary

But being blind like I normally am I bump into someone

"Sorry" the person says

"Chilled" I say and I look at the person, um I've never seen him before but he's good looking, score

He just stands there awkwardly not knowing what to say

"I'm holly-may" I greet

"Oh hi, I'm Dylan." He says smiling

"Oh? You're the new kid?" I ask

"Ha, yeah, nice to meet you"

"You too." I smile "see you around."

He nods and I walk away. What was I supposed to do again, oh yeah Charlotte

I see her talking to Gary, those two I just don't get.

"Hey char, hey Gaz"

Gary winks at me and I smile, he's so nice

"Let's go." I whisper Charlotte

"Right" she says

"See you later" she says to Gary

"Alright bye" he says to Charlotte and we walk off to our next class.

I'm doing an experiment with my partner Gabby, something about the periodic table idk but we are half way done

"Wait so you add the green one with the blue?" I ask her

"Yeah but don't forget to put your goggles on just incase it doesn't work."

"What is this anyways," I say to her

"Who knows." she says shrugging

"Wait where is the magnesium?" She asks

I take the solid magnesium and hold it up

"Just don't mix it with any of those liquids."


Just before I was about to mix the liquids my phone gets a text notification

"Can you mix 'em?" I ask

"Okay" she says and i take out my phone unlocking it

It was an odd message from Justin


Wrong person?

Or was it promo, I mean you don't need it that song was soooo 2009

I always do

Lol whatchu want

Well I'm in chemistry


Aw I miss you too ugly

I'm kidding

Stop you know your hot


You said gf

Ummmm yes you did lol

I'm your gf now?

Oh I'm sure

I thought you didn't need promo

I bet

I know that

That's my thing

Shut up

That's my thing!!!!!!!!!!

Oh I'm texting it

Bye Bieber

Lol okay


That was so long to write my gawd

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