《Slenderman X Female reader》14


(Y/n) POV

It's now currently 6:30 in the afternoon, and I'm almost done with my painting. As i put on the final touches i heard a knock on the door followed by "My I come in?". Quickly i place the painting in the bathroom before replying with a small 'yes'. The door opens to reveal no other then Slenderman. He took a 'glance' around the room after taking a few steps inside. "Sorry if I'm being a bother, but Brian and EJ are grabbing Chinese food. I was wandering what you would like." His words caused me to smile. I really am falling for this faceless man.

"Thanks, and your no bother." I swear I saw his 'face' go a light pink. 'He sooooo cute... well shit I really do like him'. Refocusing on our conversation I proceed to ask for some (f/c/f - favorite Chinese food). He nodded before taking his leave. Once he was gone I grabbed my painting, and put on the finishing touches. "Perfect!" Stepping back to admire my work I got the feeling that I'm forgetting about something. Something important....

Slenderman's POV

I exited her room, and felt heat in my cheeks. I know its an invasion of privacy, but I just cant help but read her mind. She thought i was 'cute' for Zalgo's sake. Someone as beautiful as her has feelings for something like me. This is just.. exquisite. I knew that i would find a mate someday. Who would of thought she would end up being so perfect.

Once I gave Brian, and EJ the paper containing everyone's orders I went back to my office. Siting down to start to go through some paper work. The sooner this is all done the sooner I can spend time with my presence (y/n).


"*knock knock* sir the foods here." Tim said through the door. Dismissing him I went down stairs to gather both mine, and (y/n)'s food. I figured the two of us could eat together considering that's what mates usually do.

(Y/n) POV

After I finished the painting I looked around, and found some extra wrapping paper. (From when Slender was wrapping the gifts) Quickly I carefully wrapped the painting. When that was all done I decided to read one of the meany books that Slender has given me.

"*Knock knock* dinners here." I heard Slender say through the door. Like earlier I told him to come in, but instead of placing the wrapped painting in the bathroom I simply tucked it between my chair and the wall. He walked into the room which instantly smelled like Chinese food. Once he sat the food on the table he looked at me, before asking "if it's no trouble should you mind if I ate with you this evening?". I of course said 'not at all'. He sat down, and we began out meal in a comfortable silence . After we were done eating however the atmosphere became a bit more awkward silence. Once a few minutes passed I decided that I'd give him the present. "Umm hey Slender?" He hummed showing that he was listening. "I have something for you." Grabbing the warped painting I stood up, and walked over towards him.

"I umm I know it's not much, but thanks for everything." Handing him the gift I smiled nervously. He looked puzzled for a moment, but then nodded his head. "Thanks? For what?" He asked which only made my pink face go a deep shade of red. "Well... you saved me. You stoped me from my parents, and even myself." Now it was his turn to go full red only it was far more noticeable. Slowly he began to unwrap the painting. Once it was unwrap he stoped, and just 'stared' at it. (This is the painting 👇)


'I knew it. He hates it. Damn it brain why did you give me such a dumb idea?' I thought until I heard someone clear there throat. "It wasn't a dumb idea, and I don't hate it. It's amazing. When did you do this?" I looked up to see Slender 'looking' at me. Gathering what little courage I have I spoke up yet again. "I umm well I did it through out the day." I mumble out. "But today was supposed to let you relax." He said with slight concern in his voice. I only smiled at him. "Of course it was relaxing. I just wanted to paint something is all." Looking at the ground I went to sit down, but felt something rest on my shoulder. I looked up only to see Slender with... a mouth? His 'face' was still nonexistent, but now he had a long mouth with sharp teeth. (Kinda like this 👇)

He then leaned down, and interlocked our lips. Instantly I tensed up, and felt heat go to my face. Slowly I closed my eyes, and started to kiss back. The kiss was soft, and gentle. After a minute or so we separated. Watching him as his mouth sort of morphed back into is nonexistent state. His hands now rested on my hips, and his forehead resting on mine. "Would you care to watch a movie with me?" I nodded, as we then headed to our room to watch a movie. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure this is an extremely good sign.


Okay so unfortunately a hell like place known as school has started once again. Meaning it will yet again be a bit before I update. Sorry for the change in writing, and how the chapters seem to be getting shittier and shittier. Oh also I'm thinking about starting a new one soon (Sense this will only be like 5 to 7 more chapters) so any suggestion will be awesome. That is if your the like 2% that will actually read this part. Thanks!

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