《Slenderman X Female reader》13


Slenderman's POV

I woke up to a ray of sunlight hitting my "face" through the curtain. Feeling a weight on my chest I looked down to see (y/n) laying on me. Her face still tear stained from yesterday. Speaking of which I need to find a way to help her. The things she sees are undeniably accurate, and could be a vary helpful trait. However she is far to fragile for that at the moment. For now my top priority is helping her recover from the trauma she's endured. The last thing I want is her ending up like the pastas..... especially Jeff 😒.... (sorry had to)

I carefully moved her to the side, and got out of bed making sure not to wake her. Placing the blanket over her gently I grabbed some clothes, and went to my office to change. Putting on my usual suit I headed down stairs to prepare breakfast for her. Walking into the kitchen I saw Sally eating some waffles with Toby. Upon seeing me she got up, and ran over with her oh so adorable smile. "Daddy is Mommy up yet?" She asked while hugging my leg. It seems that both my girls have gotten rather fond of each other. I placed my hand on her head before speaking. "Sally (y/n) isn't feeling well at the moment so she's going to be staying in bed today okay?" Sally then gave me a worried look with teary eyes.

"Is Mommy going to be okay? She's not gonna die right! I don't want Mommy to die!" She then started to cry her eyes out. Mentally cursing myself I picked her up, and started to calm her down. "It's okay Sally. She's not gonna die. She's just not feeling the best is all." However my efforts don't seem to do much as she continues to cry like no tomorrow. Toby who was still siting there looked at me, and Sally then walked away. That little prick. I kept on rocking Sally in my arms, and tried reasoning with her again. "Sally you know (y/n) wouldn't die from a small cold right. Don't you remember when you got sick last year? You got sick, but your still here right? That means that (y/n) won't die either." Her crying seemed to calm down as she looked at me all teary eyed. "D-do you pr-promise Mommy will be okay?" I "smiled" gently at her before saying 'I promise', and setting her down. After she was all calmed down I preceded to make a delicious breakfast for my (y/n).


From what I've seen she prefers (f/b/p - favorite breakfast pastry), and likes her eggs (f/e - favorite egg). Along with these I made some bacon, coffee, and poured a glass of (f/j - favorite juice). I then arranged everything on a tray, and headed up to our room. Yes she needs to rest but she also needs to eat.

(Y/n) POV

I woke up to the sound of the door closing. Looking around I noticed that Slender was standing ne'er the door with a try of food. He walked over to me, and placed it on my lap. I gave him a slightly confused look wondering 'why the special treatment?' Then I remembered yesterday... how I told him about my past, and how much I cried. 'He probably feels bad about it' I thought as he began to speak.

"I figured you could use today to rest a bit. You can stay in here, and go to your room but I would like it if you stayed on this floor." Once he finished I nodded not really wanting to do much today anyway. "Well if you need anything I'll be in my office." He said before leaving the room. I looked down at the tray on my lap, and noticed all my favorite breakfast foods were there. Letting my lips curve into a small smile I began to eat. Once I was finished with the delicious food I placed the tray on the night stand. I then went off to shower in my room.

Time skip

Once I was out of the shower I put on a (f/c) sweater, black leggings, and a pair of (f/c) socks. After I was dressed I took out some of the art supplies Slender gave me. Everything is named brand stuff, and vary high quality. It makes me feel a bit bad. I mean I didn't do anything worth deserving all of this. Thinking on what to do far a while I finally decided to make a present for Slender. After all he's has soon so much for me, and I guess I do.. kinda... like him.


Taking out all the needed supplies I began working on his present. Carefully I painted the canvas making sure not to leave anything out. I wanted this to be perfect.

Time skip to lunch

"*Knock knock* (y/n) may I come in?" Slender called through the door. I began to panic slightly, because the painting is only half way done. Quickly I grabbing it, and running to the bathroom I tucked it behind the door. "*knock knock* (y/n) are you there?" I heard him call once more. Shutting the door I finally answered. "Yeah come on in." With that he enters the room with another try of food only this time it had my favorite lunch foods. He walked over, and placed it on the desk. 'Looking' at me he nodded before speaking up once more. "I know this isn't much but I do hope you find today relaxing." I swear I could see a hint of pink on his cheeks when he said it.

I shook my head, and started to converse with him. "Slender this is amazing. I mean you let me sleep in your bed, bout me new clothes and art supplies, and you even are bringing me food. This is way more than I could ever ask for, and for that I thank you." He leaned over planting a 'kiss' on my head causing my face to go bright red. "Anything for you love." He said before taking his leave.

'Well shit.... I think I might actually be falling for him...' I thought as I went to the bathroom to grab the half finished painting. This has to be perfect.


Sorry it's been so long. Life's been hectic but oh well. Also sorry this isn't the best I'll try to update soon bla bla you get it.

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