《Slenderman X Female reader》10


(Y/n) POV

I woke up once again to a shirtless Slender next to me, and just like last time my face went bright red. I'm just thankful he has pants on. I then carefully got out of bed so I wouldn't wake him up. Once up I grabbed my journal, and headed over to one of the chairs to sit down. It took me a moment to get comfortable I mean let's face it, it's hard to get comfortable sometimes. After I was happy with my declared spot I opened my journal, and started to write.

- I have a strange feeling that something happened last night. In my dream I saw two bodies laying on a concrete floor. The place resembled a basement, but there were chains, and weapons on the walls. When I finally got the courage to examine the body's I nearly threw up. There laying on the floor were my dead parents. My mother's eyes were missing, and my &withers skull was facing the wrong way. I then woke up terrified. I mean who dose that! Spence almost every dream I have actually happens at some point in time it worry's me. I know that they aren't the best people believe me I know, but I never wanted to be as bad as them. If that.... nightmare comes true then that will make me just as bad as them. I think it's time to go back home. I know I said I'll never go back, but if it means I could save them then I'll do it. -

I stopped writing when I heard Slender move around. I closed up my journal, and put it away thinking of how to tell him I want to go home. He's the only person that's shown something other than hate, and disgust towards me. When he finally sat up he 'smiled', and walked over to me embracing me in a hug. This like meany other small things made my face a cherry red. "Good morning love. I have a surprise for you this afternoon~" He seems to be in quite a good mood. (I personally don't understand morning people 😓) He went off to shower, and change. As he was showing I quickly changed into one of the other two outfits I had. I then started to draw in my journal. I ended up drawing a tree with a little girl swinging on it. After adding some details I felt an arm on my shoulder making my jump. I turned my head to see Slender standing behind me.


"You are quite talented" He said referring to my drawing. I just nodded shyly with a small 'thanks'. I'm not usually shy, but only one other person has ever seen my art. That person just happened to be an art teacher. I quickly put my journal away, and got up to head downstairs with Slender. Once we were downstairs Clockwork came up to me smiling... well she's always smiling. "Good morning" she greeted me. I smiled and said 'good morning', and then we just talked. She was saying how Toby was driving her up the wall, and this, and that. I couldn't help but chuckle when the twitch man himself walked in to you guessed it.. Annoy Clockwork by yelling about waffles in her face. She then started to chase him yelling threats every now and then.

After a few minutes of this Slender yelled "Food!" making everyone run of to the dining room.

Time skip to after a chaotic meal-

Slenderman's POV

After everyone finished eating I assigned LJ, and Hoodie to do the dishes. I then went up stairs to continue working on my sweet (y/n)'s surprise. So fare the closet has been organized thanks to Clockwork, and I set up some (f/c) recliners. I also have a (f/w) [favorite wood..... not that kind you sicko] desk, and book shelves. So far so good. I do need BP to get some art stuff for her though. I then began to decorate in a way I just know she will love.


Hey I actually updated when I said I was going to. Who knew?😁

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