《Slenderman X Female reader》9


Slenderman's POV

I sat in my office waiting for the boys to return with my victims. Clockwork has already come back with everything I ordered, and is currently beginning the set up of (y/n)'s rom. She will continue to sleep in the same room as me, but I have an office that I can go to in order to 'get away' when needed. Her room will be much like that only for her.

"*knock knock* sir they're back" Clockwork informed me. I 'smirked' at the thought of tearing those ungrateful bastards apart for all the pain they made my (y/n) feel. Standing up, and exiting my office I went to the basement were the pastas would 'play' with there victims. Only this time it's my turn to have fun. I entered the basement to see Masky, and Hoodie securing the chains on the older couple. Once they were finished I dismissed them, and locked the door to lessen the chance of an interruption. I then turned to face the people that dare make my precious (y/n) think so little of her life.

The man was around 6'1, with short (h/c) hair, and brown eyes. The woman on the other hand had dyed hair that had a horrific blotchy green/blue color to it. Her eyes were (e/c), and she was extremely short. Around 5'1 I'd say. They both looked at me with fear in there eye's. I walked towards the woman, and the man started to yell. "GET AWAY FROM HER!" I looked over to him, and spoke. "I'm afraid that you have no power in this situation. I shall kill her, and then kill you in the most agonizing way I can think of." I leaned in so that my face was right In front of his. "Why are you doing this to us?!" The woman spoke.


"I am doing this, because you have hurt someone dear to me. Not only did you harm her physically, but you have made her feel as if her life was not worth living." I said venom laced within my words. However these two idiots haven't gotten the idea yet. "Who?" The man once again spoke. I was now furious that they dare to act as if they have committed no crime.

I aloud my tendrils to come out and pieced the mans shoulder earning a scream of pain. "AHHH!" I lifted him using my tendril that was still I loved deep with In his bleeding flesh. Once he was face to face with me I spoke out in anger, and hate. "You undeserving unwanted pigs hurt your own offspring, and my love. (Y/n)!" There faces turned white when they herd the name pass my nonexistent mouth. I then dropped the man to the concrete floor with a rather satisfying *thud*. Turning to the woman I used two of my tendrils to firmly grip her arms. Lifting her up I began to pull on her arm's. She let out scream as I continued to pull on her arms. Once I herd the *snap* of her bones cracking I let out a dar k laugh that blended with her screams of agony. I brought another one of my tendrils up to her throat wrapping around her neck. Then I released her arms, and plunged the two tendrils into her eyes allowing her blood to flow down her front. "AAAGGGHHHHH!" She screamed as I tore her eyes out of her head. I tightened my grip on her throat, and lifted my hand bringing it back before plunging it beep into her chest again, and again. She screamed crying out for mercy, but she never gave (y/n) mercy. So I shall not show her suck kindness. With one final thrust I gripped her beating heart in my hand before tearing it out. I stood satisfied as her blood covered body went still.


Once she was still I turned to her weeping husband on the floor. Blood still slowly oozing blood. I gripped onto his throat with my tendril, and lifted him up once more. I then used two more of my tendrils to impale him through the sides of his lower abdomen. He let out a vary satisfying cry of agony that echoed off the sound proof walls. Tightening my grip on his throat pulling my tendrils out of his sides. Once they were removed blood gushed out of his body like a waterfall. I then placed my hand over his face that is twisted in pain. Then I leaned in a whispered to him. "You will forever burn in the deepest depths of hell." I then used my hand to twist his head 180 degrees before I let his body fall to the floor. Looking at my handy work I smirked at there mutilated body's. I then unlocked the door, and headed to the living room.

I found EJ, and Masky siting on he couch. It's of them looked at me as I spoke. "EJ, Masky I would like you to go, and clean up the basement. EJ what you find you may eat, but it will go bad shortly so hurry up." They both immediately rushed off to take care of the mess I made. I then moved upstairs to my room finding my precious (y/n) sound asleep in one of my white bouton up shirts. She looked so innocent when she slept. I then went to the bathroom to clean up, and get ready for bed. Tonight was by far the most satisfying night I've had in quite some time.


Done! That took way longer that expected so sorry 😐. Hope ya liked it. I'll probably update in a few days or so till then see ya 👋

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