《Slenderman X Female reader》8


Time skip to night

(Y/n) POV

It was around 10:30, and I was sitting in Sally's room having a tea party with her. Everyone else went out for "work", and Slender was in his office doing.... whatever it is he doses. "Mommy do you want more tea?" Sally asked with a smile on her face. "Why yes I most certainly would" I said with my best 'lady like' voice. She giggled and poured imagery tea into my plastic pink cup. Ever since breakfast I've been playing all kinds of stuff with her. First it was dolls, then it was detective, and after that it was hide and seek. She really is a sweet girl though.

"*knock knock* Sally may I come in?"

A familiar voice said. Sally answered with a cheerful " Come innnnnnn" The door the opens, and the faceless man himself walked in. He seemed to 'smile' when he saw what me, and Sally where doing. He walked up to us before kissing me on my forehead. This of course made my face go bright red. "Daddy you just broke mommy hehe" Sally said giggling, as I tried to calm my blush.

"Sally it's time for bed." He said before grabbing a pair of pj's for her. She walked into her bathroom to brush her teeth, and get changed as Slender and I cleaned up. When she came back out Slender tucked her in, and we said good night. As I went to leave however she got up, and ran over hugging me. "Mommy can sing me a lullaby?" She asked so innocently. I smiled and nodded as she climbed back into bed. I sat next to her and tucked her in before I started to sing to her.

"Ohh the north wind of blow


And we shall have snow

Ohh what will the robin do then poor thing

He will sit in the barn, and keep himself warm

And hide his head under his wing poor thing~"

After the song was over I kissed her forehead, and left the room. I headed down to the living room to see if anyone was back yet, and found Slender siting on the couch. "You get along well with her" he said as I entered the room. I smiled slightly. "Yeah. She's a sweet girl." I said as silence filled the room. It stayed like that for a few moments before he broke the silence. "Well it's getting late. You should head to bed." I nodded not really wanting to break the piece. However I did turn back to say "good night Slender" before heading up. And I swear I heard him say....

"Good night love.."

Slenderman's POV

Both Sally and (y/n) were off to bed. Meaning it's time for me to take action. The boy's are currently gathering the scum that dare hurt my (y/n), and Clockwork (sorry I've been fucking up her name 😅) is gathering the items I've purchased for (y/n). If all things go according to plan I shall have her room set up by tomorrow along with the crippled bloody bodies of her parents.


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