《Slenderman X Female reader》7



A ray of light shining threw the curtains woke me of, because of course it just had to hit my face. I ground trying to sit up.... wait.... why cant I sit up! I open my eye's to see non other than Slender laying next to me with his arm's warped around me. 'Great' I thought as I tried to wiggle out of his grip. 'I don't even know if he's faking or not cuz he has no eye's.

After a few minutes of this I heard a deep chuckle emanate from him. "Your rather feisty in the morning" He said as m face went deep red. "Y-yeah I need t-to pee" I said my face only getting darker as I say the reason for my so called 'fineness'. He laughs again before letting me go, and I go straight to the bathroom the umm relieve myself. After that I came back out to see a half naked Slender getting dressed. In an instant my blush came back, and I turned around so fast I'm surprised I didn't get whiplash.

"There are clothes for you on the bed, and once your done getting dressed please head down stairs." He said as he started doing his tie. "Y-Yeah thanks" I said almost to quiet to hear. The door then shut, and closed meaning he left. I quickly walked over to the bed to find a plain black t-shirt, ripped blue jeans, sock's, and a pair of sneakers. I quickly got dressed, and threw my hair up into a quick braid. (If you have short hair just ignore that last part.)

After going over my self in the mirror I headed to the door then down stairs. I went down to the first floor, because I have no clue where to go. Once I was there I heard voices, and smell something cooking. I headed over to ware I heard the voiced to find Slender in a really frilly pink apron. I couldn't help but to let a chuckle out at the sight. He seemed to notice, and called me over to sit on a stool next to him. Once I was sitting a little girl with beautiful green eye's, and long brown hair. The only thing off was that her dress was covered in blood stains along with the little teddy bare she was holding.


She ran up to slender, and warped her arm's around his leg in a vary cute manner. "Good morning daddy!" She said in a happy voice. Slender looked down at her and did his version of a smile. "Good morning Sally." He said in a soft tone. The little girl Sally then looked over at me, and looked back at Slender slightly confused. "Who's that?" She asked while pointing at me. With out even looking Slender answered her question. "That is y/n. She will be staying here from now on, because she is my mate." I paused for a second as I finally realized something. One he has a kid, and two she's a bit to young to know about being mate's.

Sally's face however lit up, as she ran over to me. "Yay! That means that y/n is my new mommy!" She yelled in excitement, as she hugged my arm. I couldn't help, but smile at this. Slender chuckled, and told sally to go wake up 'Jeff'. After she ran off he spoke up once more. "Sally isn't my actual daughter, but she is the youngest of the residents here, and she need's someone to look after her." He informed me in a soft tone. "Well she seems like a really sweet girl." I said which seemed to make him relax a little.

After another moment or two a loud 'BANG' was heard from upstairs followed by yelling, and foot steps. Slender gave out an annoyed sigh, and he finished putting different 'food' on different plates. He than yelled out of no ware witch startled me. "BEN, JEFF STOP MAKING THAT MUCH NOISE FIRST THEIN IN THE MORNING!!" I then header the foot steps get closer before the two boy's from yesterday entered the kitchen. The one in green who I now know to be BEN was the first to speak. "It's his fault! He took my PC, and hid it god knows ware!!" He said with anger dripping from his voice. The other boy who I believe is Jeff then started as well. "Well I wouldn't have taken it if you didn't take that video of me!"


I can already tell that these to have some problems with each other. (Yeah.. you think.) Slender just sighed, and started to scolded the poor boy's. "Jeff you will give BEN back his PC, and BEN you will defeat the video you took. Now go to the table, and try not to kill each other on the way there." Both boy's then left still rather upset. Then three more boy's came in as Slender started to make more food. One of them was wearing a mask, and a yellow/tan jacket. Another boy was wearing a orange hoodie, and it covered up all of his face except his red eye's. The last boy had a mouth guard, goggles, and a hoodie. They all stooped walking once they saw me. Then the one with the mouth guard ran up to me.

"H-i I'm Toby!" As he jumped around a bit. All his energy made me chuckle a bit, as he continued to bounce about. Then the one with the mask walked over. "Shut up stutter brains it's to early for this shit." He said as he hit Toby on the head. He then turned to me. "Sorry about his he's always like this. I'm Masky by the way." He said extending his hand. I took his hand, and shook it. "y/n" I said as the third boy walked up to me. He didn't say anything except for "Hoodie" before he left.

Toby, and Masky then waved bye, grabbed some drink's, and left as well. This left just me, and Slender once more, before Sally came back. With her was a girl with light brown hair, a stitched smile, and a clock instead of a left eye. (Sorry I just noticed that I've been saying her name wrong....) Sally then ran up to me, and looked back to the other girl before speaking. "See Clockwork it's my new mommy just like I said!" Sally said as she started to bounce a bit. The other girl Clockwork than walked up to me extending her hand. "It's nice to meet you. Not to many girl's live here any more." she said with a smile... well other then the stitches.

She than garbed some plate's, cup's, and silverware. She than looked over to me. "Would you mind helping to set the table?" She asked. I smiled, and got up saying "Sure" before we headed to the dining room. Sally trailing behind us. Once the table was set a man dressed like a black, and white clown came in the room. Sally seemed happy to see his as she wasted no time running up to him. "LJ! Do you want to play a game?" The clown LJ smiled and let out a deep chuckle. "Sure thing kid, but after breakfast ok?" He said picking her up. She giggled, and nodded claiming up to his solders.

Then they both left the room. Then Clockwork, and I headed back to the kitchen to find two more boy's. Clockwork wasn't kidding when she said there weren't meany girls here.

One of the boy's had a blue mask on, with black stuff coming out of they eye hole's. The other boy had a white mask with a smile panted onto it in red. Slender handed the one in the blue mask a bag that had what looked to be a kidney inside. Slender then started to speak. "EJ. Painter. This is y/n." He said gesturing to me. The two then looked at me, and the one in the blue mask, EJ waved. I waved back, and then the two left. I really hope that's all the people who live here, because I don't think I can remember any more name's.


Okay I'm going to try to update at least two time's a month.

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