《Slenderman X Female reader》6


Slenderman POV

I paced around the room for a few minutes until I heard a knock on the door. "Come in" I said louder, and more aggressive then usual. The door opened, and every one I summoned entered the room. "I apologize for summoning you all at such a late hour, but its important." I said as they finished shuffling into the room. "I have a job that will require all of you."

There face's sowed shock, and rightfully so. I have never sent more than three out on the same job. Making this one of the largest ones yet. "Well who are we killing?" Jeff asked with excitement in his lidless eyes. "Two people." I stated simply. "Why the fuck dose that need all of us?" BEN asked with uncertainty "Calm down and I'll explain" I said as they all took a seat weather it be in a chair, or on the floor.

I took a deep breath before I began to explain. "There is a town not to far away called y/t/n. This town has two selfish, rotten, no good people who deserve to die. I have been looking into them for a while now, and have found out that they are under investigation for countless crimes." Every one went completely silent at that. "Sooooooo were killing them why?" Clock's Work asked. "We are killing them, because I have found my mate!" I say a little to loud. Then LJ spoke up. "What's that got to do with this?" He asked out of genuine curiosity.

I sigh, and think for a moment before I explain. "My mate is a human girl." I started, but was quickly interrupted by every one.


"Wait explain!"

"Sense when do you like humans?!?!?"


"This is a joke right!"

This went on for a few minutes before BEN spoke up. "Wait. Was it that girl you brought back?" His words made every one go quiet, and look at me expectantly. I nodded my head before continuing. "Yes that is her. I found her on my walk in the woods. She was planing on taking her life today." I said with sadness evident in my voice. No one spoke for a while until Clock's Work broke the silence. "How is this related to the two people were going to kill?" I looked at her, and did my vision of a smile before answering

"The two people you will not be killing, but torching until I see to it that they die by my hand... are her parents." Once I finished speaking everyone looked slightly shocked. That however didn't last long as Toby spoke for the first time scene he entered my office. "OK S-so were going to g-g-go and k-kidnap these p-people, a-a-and torture them because t-they are y-y-your mate's p-parents." He stutter out with his usual ticks. I nodded, before an idea pooped into my head. "Yes Toby you are correct However there is a reason for it." I said. Then I did something I rarely do. I shared what I saw in her mind to them.

After a moment of com pleat silence I let out a sigh. "They have hurt her to the point she no longer wished to live. For that I shall make them pay." Anger dripped from my voice, as if it was laced with venom. "I will not allow these people to ever be happy again just as they never let her be happy." I glanced at the clock, and saw it was already 2:am. "Tomorrow at midnight is when Jeff, BEN, Toby, EJ, LJ, Masky, and Hoodie will go and collect them. Clock's Work you will stay here, and help me with something private. Got it." I said. After everyone confirmed that they under stood I told them one more thing before dismissing them.


"You will all meet y/n tomorrow, and you will be polite." I said in a warning tone. Then they all went off to bed, as I went back to my sleeping angel.

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