《Slenderman X Female reader》5



~ "You useless piece of shit!" My mother yelled as she threw a bowl of soup at me. "Can you not do anything right!" My father joined in garbing a knife off the counter that I was using to cut up the vegetables. "I-I'm sorry..." I say as he gets closer to me. "You are nothing but a useless mistake that was never meant to be born!" He yelled as he swung the knife at me. The tears I was holding back began to spill from my eyes. "I'm s-s-sorry" I said once more in a pleading tone.

"Oh you think a 'sorry' is good enough?! You just made your mother brake her favorite collectors piece!" I scooted away hoping to escape his wrath Even though I know there's no point in trying to run away any more. He then garbed my solder, and flipped me onto my stomach. Then he harshly started to cut at my back until all I could feel was the burning pain. My mother joined by poring the still boiling pot of soup over the freshly made wounds. I screamed at the top of my lungs from the pain. Then ~

I sat up panting heavily from the nightmare like memory of my past. My eyes darted around the room, as my heart rate quickened in fear, and anticipation. "Y/n.." I wiped my head towards the source of the voice to find a shirtless slender. My breathing was still uneven as he scooted closer to me on the bed. He slowly reached his hand out to me witch made me flinch. He immediately stooped, and moved his hand back.

I then heard this static in my head. It was like someone was searching my mind. When it finally stooped he looked at me with worry. "y/n I'm sorry". He said witch caught me off guard "w- why are y-you a-apologizing?" I asked with my voice still a bit shaky. He gently moved closer to me so that I was leaning up against him. He was warm, soft, and I could feel his steady heart beat. "That I didn't save you sooner.." With that I broke. The little composer I had left disappeared as I cried into his side.


His arm carefully warped around me, and healed me close to him. "I'm sorry that I didn't find you sooner. That you had to suffer all alone, and I wasn't there to protect you.." His voice was full of sadness, worry, and love. I continued to cry until the world grew dim. Then before I knew it I had cried myself to sleep... In the arms of Slenderman...

Slenderman POV

Y/n fell asleep curled up into my side. Her s/c face was slightly red, and tear stained from all of the crying. I read her mind when she woke up screaming, and I saw everything that I need to know. Without even thinking I carefully get up, and throw a plain white shirt on. I headed to my office, and summoned Jeff, Toby, Clocks Work, EJ, LJ, BEN, Masky, and Hoodie. I will make them pay. Those who hurt her will die, and suffer by my hand.

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