《Slenderman X Female reader》11


(Y/n) POV

"Do you want more tea?" Sally asked as she held up her pink teapot. I smiled, and said 'why of course'. She poured more imaginary tea, and started talking about random kid things. I signed mentally as I thought about how to tell Slender that I want to go visit my parents. There was a quiet knock on the door, and then EJ walked into the room. He looked at me, and Sally letting out a small chuckle.

"(Y/n), Slender needs to talk to you. He's in his office." He informed me. I nodded then headed up to Slender's office after saying bye to Sally. Once I got to his office I raised my hand to knock, but it opened before I could. "Good your here. Come on in." He said stepping aside, and closing the door behind me. "Please have a seat dear" He said as we both took a seat at his desk. "So what did you need to see me for?" I asked. He sighed, and leaned back into his seat before finally speaking up. "Well this morning I noticed that you were thinking of going to visit your parents.." This confused me. How does he know that? "Well I know that, because I can read people's minds. That is also how I speak with no mouth." This had me baffled. How have I not noticed this before? I then got the courage to speak.

"Well then do you think I can? Visit my parents that is." He seemed to tense up a bit. "Well dear I'm afraid that this can't happen. You see.... your parents did horrible things to hurt you. For this they had to pay." When he said 'parents' his tone changed. It went far darker, and more venomous. This scared me a bit. What dose he mean by 'pay'? He cleared his throat. "Well I couldn't let them live after what they did to you. So they had to pay with there life's." This had me utterly shocked. My dream. It was real. Just like last time... Slender stood up, and walked over to me. He placed a hand on my shoulder wrapping his other arm around me. Leaning down he hugged me closer to his chest. "I only did it, because of they way they hurt you." My body relaxed slightly as his tone went back to calm, and caring. How did he know? I mean I never mentioned anything about them let alone that they abused me. So how.... wait that's right... he can read minds. Looking at his 'face' I took a shaky breath before speaking up.


"When did you find out?" I asked as I felt my eye as start to water a bit. His hands then moved up to my face wiping the few tears that fell from my eyes. "I found out the first day you where here. When you fell asleep with you diary, and had that nightmare. I knew what they did to you, or at least a small portion of it." Nodding my head slightly I looked back down. Then his hands moved once more lifting me up from my seat. He then sat back down in his seat putting me on his lap, and holding me close to his chest as I continued to cry silently. "Shh it's alright darling. They won't hurt you ever again. I'll protect you." He said trying to calm me down slightly. I just cried for a few more minutes before calming down enough to get a few words out. "I-I saw it..." Was all I could get out before breaking down again.

He rubbed my back continuing to shush me. We stayed like that for a while until I finally calmed down. Then he spoke. "Sweetheart what do you mean you saw it?" He asked continuing to rub my back trying to prevent me from breaking down again. I took in yet another shaky breath, and then spoke. "I saw them... in my dream last night I saw there bodies... m- mom had no eyes, and.. and her heart wasn't in her chest. Dads h-h-head was turned the wrong way." I said as my voice started to crack. He stiffened as I said this. ( it that way you pervert) "you saw all that in your dream?" He asked as to confirm what I said. I nodded, and started to tear up again. Noticing this he started to shush me again saying things like 'it okay' and 'your gonna be okay'. This went on for quite some time.


When I finally calmed down for the third time Slender spoke up once more. "I have something for you." He said standing up, and putting me down. We then both headed to the door his hand holding mine. We walked across the hall, and into a room that I assumed was for storage. When he opens the door what I saw shocked me. It was beautiful. The floor was (f/w), and the walls were painted to look just like the forest. The details on the walls looked like it was an actual picture of the woods. There where two (f/c) recliners siting in-front of a fireplace, and there was (s/f/c) rug siting between the two. I looked around more, and noticed a (f/w) desk in front of the window. On it sat a few box's neatly wrapped in (f/c) wrapping paper. There was also a leather seat in front of the desk. I also noticed a big (f/w) book shelf on the wall opposite of the fireplace, and next to it there was a neatly put together rocking chair, lamp, and a (f/c) rug that matched the other one. It was just... amazing.

Slender walked over to one of the two doors on opposite sides of the bookshelf. When he opened it I was amazed at the neatly organized closet. "These. are all your new clothes, and the other one leads to your bathroom." I just couldn't stop the small smile that snuck it self onto my face. He then walked over to the desk picking up a box, and handed it to me. "These are just some art supplies along with a few other odds and ends." After saying that he headed to the door. "I figured that you could use a place of privacy. Dinner will be done in an hour, and I would like to speak more about your dreams." With that he opens the door, but he didn't leave before I slipped out a small 'thank you'.

Slenderman's POV

I exited the room, and headed down to the kitchen in order to prepare dinner. My mind however lingered on what she said. If she was able to see exactly what her parents corpses looked like then there is reason to believe that she could see other things. What she saw was most definitely a vision, but what worries me is that she kept thinking 'just like last time'. Which means this isn't the first vision she's had...


Okay so this is going to be it for a few more days bla bla bla you know how it works. Anyway thanks for reading!

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