《Girls Need Love》Chapter 4: Back To The Prototype
Everything was different. I was supposed to give my last show weeks ago... but ever since the shit with David, I don't even leave my house. I have no idea why but that whole situation was all I could take. It was the last blow. I couldn't do it anymore. I needed a break from it all. My locks had been changed so Ralph, Tiara, Carmen, and Layla would rotate who would come banging on my door every day. I knew I should talk to them but I couldn't. Everyone would say things I already knew and didn't want to hear.
I laid in my bed and kept thinking until finally, I got up and packed some things. I opened my laptop and bought a plane ticket home. I haven't been back in Hawaii in a long time, but it was the only place I wanted to be. Once my ticket was bought, my clothes were packed, and I had everything I needed. I called an uber and headed to the airport. I was going to find happiness that was for sure.
I sat on the edge of my bed with my head in my hands. Between moms and Micah I was sure I'd have an aneurysm before I turned thirty.
"Baby?" Reagan rubbed my back "You've been weird for days. Talk to me"
"I'm good" I sat up "Just worried about my family"
"Still haven't talk to B?"
"Micah get weird sometimes.... but she's never done shit like this. Then Ma tripping because no one has talk to Micah and she always assumes the worst when it comes to her.... I'm sure tired of being worried"
"Maybe she just needs a lot more time than yall are ready to give her. But she is a grown woman whose been dealing with a lot her whole life. I mean I don't know B like that but the way yall talk about stuff.... just seems like this shouldn't be so abnormal for yall"
"It's different though. My sis has shut out the world before of course.... but she's never shut out me and ma"
"She's not shutting you out. She's dealing with her life on her own"
"But she shouldn't have to"
"Everyone has to at some point. You can't tell me you've never kept at least one problem to yourself"
"I haven't" i shook my head "I've always had my sister"
Reagan didn't respond. After a while she got up and walked around to my side of the bed. She grabbed my phone and handed it to me.
"Call her"
"She won't----"
"Just try. If she doesn't answer leave a message. Let her know that you're worried. She'll respond when she's ready"
I sighed slightly in aggravation before taking to the phone. Sure enough I called and she didn't answer, however, before I could leave a voicemail she was calling me back.
"Sis what the hell is going on?"
"I'm sorry" she sounded different "I just..... I can't do it anymore. My life is in shambles and I can't figure out how I got here. It was suppose to be fun. I was supposed to be happy. But no! I get one more fuck you out of life---"
"Baby sister where are you?"
"I'm coming---"
"Not that home brother"
I stood up "What are you doing there?"
"I just need a break from it all. I'm coming back when I'm ready..... but right now. I just want to be alone.... alone at home"
"Micah you need to come back. You shouldn't be there alone. You---"
"I'm fine. Just trust me brother. I love you and I'm sorry. But I gotta get myself back"
"All this over a guy?"
"It aint about him or anyone else. It's about me. My issues. My life. Micah Rossi. Let me do this and I promise when I come back..... everything will be back to normal again"
"What is normal sis?"
"That's what I'm going to figure out"
"Ma is worried about you"
"I called her before I left. She understands. Okay?"
"Alright" I sighed "You know I'm here for you right?"
"Raph, you would be here for me even if I begged you not to be"
We both laughed
"I love you sis"
"Love you to brother bear. Now go have fun and stop worrying about me. I saw Reagan dress for tonight on the gram. Have fun okay?"
"Alright. Bet"
"Call you when I get back"
"Text me while you there so I know you good"
"I will"
I hung up feeling much better about everything with Micah. I got up and walked into the bathroom. Reagan was finishing up her make up in her bra and panties. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her neck.
"Bae" she giggled "Stop we gotta go"
"I love you Rea" I turned her around "I've never had somebody in my life like you. You are so amazing I don't know what I would do without you"
"Awl baby" she kissed me "I love you too. I can't wait for you to meet Travis and Olivia"
"I know this means a lot to you"
"Good. Now get dressed"
I kissed her again, secretly wanting and quickie, but let her go for us both to get ready. Once I was dressed I put on some cologne. As I was checking myself out, Reagan snap a picture of me.
@ReignofReagan: My baby stay GQ 😍 Love You Bae @KingRalphTheInkMan ❤️
She giggled as I pulled her close to me and kissed her. We headed to my truck and left for the party. I was secretly dreading meeting Reagan's family. After a year and a half of dating, I figure that meeting our moms was the only thing we'd be doing until it was time for me to propose.
I was so deep in thought I didn't realize we were there. We pulled up at this grand hall place that was fucking huge. I shook my head before getting out the truck. I open Reagan's door helped her down. She gave my key to the vale and we walked inside. I was instantly uncomfortable. Everyone in the room look like they were the definition of arrogant and stuck up. My mind wondered to Micah. I followed Reagan around but I mostly was thinking about my sister. It wasn't until Reagan grabbed my hand that I came back to reality.
"Baby?" she kissed my cheek "You good?"
"Yeah" I cleared my throat "Just.... just thinking about my sister"
"Micah is fine. I know her. She wouldn't do anything crazy. She loves you and your ma too much"
"I know. I just hate feeling like I'm not there for her"
"But you are. You just gotta give her time and let it be"
I sighed "You're right"
"Come on" she smirked "Since we're talking about sisters. Mine is over there with my brother"
"Oh snap. I'm meeting the fam"
"Shut up" we both laughed "I'd rather do it now"
"Why the rush?"
We started walking "Because I know my dad is somewhere talking business and eventually he will be right beside my brother and his wife right beside my sister"
"So no meeting the dad today?"
"No meeting him ever"
I nodded knowing her dad was a touchy subject for Reagan. We stopped walking once we got to the bar. Reagan covered a girls eyes from behind and she instantly yelled out. She turned around and hugged Reagan tight as hell. When she finally let go the guy hugged Reagan the same. I stood there with my hands in my pockets and waited for the awkwardness that is meeting your girl family. When he let Reagan go, he cleared his throat looking at me.
"Olivia, Travis" Reagan grabbed my arm "This is my boyfriend Raphael. Ralph this is my big brother and little sister"
"Nice to meet you" I extended my hand
Travis shook my hand "Same to you man"
"I've heard a lot about you" Olivia said before hugging me "Take care of my sister"
"I always do" I smirked
"Oh my God! Ari come on! I have to show you the design for my bridesmaid dresses. I made yours special" Olivia grabbed Reagan "I promise I'll give her back soon Ralph"
I kissed Reagan's cheek before her sister yanked her away. Travis laughed before grabbing a beer and handing it to me.
"Come on. You can kick it with the rest of the guys"
I nodded and followed him.
"So how long have you been dating my little sister?"
"A year and a half"
"Guess yall never talked about her dating life"
"Reagan's more private when it comes to her life. Mostly so pops don't find out but you gotta be something special for her to bring you around here"
"Why is that?"
"Reagan's had maybe four boyfriends and I've never met any of them. Olivia met two. Like I said, she likes to be private about that stuff" he stopped at a door "Just do me a favor and take care of my sister man"
"No worries there"
"I don't doubt you, but I also don't know you"
"I understand. I got a little sister too man. It's not easy letting some guy into her life, but I can say this. Reagan is the love of my life man. I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world"
"Bet" he smirked "Well, I must warn you. There is a guy or two out here that may have gotten shot down by Reagan. Don't be surprise if you don't get a warm welcome"
"I got friends" I chuckled "I think I'm good if they don't like me"
We laughed as we walked outside but my laugh was cut short the minute I saw that bitch ass nigga.
"Hey fellas. This is Reagan's boyfriend, Raphael. Ralph this is Kevin, Marcus, David, and the man of the hour Tim"
They all greeted me but David. I gave them a head nod before taking a seat and a sip and looking off in the distance. It took everything in my body not to break David fucking jaw. I decided too keep my mouth shut to keep from going off.
"So Ralph?" Tim spoke to me "How did you and Reagan meet?"
"Uhh she took classes with my sister two years ago. She wanted a tattoo so my sister brought her to my shop. So yeah I did all her tats"
"Damn really?" Marcus laughed "That shit banging man!"
"Guess you owe a big thanks to your sister" Travis laughed "Got a client and a girlfriends"
"Yeah it sound good until they ganging up on me"
"Bruh I know what you mean! I hate when Live and Rea cool with somebody I'm dating"
"Yeah I'm use to it now" I shrugged
"Glad I don't have siblings" Tim chuckled "Just this crazy ass best friend of mine"
"Yeah whatever" David looked off "You say that now"
"I've been saying it"
"What's up with you and Gabby?" Marcus asked "Still in the dog house?"
"What happen" Travis asked
"Umm" David cleared his throat and I sat up waiting for his answer "You know marriage aint easy and I made some dumb decisions. She's trying to forgive me and I'm trying to forget about it"
"So basically you cheated?" Travis' eyebrow rose "I mean if you cheated you cheated. She still by your side, right?"
"I mean yeah.... a lot of shit happen. It's hard to explain"
"I can imagine" I spoke as I stood up "I'll see yall inside"
I walked back inside and looked around for Reagan. I walked the room over and over but couldn't find her. When I finally pulled out my phone to call her I felt a large hand on my shoulder. I turn to see an older man and already knew what it was.
"She's with her sister son" he spoke "You must be Reagan's date"
"Her boyfriend" I extend my hand "Raphael. You must be her father sir"
"That I am" he shook my hand "It's nice to meet you"
"And you the same"
"How long have you two---"
"A year and a half"
"So I'm sure you know how she feels about me"
"Yes sir"
He nodded "I love my daughter. Protect her and make her happy. Deal?"
We shook hands again before he walked away. I was shocked and impressed at the same time. Reagan and I both had fucked up fathers, but mine would never be man enough to do that. All I could do was watch him work the room. All I could do was watch him and think of everything Reagan had said. My trance wasn't broken until Reagan pulled my arm.
"Yooooo" I turned to face her "I was looking for you"
"Everything good?"
"Yeah... just felt weird kicking it with strangers"
"Well no worries. I'm back with news"
"Come on" she pulled me back toward outside "I have to tell Tim too so yeah"
"What did you do bae?"
"Nothing! Well nothing bad"
"Fucking lord!"
We laughed as we walked outside and back over to the guys. A few had gone back inside so it was only Travis, Tim, and David. I instantly was back on fuck off mode and ready to go. Just being close to David bothered me.
"Tim!" Reagan grabbed him "Umm how drunk are you?"
"Not at all"
"Damn" she sighed "Okay soooo Olivia fired the band for not coming tonight"
"So our wedding that is in a month has no band???"
"It's okay?"
"How? Yall know how picky she is when it comes to this wedding stuff"
"I know, I know! But, I made a call and I got you a new band/DJ"
"Really?" Tim and Travis said
"Who?" Travis looked unsure
"What?" I choked a little on my beer "Huh?"
"Baby please!"
"They might not----"
"I showed Live the video of yall and she loved it. I already called B and she said she'd sing"
"No" I said flat "She can't---"
"She already said yes! It's fine baby please"
David shrugged his shoulders "If he doesn't want to----"
"Was anybody talking to you?" I broke "I swear I wasn't"
"Dude chill"
"Oh this is all the chill you gone get"
"Yo what's the---" Tim started
David cut him off "Ain't nobody----"
"Aint nobody what?" I step forward "You lucky yo jaw aint fuckin broke my nigga"
"Yo what's the problem" Travis stepped in front of me
"Baby" Reagan pulled me
"I'm out!" I jerked away from her and headed to the door
I headed to the truck and sat there trying to cool off. Calm down enough to call Micah and talk to her about it.
I stood there in shock and totally confused.
"What the fuck is his problem?" Travis asked "Dude spazzed"
"I don't know" I turned to them "What did y'all say to him?"
"Nothing! Earlier all we asked was how y'all met nothing major"
"David?" I turned toward him
"What?" he shrugged "I don't know what his problem is"
"Do you know him?" I asked
"Really? He don't got beef with anybody here but you and there is no reason behind it?"
"Why must I have done something?"
"Because the only thing that makes his spazz like that is his sister and she not close to here"
"Do you know his sister?" Travis asked
"So you don't know any chick name Micah"
Tim choked on his beer "Who?"
"So you do know her"
"I don't know anybody. And actually" he clearly had an attitude "I'm going to ignore all this and go check on my wife"
I waited for him to walk off before turning to Tim.
"Care to explain?"
"Really? Because Micah is actually one of my best friends so if you can't all I can do is assume and I think we would all hate my assumptions"
"Rea chill" Travis sighed "Leave it alone"
"Please Rea" Tim shook his head "It's just one of those things we should let go"
"You know what? Whatever"
I headed out to check on Ralph. I knew it had to be something for him to snap at David. When I got outside to our truck his was on the phone and seemed much calmer. I open the driver door and rubbed his leg waiting for him to get off the phone.
"Okay... love you too sis" he hung up "Baby I am so sorry"
"Don't be. I know it's about Micah.... but that's all I can deduce"
"That's her old dude. David. D. The married man she was fucking with"
"Are you fucking serious?" my face dropped "Like no joke!"
"That asshole! He---"
"Reagan!" Tim called my name as he jogged over to us "Olivia needs to talk to you"
"Did you know?" I asked him
"Know what?"
"Did you know about David and Micah?"
He shook his head rubbing his face "Yeah, but I been told him to leave Micah alone. Hell I told her to leave his dumb ass alone"
"You did?" Ralph got out his truck
"Yeah man. I mean it might be hard to believe but I liked B... I mean Micah. She was cool people. She didn't deserve to be what she was. They were just too caught up in lust"
"Nah bro..." Ralph shook his head "Yo man broke my little sister. You know I do apologize for snapping at your party. But dude almost got bodied back there"
"I mean I understand. You didn't do it so I'm good" Tim shrugged "Is Micah okay though?"
"Not really" I sighed grabbing Ralph's hand "She been MIA for a couple weeks now"
"Yeah" Ralph shook his head "She went back home to Hawaii for a while. She just real messed up about what he did"
"I can understand that"
"But" Ralph squeezed my hand "I talk to her and she wants to sing for your wedding. She said it would be a gift to you for being a good friend to her while she was being stupid"
"Really?" Tim smirked "Damn, B sure knows how to make a nigga blush"
"Live is going to be so happy" I screamed
"Go tell her and I'll wait out here. It was nice to meet you man. Congratulations. I'm going to call everybody and get this wedding music together"
"Thanks man I appreciate it"
Tim and Ralph shook hands before I gave my man a kiss and headed inside. I knew there was more to discuss but I also knew it wasn't happening until Micah was back to discuss it.
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