《Girls Need Love》Chapter 3- A Side Chick's Truth
I kissed Alex on the cheek before getting into my car. Our weekend get away turn into a week of getting away. I knew Alex has a little crush, but I was juggling to many niggas to try and add another one to the mix. He took his rejection well though.
I pulled out of the parking garage and headed to my apartment. I was praying David would not be there but seeing how he pays every bill I have now and he has keys to my house and car, you never know. When I pulled up I was relieved to see he was not there. I got my thing and headed inside. My relieve immediately turn to aggravation when I saw my late rent notice and realized my lights were cut off. I pulled out my phone to call David with no care in the world what he could be doing.
"So you do still know my number" he answered "Thought you ran away"
"I told you I was going on a trip with my friend---"
"Not for a week"
"Cheering up turn into a vacation. So what?"
"I just miss you baby girl"
"You didn't hit me up. Plus how can you miss me when you did not pay my rent or my light bill. How am I suppose to live D? I don't need you to pay----"
"Don't we have date night whenever that stuff is due?"
"Okay" he chuckled "I didn't get my date so I forgot B. It's no big deal. I'll call about the lights, and you can come get the rent from me"
"You want me..... at you office?" I laughed "You sure the lady with the dragon tattoo is welcome there. Don't want to freak out the boogie ass rich laywers"
"Stop B!" he sounded serious "And fuck what they got to say. Now, come see me"
"Fine David" I sighed "But remember this was your idea"
"Just call me when you're downstairs and I'll walk you up"
"I love you baby girl"
"I love you too bae"
As much as David irritated the fuck out of me. I couldn't deny the fact that I loved him. It might sound crazy after our last fight, but I realized I was upset about the baby. I never wanted to be David's wife. I like what we had because I didn't want more than that right now. When that time comes, David will be well in the past for me.
I kept thinking about life as I got dressed and headed out the door. I sang along to Rihanna's ANTI album as I drove towards David's office. It only took about ten minutes to get there and park. I headed inside and started calling him. He answered after a couple rings.
No Response
"David I'm here, Hello?"
No Response
"David, oh my God, you and this phone agitate me"
I hung up and sat down waiting for him to realize he answered without speaking. I started texting Shawn and Raph about work as I waited for David. After about five minute, David called me but hung up before I could answer. I looked around but didn't see him so I went back to my phone.
"Umm excuse me" I heard a voice in front of me
I looked up to see her. David's wife.....very pregnant wife. My heart stopped and I froze. I never cared if she knew about me and David.....but seeing her pregnant hurt worst than I could have imagined. She was carrying his child. She would was again have something of his I couldn't.
"Um yes?" I finally spoke to her
"Why are you calling my husband?" she crossed her arms across her chest "And let's not lie I just called you"
"Pause" I stood up "My business is my business. And my business with David is our business. If you want to know.... ask your husband" I smirked "I'm sure he would love to share"
"Excuse me? Who the fuck----"
"Oh no ma'am! Let's watch that language. This is a place of business you know"
"No! You're going to tell me who the fuck you are----"
"See that profanity..." I took a deep breath "I'm not disrespecting you so do not disrespect me"
"You disrespected my marriage! Are you fucking my husband? Are you?"
"Baby girl trust and believe this pussy would have your man so sprung he wouldn't even know your name. Then again if you gotta ask about us, he must not know your name" I chuckled "I bet he's been calling you baby girl since your first date"
I could see her anger building as I continued to poke at her insecurities. Before she could respond, Tim (David's best friend) came swooping in pulling her toward the elevator. I shook my head before grabbing my things and heading to the door. As I past a pillar, a hand grabbed my wrist. I snatched away but David pulled me behind the pillar and put his finger over my lips.
"B" he sighed "I am so sorry. I never----"
"Get off of me. Control you bitch. I'll pay my own----"
"B don't do that"
"Do what?"
"Fuck you David! Go back to you WIFE and BABY!"
I pushed him away from me before heading out the door. Before I even got to my car, Tim was running up to me calling my name.
"B just wait" he grabbed my arm
"Move" I snatched away "I don't know how these bougie ass hoes get down, but if another motherfucker grab me they getting knocked!"
"Calm down and listen"
"I don't want to hear some lawyer defense on why I shouldn't be mad at your friend"
"Good because I'm not giving you that" he shook his head "Look, I know it been a long time with you and D, but you gotta know you deserve better than that. I mean maybe it's because I'm done with that part of my life and I've found a woman that is.....everything. I just don't think it's fair for him to do this to his wife or you. I know you not just some jump off to him----"
"But he's married and I'm accepting the bullshit he give me"
"Tim I know. I keep pushing him away and he keeps coming back. Maybe if she wasn't such a bitch, I would feel bad about it, but I don't. I'm pissed at David.... I don't want to see him or talk to him. But he's not going to have that"
"Well, I tried. Just be careful"
"You're not so bad Tim"
"I try"
"Help your friend. I'm fine" I open my car door "Oh but next time that bitch cross me. I'll show her who she fucking with"
I got in my car and drove off. I went to pay my rent before heading to the tattoo shop. I needed to get to work before I popped off. I put David and Tim on do not disturb, and didn't answer from unknown numbers. David wasn't going to sweet talk this shit with me.
********** 2 Weeks Later ***********
I sat in my office calling B for the hundredth time. I've literally called and texted her every day since the whole her and Gabby run in happen. She's ignoring me. Micah has always been stubborn, but she's taking it to new extremes. She won't even stay at home because she knows I have a key. I left her another voicemail before getting back to work. Five minutes later Gabrielle was walking in. She had been mad at me too. She barely spoke to me outside of when she needed something.
"Can we talk?" she stood in front of my desk
"Will you hear me out now?"
"Okay" I closed my work "I'm coming to the bedroom"
She nodded before walking out. I put my phone in my draw and locked it before following her in the bedroom. I leaned against the dresser as she sat on the bed.
"Who is she?"
"She's was a client.... one of my probono clients. Now, she kind of my friend. She's needed help and she's a nice girl. She don't have family like that. Nothing was going on between us. I'm here with you whenever I'm not working. And if i'm not here, I'm miles away working"
"I don't trust her. She talked like she wanted you.... David you're more than a friend to her! How can you not see that?"
"Because I don't see her that way! You're my wife! Gabby when you walk in the room my heart skips! When you look at me everything turns up 100 degrees. You make me feel like there is no other woman in the world! I'm not thinking about her!"
"You can say that but I don't believe you"
"What do I have to do to get you to believe me? Baby I'm telling you there is nothing Micah has for me! I've helped her out and that's it. She works at a tattoo shop and does God knows what else. She's not even close to you baby"
"Fine" she sighed before getting up "Just give me some more times"
She walked out and I sighed in relief. I love Gabrielle but sometimes her not being so strong made everything a lot easier. I wasn't going to let my marriage be ruin, but I definitely couldn't lose B either.
I sat in my office making the schedule and doing paper work. Since the last time Kane was here, I've avoided running into him when at work. I haven't told Shawn that I don't want to dance anymore, but I really didn't have a choice either. Don't get me wrong, I was about ready to stop myself. It's just... regardless of what happens, I know better than to ignore Kane's request. I went to my locker room and sat in the mirror thinking about everything that's been happening. Somehow this is where I'm at..... and it's finally somewhere I don't want to be. I pulled out my phone to snap a picture.
@ForeverQueenB: Everything must come to an end.... time to hang it up and move along. Just know.... I'm forever the Queen ! #QueenB #QueenofParadise
I went and found Shawn, Tiana, and the bouncers before taking everyone to the locker room. All the girls stop getting dressed as I commanded attention.
"Before I start, I have to say that I'm eternally grateful for Shawn and everyone and Paradise in general. Umm tomorrow, I'm going to dance for the last time here"
Everyone looked shocked and there were a few gasp.
"I know it's shocking but it's time for me to take my life to the next level. My journey here isn't completely over, I'll still make sure everything runs smoothly. I'll still help with routines and everything. I just won't be a dancer anymore"
"So you'll be my manager?" Shawn smiled "Thanks Micah! On behalf of everyone, I don't know what we'd do without you so I'm so glad that you'll still be making it happen for us!"
"Well, like you always say... it's hard to let go of paradise"
"Alright, alright" Tiana wiped her eyes "Now lets all hug this out so we can open the doors"
We made the closest thing to a group up before everyone went back to work. Shawn and Tiana agreed to go to lunch the next day so we could talk more. So when all my paperwork was done, I headed home.
When I got home I had five voicemail from David and a couple text as well. I refuse to speak to him and sent everything he sent to me back to him. Once I was done deleting everything from him, I had a voicemail from a strange number as well. I played it as I walked to my room.
"Hello Micah? This is Gabrielle David's wife. I want to meet so we can talk. I think I owe you an apology. I've talk to David and shouldn't have jump to conclusions. As a woman, I would like to talk with you about the whole situation. If you're willing to meet, we can do lunch tomorrow. Just text me a place we can meet. Thanks. Bye."
I couldn't hold in the holler as I started laughing. Oh this was going to be a great way to start my day. I thought about it and decided to text her the cafe by the shop. Pregnant or not, if things pop off, I needed someone in close proximity. I packed up some clothes and headed to Raphael's place. Whenever we had our version of business meetings, it always involved a sibling sleep over.
********Next Day**********
"So you're really going to do this?" Raphael said unlocking the shop "You know that's stirring the pot right?"
"Yo old ass" I laughed "And I don't care. Clearly he's come up with some sort of lie so I'm just going to entertain this apology"
"Can I be honest with you sis?"
"Even if I said no, you would be"
"True. Anyway, I think you just want to fuck something up for her.... because she's having his baby. I know what you're going to say but be honest with yourself"
I paused as I thought about it, "So what if I am? IF, and I mean if, I was doing it for the wrong reason, she still deserves to know the truth. But I'm not. I'm continuing the mockery of lies that David and I are nothing but friends"
"Whatever you say baby girl. Just know I'm not fighting a pregnant woman, and I'm not letting Layla fight her either"
"I'm not going to fight her" I chuckled "Now if she touch me, Imma slap the shit outta her. Shit her face aint pregnant"
I laughed as Raph walked to the back the back. I started sending out appointment reminders and making new appointments. Layla and Alex came in with clients so I was pretty bored. When it was time for lunch, I went to Raph booth and winked at him before leaving. I walked down street to the Minnie's Munch and got a table by the window. It wasn't long before I saw a BMW pull up and park on the street. She walked in and looked around. When our eyes met I smirked before giving a slight wave.
"Hello" she spoke as she sat down
"How are you?"
"I'm here" I cleared my throat "So what do you have to say to me. You pretty much apologized in your little message so I'm fine"
"Well, I wanted to say sorry to you for my behavior. David and I have been together for along time. He's never cheated but women are constantly throwing themselves at him"
"Oh kayyyy"
She sighed "I know you have feelings for my husband. I trust him. I know he would never cheat on me. But woman to.....woman, I need you to keep a platonic---friendly relationship with him"
I held in my laughter, only giving a smirk.
"Listen Gabrielle, right?"
She nodded.
"I've known David for years. So this little chit chat is pointless. If you trust him so much you wouldn't be here. So instead of saying it, how about actually trusting him and leaving me alone. Again, I'm good"
"What do you mean you've known him for year?"
"Oh my God" I rolled my eyes "I've known him for a few years now. You know, longer than a couple days, weeks, months. An extension of time. A 12 month time period"
"Excuse me?"
"How did you meet?"
"You're a lawyer" she laughed "Please"
"A, I never said I was a lawyer and b, I know for a fact I have more degrees than you so please miss me with that. You're a spoiled little rich girl turning to a spoiled little house wife. Get over yourself honey. Go back to your husband before I hurt your feelings"
We were staring each other down. I was slowly getting heated and could see I was pissing her off. I kept my poker face on and waited for her to leave. She wouldn't move and only sat up straight and folder her hands.
"You know what you are?" she smirked "Trash. You're the low class whores, women of my stature are warned about. You want our men and money. It isn't happening. David doesn't want you. He's married. Leave my HUSBAND alone"
And I broke.
"Bitch....." I shook my head as my laugh came out "I was going to spare you feelings, but since we must be so disrespectful....cool. I'll spill all the tea for you baby girl. I've been fucking David longer than you've been his girlfriend. So your dear husband has been dicking down a stripper for five years now..... I might be off. Anywho, he fucks me, licks me, pays my bills, and takes trips with me. All those conferences last a day shawty. Why do you think he stays for the weekend. ME! Why? Because that's all I want from him. You can have him honey love. The dick was good, but never marriage material. That's all you. I'm not breaking up your happy home. I'm just not giving up the dick I've grown accustom to. K?"
"How dare you?"
"Oh please! You're lucky!" I shook my head "I'm done with this"
"Lucky? You're lucky I don't beat your ass! You're just another homewrecker! Fine! He fucked you! Big whoop!"
I chuckled as I stood up "No baby girl, you're the lucky one. Lucky I didn't have our baby! Lucky I didn't let him leave you! Lucky, I didn't beat yo pregnant ass! And lucky, you haven't seen our messages. But since you want to be so unlucky.... go through his phone. My name is Raphael in there" I started walking away "Congratulations on the baby"
I left the cafe and headed back to the shop. No part of me felt bad for what I said. I wasn't about to let her come for me and I not come back. When I walked in the shop, my mouth almost dropped seeing David sitting there waiting for me.
"What do you want?"
"Talk to me" he pleaded "I know I fucked up----"
"No. I don't think you do. David I am done. There is no going back. Go be a family with your girl"
"Baby" he stood up and pulled me close to him "I love you. I love you so much. You gotta believe I never wanted this to happen. We good with us. Don't let something small----"
"You sound like an idiot right now" I pushed him "You're having a fucking baby with her! She's your wife! Be fucking happy and leave me alone!"
"I'm happy with you!"
"Fuck you"
I walked off to my office in the bad. I didn't realize I was crying until I pass the mirror on my office wall. David was hot on my trail though. He hugged me and wouldn't let go no matter how hard I fought him. After two minutes or so, I just stopped and cried into his chest. Once I stopped he pulled away far enough to wipe away my tears. For the first time in a long time, I looked into his eyes and I didn't feel love. I didn't feel like I needed him or even wanted him.
"David.... I don't think you should do this with me. I can't do this anymore. You can't either"
"Micah, I love you"
"I don't know if I can say that to you anymore"
"So you don't love me?" he stepped back "You just stop loving me?"
"No...." I looked up at him so that are eyes locked "I just love myself more"
"Sis you good?" Raphael said behind the door
"Yeah" I walked to the door and opened it "David was just leaving"
"Sup D" Raphael spoke with a glare on
"Just checking on my girl" he looked at me "I'll call you later. We still gotta talk about this"
"If that's what you need"
He nodded before walking toward me. He kissed my forehead and left. Raphael waiting for him to leave the shop before he looked at me. I shook my head and headed back to the front.
"You not gone just walk away like you don't need to explain"
"Nah sis! I hear you crying and shit! You lucky I aint bust the fucking door down and pop that nigga. Like yo what the fuck is going on with you"
I felt tears rolling down my face as I stayed silent looking out the door.
"Fuck" he sighed "Sis come on. Don't cry. Just talk to me yo"
"What am I suppose to say?"
"What's up? Clearly you not happy"
"Of course I'm not happy"
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