《Girls Need Love》Chapter 2 - Pluck It To The Limit
******** ONE MONTH LATER*********
I woke up to David in between my legs licking my sugar wall like he was starving. We never spent the night with each other so when we did he didn't know how to act. I felt my body releasing in the ultimate ecstasy. As I tried to catch my breath, he kissed up my body stopping on my neck making me arch my back right as he entered me.
"Fuck! Baby yes!" I moaned as my nails sank into his back
David stroked my insides with the lower and slow making me scream his name as he hit the depths of my soul. It felt like forever until I finally flip him on his back and slide down onto him as slow as I could. His hands squeezed my waist as out bodies met. I threw my head back before riding him like an award winning equestrian.
"Damn baby" his grip got tighter "B! B! Come on baby!"
"Uh-uh! Don't hold back now bae!"
Right as I reach my peak for the second time, David grip me as tight as he could slamming me down on him and holding me still as he exploded inside of me. We both were out of breath smiling at one another. I got up laughing and headed to the shower. I made sure to lock the door so he didn't come in for round two.
After my shower, I got dressed and went to the kitchen. I heard David in the shower so I decided to cook us breakfast. I was almost done when he came up behind me and kissed my check. He sat in the kitchen window not saying anything. I pulled out my phone and took a picture
@QueenofParadise: Mornings with him are always more fun... 😜😘❤️ #BAEcon
I fixed out plates and walked over to the table. He grabbed my hand and kissed it before letting me sit down. We ate and talked about his work and mine. Ever since our blow out, David has paid my rent, taken care of all my needs, even got me two credit cards (one for clothes and the other for everything else). Whenever he wasn't with me, I knew he was with his wife, but whose going to complain about being taken care of. I deserved it after everything we went through.
When breakfast was over, David finish getting dressed and headed off to work. I put my clothes on and headed down to my brother, Raphael, tattoo shop. When I walked walked in he was just opening up. I gave him a kiss on the cheek before sitting behind the desk.
"How do you manage to strip at night and still get here before any of my artist?" he laughed
"Well, I'm your sister, the office manager, and a natural born hustler. Sleep is for the dead"
"You'll be dead if you don't slow down"
"I'm fine. Just stacking my paper----"
"While that bird ass nigga pays your bills"
"Hey" I shrugged "If you want to pay to keep me, who am I to stop you"
"So you just plucking dude for his money? All your feelings gone"
"Of course not" I leaned back in my chair review the appointment book "But I don't have time to deal with feelings and emotions. I'm trying to stack my money so that when I do want to walk away... I can walk away from it all. All my bad decision can go away together"
"If you say so sis. Just be careful. I don't want to have to kill this nigga over you trying to pimp these hoes"
"I won't"
He head back to his room but stopped before he got into the hallway. He walked back up to me and sighed. He looked so serious which immediately had me worried.
"What's wrong? Is it ma?"
"No" he shook his head "Kane been looking for you"
"Excuse me?" I bucked my eyes "Kane? As in Kane Copeland? My ex?"
"Yeah" he rubbed his neck "Justin was booking some shows for us and I went to meet a couple of venue owners"
"Kane owns one of the venues?"
"Apparently he owns a couple of places in the city. He is trying to get into a couple different business"
"You mean fronts" I rolled my eyes "God please tell me you did not tell him about the shop"
"Well he asked me to do a tat"
"And you couldn't say no?"
"I love you but hell nah! This putting bread in both our pockets"
"He didn't say. I didn't tell him you work here so I just gave him a card"
"Fuck! Brother Bear" I started on my work "You're suppose to make my life easier not harder!"
"I love you! I promise! If he shows up you can leave and I'll just say you had to meet up with Tee"
He laughed and headed to the back. After a few minutes the artist started coming in. Layla came in with a client but Alex came in smoking a e-cig with his shades on. He was obviously high and I was more aggravated at that. I shook my head and ignored him as he walked pass me to get to his room.
"You just not gone speak?" he spoke into my ear scaring me
"For what?"
"Alex go clean your station and get ready for you first client"
"Why you doing me like that?" he spun my chair around "You said we were good"
"We are" I laughed "Trust me, you little head game aint good enough to have a bitch stressing over it. It was nice though. Wanna high five?"
"I hate you" he laughed
"Seriously though" I crossed my arms "Why are you high? You put needles in peoples skin for a living. How did coming to work lit sound like a good idea? You realize as your manager I should send you home"
"I'm not high" he shook his head
"Your eyes say your lying red"
"I'm serious Micah. My mom just told me she has cancer.... I'm just trying not to be fucked up about it you know. She said they caught it early so I'm just trying to stay positive. Make some money you know pay some of her bills off"
"Damn Lex!" I stood up and hugged him "I'm sorry! If you need anything I got you baby boy!"
"Hmm" he rubbed on my ass "I could use a day away from everything with a beautiful woman by my side. We could leave Saturday morning and come back Sunday night"
"Alex you know---"
"Please Micah! I need you"
"Maybe I'll think about it okay"
"What if I paid for everything?"
"Shouldn't I be making that offer?" I laughed "You need to save to help your mom out. You can't blow money on me to take your mind off the fact that you want to save money"
"Just please think about it"
"Okay Alex I will truly consider it"
"Thank baby girl"
I shook my head before heading to the back to check on Layla. She was in the zone but make sure to grab my ass before I walked out. My ass is just community property around here. I went back to working on a couple tax documents and making appointments. I was just about to head out and pick up everyone some lunch when one more call came through.
"Wet Ink! How can I assist you today?"
"Depends Micah"
I paused "Who is this?"
"Come on baby girl you know it's me" Kane said with a low growl
"What do you want?"
"Other than you? I want a tattoo. Let your brother know I'll be in by the end of the week for a tat so don't be too busy"
"He has other appointments Kane. You can't just expect him to be at your beckon call"
"What happen to taking care of family?"
"You were never my family"
"Come on baby how can you say that?"
"Look, just call Raph when you coming"
"What would be the fun in that?"
"Kane leave me alone. You ruin my life enough. I don't need anymore of your bullshit"
"Who the fuck you think you talking to?" he spoke with rage "Bitch you will always be mine! Don't forget that shit! WHEN I WANT YOU BACK, I'LL TAKE YOU BACK!"
I slam the phone down and sat down to take a deep breath. I left and went to pick up lunch still thinking about everything Kane had said. I dropped off their food before heading into the club to handle some book keeping before my shift started.
I walked into the club and Boss was sitting at the bar drinking from a bottle of Jack looking stressed the fuck out. I shook my head and decided why not check on him before doing my business.
"Boss?" I sat beside him "What's going on? Stressed?"
"I'm about to lose everything" he stared out into space "Everything I worked so hard to have"
"What do you mean?"
"My brother been fucked up real bad for a while. He needed my help.... I thought he was serious this time but once again I end up fucked" he shook his head before throwing another glass back and refilling "Now I either lose everything or make a deal with the devil"
"The devil?"
"A guy I knew back in the day of being a hood nigga. He's into buying businesses and shit now that he's done selling or at least that's what he said. Long story short, my brother linked up with hAim and convinced him to make me an offer. In a nut shell, he'd own Paradise and I'd have to buy it back from him with interest"
"Is everybody having problems today? Look let me check the books and see what we can do about it. I'm sure we can work out some sort of contract with a final total price including the interest. Okay? Let Butterfly work her magic"
"Do I have a choice?" he looked at me "You sure you can help"
"No, you don't have a choice. And yes I would say I'm sure. What other woman do you know with a bachelors in psychology and business? I got you!"
"I still don't understand you" he finally stood up "You graduate and have two degrees, you save money better than anybody so I know you stacked up... shit you smart as hell and the baddest bitch in this place. Don't get me wrong, I would love to have you here forever but I just don't understand why. Why are you still here?"
"Well, eventually I want to get a couple masters degrees too. I like having money and living in luxury.... I lived my whole life without anything. The few things my god mother could get me were it. This has never been a permanent thing, but I've been dancing since high school so if a nigga wanna throw money while I shake my ass why not get it how I live"
"But why not own like a dance studio or something"
"Who said I won't one day?" I laughed "I'm young Shawn! What do I look like not living and having fun? My life has always been hard. I'm just making up for the 18 years I didn't have shit and was miserable"
"I guess I can understand that"
"Thank you"
"At least I know aint no nigga gone talk you out of the club life" we both laughed "What are you doing here anyway?"
"You know I make schedules on Thursday, I have to submit all the pay stuff, and I might not be here for a couple days so I want to make sure yall good"
"Where you going?"
"My friend needs me to take a trip with him to check on his family. Nothing major. His mom is just sick and he don't want to deal with that alone"
"Does Dave know about this friend" he smirked
"David doesn't but he can. Ion care. You think he really gone check me over having another nigga. Seriously?"
He laughed before we parted ways and I got to work. Time flew by and before I knew it, it was time to get changed. I headed downstairs in our hidden bathroom and took a shower. I put on my robe before heading to my locker room. I designated a special closed off room for myself and Tiana. Since Carmen left, her vanity area was empty. I got dressed in my outfit, sewed down my wig, and finished up with a selfie before doing my locker room check ins.
@QueenofParadise : Show time dolls
I grabbed my clipboard and headed to the main locker room. I check the girls in and gave them the rules speech. Tiana was late but she was always late. She came in and hugged me before running off to change. I sent the girls out on the floor after giving them their new schedules. I headed out myself and did a few laps. I only did main stage shows on Saturday nights. I gave a couple dances before Bruce, a guard, came and got me to go see Shawn.
I walked into Shawn's office to see a big ass back in front of me. I step to the side and pointed at the guy while looking at Shawn.
"Butterfly! There you are!" Shawn stood up "I want you to meet the man I was telling you about. B this is Kane" the back turned "Kane this is-----"
"A lovely surprise Butterfly" Kane smirked at me "I like the name. Where'd you get that from"
"Shawn what did you need?"
"I was telling Kane here about how you were going to help with the agreement and paper work. B does all the book keeping and scheduling and pretty much manages this place. Anything you need, B has it"
"Hmm anything" Kane smiled
"Business wise yes" I walked over to stand beside Shawn "I make this place run. Shawn's just a face that makes more money"
"Hmm guess those degrees got put to good use then"
"Wait" Shawn look between us "You two know each other"
"Who do you think named her Butterfly" Kane laughed "B is my ole lady"
"Was" I rolled my eyes
"Actually Shawn" Kane paused "Can you give us a minute to talk?"
"Sure. B can take you to her office"
"Please B" he gave me the 'save my life' face
"Follow me"
I rolled my eyes before heading to my office. Kane was right behind me. He closed the door to my office and before I could say anything I was against the door with a slam.
"We got real disrespectful haven't we"
"Stop" I said without any emotion "Back up"
"You know you like it" he kissed my forehead "I missed you baby girl. You left for school and forgot about me didn't you. Everything I did----"
"We've been done for years! So please miss me with the bullshit you about to tell me! I paid for school and sent you money for everything you did! So don't you dare act like I owe you anything!"
He smirked as he moved closer. He brought his face down to my neck and began kissing me and biting me. Through all the hell of my life the one thing I kept for a long time was my virginity, but who did I decide to give it to? You got it. As he kissed and bit me, he moved my arms around his neck. We hadn't been together for years but he still made me as weak as the first day he kissed me.
I straddle Kane's lap and kissed his neck nibbling on his ear. I felt his hands squeeze my ass as he whispered my name.
"Baby girl wait" he stopped me "Are you sure about this?"
"Do you love me?"
"Of course I do Micah. You're my butterfly"
"Are you going to leave me?"
"Hurt me?"
"No B----"
"Then why would I not be sure?" I kissed him "Kane, I love you and you're the best thing to ever happen to me for a long time. I'm your girl.....forever right?"
"Til death"
"I want to give you the one thing I have to offer. I love you and I don't want anyone else to have it. Let me show you how much I love you baby"
"Damn girl"
Kane kissed me before standing up making me wrap my legs around him. He walked me into our room and laid me on the bed. As he kissed down my neck taking bites of me I couldn't hold back the moans.....
Kane picked me up and put me on my desk. Seeing that I was still in my outfit from dancing, he quickly ripped off everything kissing down my body.
"Kane" I moan his name "Fuck! Kane stop!"
"Do you really mean that?" he spread my legs and licked me "Huh B?"
I threw my head back as he ate me out like old times. Before I knew it, I was coming and he was licking me fast and fast. Just as I was about to come a second time, he stopped and stood up. I patented as smirked down at me. I let my lust take over and grabbed his shit until we were kissing. His shirt came off and his pants and boxer came down. Kane has never been the hopeless romantic type so he gave me the long strong hard fuck he always did.
When we were done. He kissed me before getting dressed and sitting down. I shook my head as I got off the desk and grabbed my spare robe. I sat behind my desk with my arms folded looking at him.
"You know you love me B"
"Kane...." I shook my head "You don't even acknowledge everything you did. You sit there and pretend like you've been my hero. You haven't. You were the hero of a sixteen year old girl that had nothing. She loved you. Me.... I don't even like you"
"I never said I didn't acknowledge how you felt----"
"You never said anything! I-----" I paused trying to calm down "You know what? Forget it. I'll draw up an agreement for you and Shawn. You can come look over it tomorrow morning and yall can go from there. Have a good night Mr. Carter"
I stood up and walked out of my office. I headed down to my dressing room to shower and change into my clothes. Once I was done I went back to lock my office only to find Shawn standing in the door way. He smirked at me before handing me an manila envelope and kissing my cheek. I waited until we walked away to open it. It was at least four thousand in there with a phone of us.
I shook my head just ask my phone text ring sounded.
I love you Micah.... but if I've hurt you the way you say I have.... I can let you go baby girl. You'll always be mine. I'm always going to take care of you. I want you to call me whenever you need anything. You don't need to be dancing in a fucking club. You a boss baby girl. Don't live like a peasant. I've always told you that and I always will. Consider this a promotion and a raise. I love you ma... you always be my butterfly - Kane
I hate that I love you.... but I will always love you Kane.... thanks.... - Micah
I locked my office and headed home for the night. Between Kane and David... I didn't have to pay for anything. I laughed as I drove home thinking about everything that had been happening the past couple days. I could get use to this.
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Dearest O'Malley
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Bow down to your King!
He was once a king from another world but committed suicide because he got everything money, power, people, After that he got reincarnated with his family while they were moving houses a big storm was seen and hit them causing him to be separated from his parents after he met a phoenix that took care of him but was sadly died after that, He traveled through the forest and meeting a young girl and he was forced to take her back to her home after that he realized the young woman was a duke, After the girl returned home he was trained before he could go back with his parents but he did know they well still alive and safe and after that, He realized he didn't have everything from the past life he had he didn't have LOVE so he swears to himself he would protect everyone he loves but there is someone or something from keeping that promise
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