
Within a week xiao zhan the black cobra spirit has shade off to a new skin. Zhan didn't have a cool good swim for over a week since he decided to hibernate so that he could heal, now that he's perfectly fine, he could hear those annoying human beings noises in his territory.

'They even dared to come to my territory again' Xiao zhan thought while sticking his two forked tongue out. Slithering out of his resting place which is actually a cave zhan followed the noise, he saw three annoying humans swimming. 'They have the balls to swim here' Zhan hissed and entered the water, he loved the cold feeling of water against his skin. But he needs to deal with this problem at hand, he hasn't avenged himself yet by getting hurt by that human he didn't see his face but will forever remember his scent. Killing him only won't reduce his anger, he must make these humans pay. ...apart. ...from. ...that strange human being that he is going to find and him only his.

Xiao zhan approached the first human who was kicking his legs. Zhan was a bit confused, one of them seems to have three legs, two long legs and one little leg. These humans seems to be really complicated, extremely confusing. 'I will bite that little leg between his two long legs' Zhan hissed and moved even closer getting even more irritated with the noise, moving between the human thighs zhan opened his mouth, with just a quick bite, zhan moved away quckily to the second person and third, within one minute, the painful noises died down and three decomposed bodies could be seen floating on the water while being carried away by the water current. Xiao zhan moved around the water happily, playing inside the water for hours, zhan got out and decided to find that human by waiting for him beside the road.


Slithering away from his territory, zhan found food on the way, killing small animals, his favourite meal. Zhan knowing that he's unstoppable, no one will dare confront him, even those big animals that has legs and can walk respect him and stays away, their's nothing he should be afraid, he claims himself as a king of all the other snakes, if he wants to those other animals will bow to him too. Zhan slide through the long grasses, trees and he finally arrived at the road, looking around he didn't see a sign of human.

Xiao zhan waited at the same for four consecutive weeks, hunting nearby but he didn't get a glimpse of the human who had saved him. Though he has killed a lot of humans who walked closer to where he was saying they're blocking his perfect view of the human he's waiting, zhan hopes started decreasing and this made him even more angry.

Though in people's eyes he's nothing but just a big scary snake, more like an animal, what they didn't know is, xiao zhan is way more smarter than most of the animals, human beings might be smarter compared to him but not all of them. Zhan has already given up waiting for the man who seems to have dissapered. But what caught his attention was a line of cars that was coming his away. He could sense the smell of the man who helped him a month ago in one of the car.

Xiao zhan wasn't sure which of the cars. Then suddenly the cars stopped. Zhan didn't waste time but decided to go inside one of the cars, going through the window that was opened, zhan slithered at the back of the car, coiling himself up zhan didn't have time to think on what to do when the car started moving, zhan could feel how hot it is where he is, he knows he will not stay here for long because the hotness will kill him, slithering towards where he heard humans speaking, zhan found a place where a small human was placed, zhan thought that might be a good place to stay, going closer, zhan moved inside the strange thing that the small human is sitting on. 'It feels much better in here' Zhan thought still wondering why they were a lot of cars and the one he is in isn't the one where he captured that man's scent.

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