
Zhan heard the people talking about wedding. He has no idea what wedding is but that is none of his business, he's here for one person only no one else. Whatever that thing is doesn't concern him.

After sometime, zhan felt the car stop. The car doors opened. It was seconds later that xiao zhan felt people screaming.

"Snake! Snake!"

Xiao zhan moved his head, getting out of the car slowly he started seeing people moving back alert of his every movement. Zhan hissed as a warning seeing how people were looking at him, especially the ones that were having bad intentions. Scanning everyone xiao zhan spotted the man he has been looking. Zhan slithered towards where the person he's been looking for,everyone moved back shouting hysterically but wang yibo was glued on the same spot without moving. People tried calling him but it was too late, zhan started moving upwards. People started shouting even more loudly, zhan head came out of wang yibos shirt collar.

Zhan hissed sticking his tongue out, zhan had a perfect view of the man who helped him. Wang yibo eye's didn't blink, his frozen body fall down. Zhan kept looking at wang yibo hoping yibo could say something but it looks like wang yibo was only looking at him.

The people called the people who handles animals to come and rescue the poor wang yibo who was at the verge of getting killed by a snake whose face was extremely close to that of wang yibos, if he wants to poison him he will surely do it. The snake body couldn't be seen since the snake is now under wang yibos clothes but the 'S' shape of the snake under wang yibos clothes. Now the people who were looking at wang yibo were confused, it looks like the snake only wanted wang yibo and no one else, also for the past ten minutes that he has been looking at wang yibo, the snake has not done anything to harm wang yibo apart from sticking his two forked tongue out from time to time.


Today was a good day for me since it was my favourite cousin Yanli was getting married. I got out of the car with a wide smile on my face but my smile dropped when I heard people screaming the name snake. Turning around i froze seeing the black cobra coming out of the car, he's just so long and scary, with the way he's hissing and opened his mouth showing his two long fangs.

When the snake started slithering towards my direction, i really wanted to run away, but then I felt like my body didn't listen to my command. With me having a phobia of reptiles made everything worse, people tried calling my name but it was all in vain. I could feel the snake moving against my leg up to my right thigh, the perverted snake even have the audacity to bite my trouser and loosen the button before moving up to my abs further to my neck, then his scary face coming face to face to mine, feeling the cold body of the snake against my body and his face close to mine, sticking his tongue out made me to just collapse on the floor, seems like I'm going to die of an heart attack.

Was this snake sent to me to kill me when a lot of people knows that I'm extremely scared of snakes? Or did this snake know that I am scared of snakes and decided to use my fear to just kill me? Oh God why me? This snake is obviously upto no good, coming to the wedding to destroy the happy occasion.

Luckily the people who deals with animals came minutes later. Whatever they threw towards the snake head that was looking at me, made him to hiss, he immediately slithered away and dissapered in the nearby woods that lead to the forest. I was helped to stand up and was rushed to the hospital. I'm still confused though why the snake never hurt me in anyway, but imagining how the snake moved against my body sent me shivers, right now I'm trembling like a leaf.



So that human whom I thought is actually a good person, let those humans hurt me. Whatever powder they threw towards me made me to start feeling dizzy, he rather smiled and only looked at me almost getting caught with those vicious humans. I thought he will protect me but rather he joined them, i swear i will make him pay if i ever find him again. Hiding under a hall which I guessed it must be of another snake hiding, darkness consumed me.

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