《ANONYM ( Yibo*Zhan fanfic)》8


Yibo was on leave for 2 days. The next morning, He got up, went for jogging came back, and messaged Sean. Then made a coffee and took a seat on the couch.

He skimmed through Sean's previous messages. He felt that whenever he mentioned his crush, Sean would make something up and leave. Then he felt that it's just his mind making up things, but felt like he should confirm this. So he was cooking up some story Just then he got a text.

Bob: Good morning!

Sean: Boooooo... Good morning!

Bob: You up?

Sean: Nope, I do have a client meeting at 11 am. So I will be going there directly.

Bob: Hey yesterday, my friend asked me out. Should I go?

Sean: Girl or boy?

Bob: Girl.

Sean: Do as you love? Do you like her?

Bob: I don't know, but she is nice and beautiful. It can be a friendly date or something.

Sean: Yup, why not? But what about your crush?

Bob: He is a crush, it's not like we gonna get committed or something.

Sean: Oh! I don't know. Maybe a friendly date would be fine. I am getting late, I will go and get ready. Bye, See ya.

Bob: oh okay! Then I will consider the date. Bye.

Yibo knew Sean is ignoring him again. He sometimes felt that Sean had feelings for him but he is not ready to accept it. Yibo liked Sean but he just liked Zhan more.

And about him going on a date, he just made up that story not full but the half story. Someone from the office did ask him out, but he wasn't interested. So he politely refused it.

(Yibo refusing a girl with that poker face you can guess, how it would have gone.)

He had many thoughts but he pushed those thoughts down and got ready to visit his hometown.

Zhan had a client meeting, so he didn't have to hurry up. He called Luo Yunxi to let him know his schedule and asked him to mail the proposal to the client as well as him by 11.00 am. And hung up. the phone.


Zhan wasn't feeling quite good. His mind was in turmoil. Bob having a date was hard to digest. He really needed someone to talk to. He loved and respected his friends. He knew they would be with him but still, he couldn't open up to them. The feeling that the other person would judge him, tease him, or downsize him, made him push down his emotions.

The reason he respects Bob and the chat space was because he could open up without thinking twice. He knew that the other person won't judge him. He really wanted to talk about his feeling to Bo but he felt that if he did that the relationship would not be the same as before so he hid that from him too.

By the time he tried clearing his thoughts it was already 9.30 am. He got up made breakfast and got ready. By 10 he was on his way to meet his client. He had two client meetings before and after lunch.

The first client meeting ended by 1.30 pm and the next client meeting was at 3.00 he nearly had one and a half hours. He stopped by the same restaurant where he and Yibo went last time. He ordered his food and took a seat near a corner window.

Zhan liked the ambiance. But after a while, he started to miss Yibo. He didn't know what was going on with him. Yibo and Zhan do talk to each other but they had their own set limits. If Yibo had to say something he would say that directly to his face, if he didn't want to say it he won't open his mouth and Zhan never forced him to. Both never nagged each other they respected each other's space. And all these aspects of Yibo made him adore the other. Zhan thought that maybe the feeling that he has for Yibo is just a result of his fascination. But still, he was confused.


He took his phone and texted Bo.

Sean: Booooo. I am sorry. I had to take a call. So that's why I was in a hurry.

( message at 2.45 pm)

Then, set his phone back in his pocket and left the diner by 2.45 pm. Went to meet his other client.

On the other end, Yibo reached his hometown by 3 pm. He was happy to see his mom's dad after a year. He hasn't taken any leave for a year so he had a lot of casual leave left. So he taught of a week vacation. After reaching home, he went to his room, freshened up, and took him to check out his messages. He saw that he got a message from Sean, he replied to the message. Then placed his phone on the charger and left to spend his evening with his family.

By the time Zhan left his client's office, it was already 6.30 pm. He texted Luo Yunxi asking him to check the proposal that the client mailed him and asked him to forward it to other members of the group.

After a min, he got a reply from Luo Yunxi saying he will check it after reaching home. And then there was a second message asking him if I was okay?

Zhan felt weird. He felt like something happened at the office. He didn't know. He just texted Yunxi saying that he is fine, Why? What's wrong?.

Luo Yunxi replied, "Nothing, don't worry. See you tomorrow."

Zhan knew something was up. But he was too tired to think about it. He just went home, freshened up, and checked his phone. He saw a message from Bob.

Bob: It's okay. Are you fine? Do you want to talk about something?

(message at 5.00pm)

Sean: Hey, I am fine. Really.

(6.50 pm)

Bob: You know that you can talk to me if you want to.

(7.15 pm)

Sean: Yeah I know that sweetheart. By the way, how was your date?

Bob: Oh, I didn't go. I wasn't in a mood.

Sean: What seriously? Why?

(Zhan didn't know should he be happy or not.)

Bob: I don't know.

Sean: Weren't you the one who said, she is nice and beautiful? Then what happened.

Bob: Just felt that my crush is the cutest and nicest person.

Sean: You are whipped!

Bob: Maybe. What about you?

Sean: I am in chaos, where I don't know who I like.

Bob: Sean, remember the thing that's in front of you, the thing that you can touch, feel is the reality don't get mixed up.

Zhan was dumbfounded. He didn't know how the other guy knew what he was feeling. This made Zhan feel even more attached to him. After like 25 min he replied.

Sean: Hey don't worry, I know. It's just I may take time to figure out.

But then he didn't get any reply. Zhan thought the other person may have dozed off so he texted him Good night and went off to sleep.

On another side, Yibo waited for like 15min he didn't get any reply. So he took his phone and went to the washroom with it. The washroom floor was wet and slippery due to the defective shower head fixture leaking water. Yibo didn't notice it, he got in, lost his control, and fell. As a result of this, his parents had to take him to the hospital. He had a minor fracture in right and left hand. And the doctor advised him for 1 week's rest.

Yibo was miserable and angry, not because his hand was fractured, because his phone was fully shattered due to the fall. Now he had to wait for 1 week to get a new one.

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