《ANONYM ( Yibo*Zhan fanfic)》6


Zhan woke up around 7.45 am. He checked his phone and saw Yibo's and Bob's text messages.

There were 5 text messages from Yibo and all messages were the same. He opened his message first, It said, "Don't be late and don't forget to take your lap and printouts."

Zhan replied, "buddy if you say that one more time, I am gonna be late by an hour. And Yeah I will take my laptop and printouts."

And then opened Bo's messages.

Bo: Good morning!

Sean: 🌞

Bo: you up?

Sean: Yeah, I kinda, need to hurry up.

Bo: well me too.

Sean: See ya.

Bo: See ya.

Then Zhan received a message from Yibo saying, "Fine, I will be at office edifice by 9.00."

Zhan saw it and went off to get ready. He reached the office exactly at 9 am but Yibo was 5 min late.

"Were you the one who asked me to be here on time?" Zhan asked.

Yibo mumbled, "Forgot my phone, so had to go back. Now get in".

Zhan chuckle got in, put on his seat belt and they went off. They had 3 client meetings to attend in the morning. 3 client meetings back to back, explaining the same things was kind of irking.

As the meeting ended it was already 2.45 pm anyway they were gonna get their expense reimbursed so they stopped by a well-known diner for lunch. After taking seats Zhan called Jessi, "asking her to check on the details of the meeting and asked her to pass own the details to others." Then Zhan hung up his phone.

Zhan looked at Yibo, who was laying his head on the table. He thought, "Yibo was too perfect, he had to drive for like 2 to 3 hr, he did his presentation without showing his exhaustion, didn't even complain and still can look this handsome." As he was thinking, Zhan didn't notice that Yibo was looking at him.


"I know I am handsome but stop staring at me like that," Yibo said.

This bought Zhan out of his daze and he realized he was staring at Yibo for a while, and then said, "Yup, you are handsome."

Yibo chocked on the water he was about to drink, "So you agree that I am handsome."

Then the waiter came over and took their order.

"I should be blind not to concede that," Zhan said.

Yibo was blushing a little," Thanks, I never thought of hearing this from you."

"Oh, Welcome. Anyway, didn't you top the handsome man list? Isn't it an implied fact that you are a handsome man?" Zhan retorted.

"Well, still couldn't beat you," Yibo said.

"What do you mean?" Zhan asked.

"Oh, you didn't know, you are leading this time," Yibo said.

"I didn't know you were keeping updates," Zhan said.

"Nope, that day at the cafe, I heard this from Zoey and Jessi," Yibo said.

"Do you agree?" Zhan asked.

Yibo retorted, "What?".

"That, I am handsome," Zhan said.

"Shouldn't I be blind not to agree with it? You are beautifully handsome." Yibo said it and gave him a wink.

Zhan was blushing like hell, he couldn't speak for a while, "You are just kidding, right."

"I am not. I'm pretty much sure that you have heard this from a lot of people." Yibo said.

Zhan thought he have heard this from many people but when Yibo said it, it gave him some foreign feeling, and that wink that was too much.

Then their food arrived and they started to dig in.

Zhan thought about what Yibo said for a while then left it.

Yibo after keeping silent for a while said, "it's for the first time we are talking like this."

"Hmmm. It's not that bad. Is it? "Zhan said.


"You are still annoying." Yibo retorted giving him a smirk.

"You started again. Didn't you?" Zhan said and glared at him. And they both laughed.

"Yup, it's not that bad," Yibo agreed. And Zhan nodded.

"So, say why do you hate me?" Zhan asked.

Yibo gave him a questioning look, "Who said that I hate you?"

"Then why do you have to disagree with everything, I say," Zhan asked.

"Buddy, remember you started it. Remember our first meeting. We didn't know each other still you had to disagree with everything I say. I always thought about, what did I do to get on your wrong side?" Yibo said.

Zhan laughed, "that was just because I was envious of you. You didn't do anything wrong. I kind of hated the way you had a solution to every problem and people agreed with it even if they understood or not. So I just hated your gut."

Yibo felt the answer kind of similar. But he didn't ponder much on the thought. He then said, "Seriously Xiao Zhan, you suck."

Zhan retorted, "I know."

They talked about somethings, then left the diner by 3.30 pm. They had to still do the market survey.

After everything, It was already 8.30. They had to run around a lot. They were too exhausted. They stopped by a cafe near their condo to grab something. They took a seat near the window.

"Market survey sucks. It's too exhausting". Zhan said.

"Yeah, thinking about it makes me exhausted". Yibo muttered.

"Liu Haikuan, knows you well, Doesn't he?" Zhan said.

"Liu Haikuan and Song Jiang are my friends from childhood. Why?" Yibo replied.

Zhan took a while then said, "On that day at lunch, you said that we have to do the fieldwork. I think Haikuan knew that you would be exhausted so he patted you like he was consoling you."

Yibo giving a smirk, "Zhan, I didn't know you had so much interest in me, that you noticed everything about me. And yeah Haikuan knew I hated doing market survey even during college final year project. He knows me well."

Zhan retorted, "I am just a keen observer that's it. Anyhow, I will mail you the results of the survey and I am going. Bye."

As Zhan was about to get up, "Hey Zhan, Thanks. Had a considerably better day because of you." Yibo said.

Zhan started to blush again, "Yibo seriously man. Anyway welcome and thanks. You helped me a lot today."

They both went to their condominiums. For some reason, both loved each other's company.

Zhan freshened up and took his phone. He didn't receive any message from Bo. Deep down somewhere Zhan felt, he knew who the other person was but he couldn't just grab it. He then texted Bo.

Sean: Bo, We do judge people too quickly.

(after 10 min)

Bo: Yeah we do.

Sean: were you busy?

Bo: Nope, Had some emails to send and just freshened up.

Sean: How was the day?

Bo: It was nice. A good one. What about you?

Sean: A good one.

Bo: were you busy from morning? Like you didn't remember me at all.

Sean: Oh, missed me... I kind of had a hectic sweet day.

Bo: What kind of day is that?

Sean: It's a kind of day. why didn't you text me?

Bo: I too had a weirdly hectic but good day.

Sean: Fine, fine dear. Anyway, I am tired and too sleepy. Good night.

Bob: Good night😄

Then Yibo got a text message from Zhan, "Yibo, I already mailed you the details check it, later on. Good night and sweet dreams."

Yibo had a smile on his face, he replied," Sure, Good night, Sweet dreams, See you tomorrow."

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