《ANONYM ( Yibo*Zhan fanfic)》5


Bob: Morning! Sorry, I fell asleep. ( 9.00 am)

Sean: At what time do you wake up? (10.00 am)

Bob: 5.00. Why?

Sean: Oh! You messaged me at 9.00 so thought you, woke up late!

Bob: I just guessed, you not gonna wake up till noon. So I didn't text you in the morning.

Sean: what were doing till now?

Bob: Jogging had my breakfast and back on the bed again. When did you wake up?

Sean: 9.30 am.

Bob: You are still in bed. Aren't you?

Sean: Bo darling, you know me well🥰

Bob: Get up you Idiot. Go and have your breakfast.

Sean: Oh dear, my wife is worried about me?

Bob: Facepalm!

Sean: Fine, wait for me. I will be right back.

Bob: okay!

(After like one and half-hour)

Sean: I am back!

Bob: Had your breakfast?

Sean: Wow, were you waiting for my text?

Bob: Heard a buzz, so checked out. (Though he was waiting for his text)

Sean: Really, I thought you were waiting for my text.

Bob: do you want me to wait for your text?

Sean: I don't mind.😄

Bob: Fine, I was kind of waiting for your message.

Sean: Really!!!!

Bob: Now shut it.

Sean: Hehee... So what's your plan for today?

Bob: Nothing much.

Sean: let's chat the whole day!

Bob: Hahaaa... Fine, let's do that...

Sean: so, say how was your college life?

Bob: Good!

Sean: Just good?

Bob: I was kind of a reserved guy. Had few friends who I was close to. I was pretty much good at basketball, skating, and dancing. That's it.

Sean: Wow, you can dance?

Bob: Yeah, I can. What about you? How was your college days?

Sean: Mine was awesome. Oh god, I miss those days. I had a lot of friends. I was good at arts and I am a singer. Sports was never my area. I was kind of popular.

Bob: Wow! I think you enjoyed your College days a lot. Did you get committed at that time?

Sean: Yup, First year. She was from my class. She had a nice attitude, a sweet smile, and was good at painting. So we got close and by the first years half, I proposed to her she said yes and we started dating. It was fine till 3rd year, but then she became over-possessive, jealous. Like, I couldn't go out with friends, I was not allowed to talk to any other girls and all. She even didn't want me to sing on stage. So, with everything, this was it for me. So I broke up.


Bob: what do you look like in your partner?

Sean: Trust and my space. You?

Bob: where I studied, I think money and looks matter more than actual friendship and relationship. Most of them made friends because of other person money or looks. I was never interested in those kinds of toxic relationships.

Sean: Oh!!! That's why you don't have a girlfriend or boyfriend?

Bob: Yes and No. That's one reason but the main reason is during college days, I never found anyone who could make me skip a beat.

Sean: So you found someone later on?

Bob: Not in that sense but yeah. The guy with who I have an ego problem with that guy can.

Sean: wait, I thought you just adored him. Do you love him?

Bob: Nope, I don't know. But when I saw him for the first time. It made me miss a beat.

Sean: Wow!!! You are whipped...

Bob: But after that, we never actually talk. Now it's fine, I guess.

Sean: why don't you give him a try?

Bob: Nope. No way.

Sean: If he gets committed, Would you be fine?

Bob: I think so.

Sean: Oh, let's see then.

Bob: what?

Sean: Nothing.

Bob: stop teasing me!!

Sean: Did you know?

Bob: what?

Sean: Gao Hanyu and Ji Xiaobing from the production department got committed.

Bob: I think even people from the other building know about it.

Sean: you know they used to fight a lot too.

Bob: Sean, Shut up.

Sean: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Bob: I am not talking to you.

Sean: Hey darling, I am sorry. I won't tease you. But seriously you should give him a chance.

Bob: Fine. let me ask you something?

Sean: Go on.

Bob: If the person you have your trouble with, proposes to you, what would you say?

Sean: I don't think so he would ever pursue me. I think he has a girlfriend or he is trying to pursue someone else. Plus he hates me. There is no way he is gonna pursue me.

Bob: Sean, I asked you if that happens what would be your answer?

Sean: Yes maybe. Like I don't think so anyone would be able to say no to that face. He is damn hot. Even if it's for one night stand, I think, I would agree to it.


Bob: Seriously, for real.

Sean: I don't know about actual relations like I don't know him. We don't talk much so for actual relation I don't think that happening. But one night stand with no string attached, Definitely yes.

Bob: That's what I am saying. We don't talk much the only thing we do is a fight. I don't know much about him. So if I fell for him it may be just because of his looks. So me pursuing him out of blue would be stupidity. And I am looking for something more serious than one nightstand.

Sean: Fine, Mr. Holy spirit. Do as you wish. But if he gets committed don't come crying to me.

Bob: Nope, I won't. Now change the topic!

Sean: Fine. Fine. What's for lunch,?

Bob: Oh, right. I will just order something.

Sean: Me too

( after lunch)

Sean: Booooooo!!!!!!!

( 3.30 pm)

Bob: Sean, wait for 30 min. I have to make a call.

Like 5 min after that message, Zhan got a call from Yibo.

Zhan picked up, "hello, why are you calling me?"

"Just wanted to know tomorrow's schedule," Yibo answered.

"Well, I will meet you at the office foyer," Zhan said.

Yibo mumbled," time?"

Zhan thought for a second or two and said, "by 9 am".

"Are you sure?" Yibo retorted.

"Hey, I always reach the office by 9.00. Anyway, I mailed, you the client details check it," Zhan said.

Yibo surfed through his mail, "Wait a sec, let me check. Yeah, got it. If there is any correction I will let you know."

Zhan said, "cool, anything else."

"Yeah, You taking your car, if yes can then pick me up," Yibo asked.

"My car is in the garage. So you better take yours and pick me up. You can show off your car a bit," Zhan said.

"Fine, I will pick you up at 9.00, see you" Yibo let out, and hung up. After a while, he messaged Sean

Bob: Sean.

Sean: Done with your call?

Bob: yup, what you doing?

Sean: Nothing. Checking out some mails. What about you?

Bob: Same.

Sean: I need a break from all this stuff.

Bob: Why don't you hang out with your friends?

Sean: All are busy with their stuff.

Bob: Sunday and Saturday evening most of them are free.

Sean: Priority matters.

Bob: you think you are not someone's priority?

Sean: How much, I enjoyed my college life? How many friends I had? This all doesn't matter.

Bob: Then what matters?

Sean: what matters is who all stay with you forever. I am just in contact with a few of my school and college friends. And they are busy with their own life.

Bob: I don't take you for a loner.

Sean: Am not. I do have my pals at the office. But you can guess our workload.

Bob: point. By the by I don't believe in forever stuff.

Sean: why?

Bob: How can you promise forever? When you don't know, what's gonna happen next moment? Forever is a myth, which we just love to believe.

Sean: so in a relation, don't you wish to last forever.

Bob: I would just ask him or her, don't promise me forever if you ever stop loving me then just say it.

Sean: Wow, that's a film dialogue.

Bob: yup, but it's worth it.

Sean: Fair enough, but for me, even if I can't predict what's gonna happen next, I would start a relation I mean any relation like a boyfriend, girlfriend, friend, family, or any relation hoping that it would last forever.

Bob: Fair enough.

Sean: Bo, I am sleepy, Good night. Iam gonna have a long day tomorrow.

Bob: Sure, Good night. Sweet dreams!

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