《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 59


Storm's POV

I sat in my room and put the cd in the tv. Before I went home, I dropped the kids to Josh's parents and the girls and I came back to my place. The boys were almost here and we were gonna have a group discussion. I convinced Luzzy that she should give Mikey the chance to talk, but no matter what she is still leaving him. Her mind is made up.

"Hey Storm, man there's a lot going on for you and your group of friends. You know what they say about athletes though, so I guess you can't be that surprised" She says giggling.

"I have your third step for you. Tell the detective that you're working with about Cali's drug addiction and that she's still taking them. She is now plotting on you Storm and let me tell you, what she's planning is gonna ruin you forever. Get to her before she gets to you! And your kids" She says.

"I also have more information for you, this is why Cali is so angry at you. Guess who her baby father is?" She says then opens her folder.

"Remember Don? And get this, you have their kids" She smirks. My mouth falls open as I stared at the screen. My heart....

"And get THIS! Josh found this out when he found out Cali was the kids mother" She says. My eyes start to water and I feel my heart beat quicken. I have D's kids....omg!

"I think I'm gonna be sick" I said covering my mouth....H-How can...how can Josh not tell me?

"But that's besides the point. Those kids are amazing and you definitely saved them from their crazy parents. But that's your task. If you succeed I'll do a face reveal. Until then, Byeeee" She says and the video shuts off. I start to feel that pain in my chest again and I think it's worse. What is wrong with me?

"Oh my gosh..." I said. I blink away my tears and try to comprehend what I just heard. Not only...do I have Cali's kids....they're D's as well. WHAT THE FUCK!!! Cali has to know what happened and she has to know I'm the reason why D is dead. Oh my goshhhh!

"I need some water" I said and turned the tv off. I grab my phone and walk downstairs. Before I went downstairs, I heard a lot of commotion going on.

"Fuck all of you!" Luzzy says.

"Fuck us? Your making it seem like we cheated on you!" I heard Dior say. I breathed in and out as my chest continued to pain me. The thought of me having some type of connection to D is making me SICK. I proceeded downstairs and walked over to the kitchen.

"Storm come here!" I heard Star call. I sighed and grabbed my water bottle. I walked to the living room and seen the boys on one side, and the girls on another side.

"Damn, you look horrible. You good?" Dior says. I rolled my eyes and sat beside Heaven.

"You ok?" She asks me.

"Yea, my chest just feels weird" I told her and she gives me a worried look.

"Are you having pain again?" She asks me.

"No, look I'm fine ok" I told her and she sighs.

"You guys are foul, I should beat y'all's asses" Star says.

"You're taking all of this so far for no reason" Shaqir says rolling his eyes.

"Luzzy can we go talk?" Mikey asks her. We looked at the two and she rolls her eyes. She stands up and he follows her. When he opens the door for her. His hand touches her back and she turns around.


"Back the fuck up when you're walking beside me. I'm ready to sock you right now" We heard her say to him. That made me laugh a bit.

"If y'all was just loyal to your girls, none of this would be happening" Caleb says and takes a seat. I just noticed Pat was here.

"Hi Pat" I said waving at him and he waved back.

"I don't get a hi?" Josh asks me.

"Josh shut up! Caleb if it wasn't for your hoes, none of this would be happening" Peyton says.

"My hoes?" He questions.

"Yea your hoes. That can't control themselves around our mans" I said to him.

"They can't control themselves...or your mans can't control themselves?" He says and gives us all looks. What the fu-

"What the fuck does that mean Caleb?" Heaven says sitting up. Ooo she's mad now.

"I'm just saying, you guys are mad for no reason. Or at least mad at the wrong people. Don't be mad at us, be mad at the hoes" He shrugs. He's really trying to save himself and the boys right now.

"We're mad for no reason? Ok" Heaven says laughing.

"Babe calm down-"

"Shareef. Shut the fuck, respectfully" She says putting her hand up. I then looked at Josh who was staring at the ground rubbing his head.

"How could you keep something like this from me. And we just talked about being honest with each other today" I said to him. He jumps and looks at me.

"I-I swear I didn't know it was gonna happen. It's not my fault" He says quickly. What is he talking about.

"You lied to me Josh" I said to him.

"Storm I swear it just happened. I didn't even know it was gonna happen. I called you right after but you didn't answer" He rambles on. We all give him a weird look. I'm so confused.

"Josh what are you-"

"She just kissed me out of no where. So when you think about it, I never cheated. And I pushed her away and cut her off" He says. My eyes then widen. What the fuck did he just say!!!

"Repeat that!" I said standing up and he flinches.

"Wait? W-What were you talking about...?" He asks slowly. My hands started to shake. I'm not sure if it was because Josh didn't tell me we had D's kids, or that Mikey was cheating on Luzzy, or him telling me Soul kissed him. So many things to be mad at right now.

"Did you just tell me...Soul kissed you?" I asked and started to walk up to him. Peyton then holds me back. Smart idea.

"What'd I tell you! I told you she was like the others!" Caleb says to him and Pat sighs.

"I thought you-" Josh started.

"I was talking about you lying to me about Mikey and the kids!" I yelled at him and he gives me a weird look.

"The kids? What about the kids?" He asks me.

"Don't act confused right now, I swear if you do you'll be so sorry Josh" I said shaking my hands. I wanted to jump on him so badly. Jump Storm!

"I don't know what you're talking about" He says shaking his head.

"Strike 1" I said folding my arms. 2 more.

"Storm I-"

"Strike 2" I said rocking side to side. 1 more.

"Storm please" He says and tries to hide behind Pat.

"You're hiding behind Pat like he's gonna protect you. Josh do you know how thin the ice that you're on is? You've been lying to me for months about something so serious like this. How can I trust you?And when did Soul kiss you? I swear she cut you off after you asked her to fuck" I said to him.


"Woah woah woahhh" Dior says.

"Yea hold up, what did you just say?" Sharife asks me. I just ignore me.

"Can you tell me what I lied to you about. Explain!" Josh says. Oh he's getting an mad now? Ok.

"How the FUCK were you gonna hide from me that not only we have Cali's kids, they're D's too" I said to him. Everyone's eyes widen and they look at the both of us. Josh is stunned and tilts his head.

"What did you just say?" He asks me and pulls away from his brother.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" I asked him. He then stands up.

"Y-You think I'd hide something like this from you Storm. Are you serious? That's so fucked up" He says shaking his head.

"You lied to me about everything else, you expect me to believe that you didn't know?" I asked him. I was so mad right now. Is this the Josh I've always known? Is this the Josh I married?

"This is one thing I wouldn't hide from you Storm. How do you know that's his kids?" He asks me. I look around then look at him. Erm...

"Don't worry about how I know. Let's talk about Soul" I said and he shakes his head.

"No no no.... let's talk about this" Dior says.

"Yea I need to hear this" Star says. Oh my fucking god!

"It doesn't matter where I got the information from. Point is, it's the reason why Cali hates me so much. Not only do I have her kids. I killed the love of her life and she knows it. And she's making me pay for it now" I said sighing.

"When did you find this out?" Josh asks me. I looked at him and just like always, I tried to read him. But just like always, it was so hard to as well. I can tell that he was upset, also mad.

"That doesn't matter" I said scratching my head.

"So you wanna get mad at me for not being honest but you're not telling me how you know what you know. You see how this doesn't make sense?" He says.

"Joshua, this doesn't save you. Answer my fucking question about Soul!" I told him.

"When I went to go apologize-" He starts.

"You went to apologize to her?!" Caleb and I both asked.

"Yea because you guys were so quick to judge her and shit!" He says to us.

"And after you apologized, she kissed. Am I correct?" I asked him.

"Yea" He says. I look at him for a few seconds before charging at him, Caleb grabs me just in time and holds me in his arms.

"It's about to get real violent in here. I think we should. We should definitely talk things out over the phone. It's safer" Sharife says and all the boys get up and leave.

"I wanna beat his ass just as badly as you do. But calm down" Caleb says to me.

"So, we were right about her Joshua. Why did you think it was ok to be cool with her? Why does she matter?" I asked him. He sighs and shrugs.

"I felt like it was the respectful thing to do" He says.

"Ok but out of respect for your wife, you don't do certain shit with other women. Especially hoes" I told him.

"I told you she was just like her friends. And you didn't believe me" Caleb says. Josh's phone then rings. We all looked at it and it was Soul calling. I then moved from Caleb.

"Speaking of the devil!" I yelled and grabbed his phone. I answered it and put it on speaker.

"Hey Soul, this is Storm" I said smiling.

She asks giggling.

"Hehe I'm great thanks" I said in the same tone as her. I earned a few laughs from my friends.

"So um I just wanted to tell you, delete this phone number, lose all contact with Josh, and leave him alone. Yea?" I asked her.

She asks. Oh really...

"And as his wife, and the mother to his children, it's my choice to make if he cuts you off or not. He already cut you off though so I was wondering why you were calling" I said in her voice. High ass voice.

She says.

"Yea bitch. My issue is I gave you simple instructions and your making them harder for no reason. Leave Josh alone" I said rolling my eyes.

She says.

"Yes I'm aware, because I heard when he asked you and I also heard how you slapped him and walked away. So now I'm confused on why your lips ended up on him" I said to her.

She says.

"Ok Soul this conversation has been going on for way to long. Match the new energy now and stay away from Josh. Or else my fist is gonna match your face. Ok bye boo" I smiled and hung up. I then tossed his phone to him.

"I thought I'd never have to do something like that again after dealing with what I dealt with years ago. Josh I'm tired! I don't have time for your drama, when are you gonna learn!?!" I asked him. That familiar feeling in my chest starts to come back. I walked away and walked to the hallway. I grabbed onto the wall and hold onto my chest. Just breathe Storm.

"Storm look- are you ok?" Josh asks rushing to me.

"Don't touch me. Please" I said stepping back. I kneel down and started to breathe slower. What is going on with me?

"Storm what's going on you?" He asks me.

"It's nothing" I said shaking my head.

"You see how you always flip on me about not telling you stuff and I have so much drama going on with me. You think you don't either? You hide so much from me and I don't flip out on you. And all you do is bring drama" He says and I looked at him.

"I hide things? I bring drama? Do you know who the fuck you're talking to?" I asked him. He must have me confused for Soul or something.

"Yes, I'm talking to Storm aren't I?" He asks.

"Josh, you have brought me nothing but negativity into my life! For years! You are the reason I lost myself years ago and I was never the same after that. You have brought me the worst pain I've ever had in my life. No situation, not even Melo's situation, can ever compare to the situations you've put me in. I know I have a lot going on right now and I have been for a while, and I'm still trying to deal with it everyday. It's so hard, and it's been so hard for years. The last thing I need is you to bring more problems into my life and you just keep doing it! When are you going to realize I can't do this anymore!" I yelled at him. Tears were now rolling down my face. I've had enough.

"You can't do this anymore?" He says and folds his lips.

"I can't Josh. I'm done" I said shaking my head. Tears start to roll down his face and he nods. Josh doesn't normally cry.

"I'm done too Storm" He says.

"I'm sorry for making your life so hard to live. I'm sorry for being there with you every night to wipe your tears for the last few years. I'm sorry for dropping games and events to be with you to make sure that you and the kids are ok. I'm sorry for our late night adventures. I'm sorry for splurging on you and making you feel special. I'm sorry for defending and fighting everyone for you. I'm sorry for being an open ear and listening to you rant for hours. I'm sorry for everything that I did and continued to do for you Storm. I'm sorry that it wasn't enough and all I did was bing negativity to your life. I'm SORRY, for not making you happy. " He says. It broke my heart to see him crying in front of me.

"Josh that's not what I meant-"

"No Storm that's what you meant. You're right, I bring drama into your life because I'm such a dumbass. I made you question my loyalty to you so many times because I keep putting you in these dumb situations with these others girls. I don't tell you everything and I'm disrespectful. I'm very friendly and don't listen to anyone. I'm such a horrible husband to you. I'm sorry. I won't put you through the bullshit that I do anymore Storm. I promise" He says and walks away.

"Josh come back" I said as I followed after him. He opens the door and walks out.

"We'll talk to him" Pat says to me and him and Caleb walk out closing the door. I walked back in the living room and sighed.

"I'm sorry Storm" Peyton says and hugs me. I lay my head on her shoulder and sniffle.

"I-I don't know what to do anymore? I'm so lost" I said to them.

"Luzzy texted me, her and Mikey only argued and they left. She said she broke up with him too" Star says.

"Two break ups in one night" I said to her.

"You and Josh didn't break up" Heaven says.

"We said we're done!"

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