《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 58


Storm's POV

"I came as fast as I could, what happened?" I said as I rushed into Luzzy's house with my kids. Star called me saying to come to Luzzy's house after I was done my shoot. After Kai dropped me home, I grabbed the kids and drove here. I'm going to have to watch that CD later.

"You will not believe what Mikey and the boys did" Heaven says with her arms crossed. Heaven looked furious. Yea this is definitely serious.

"Go play in the living room guys" Peyton says to the kids and they all go.

"What happened?" I asked and took a seat at the dining table.

"This nigga had the nerve to cheat on Luzzy and the boys knew. They been knew since when it happened in Vegas" Star says pointing at me.

"Are you fucking serious?" I asked in shock. This takes me back to the times when I asked Josh if Mikey was cheating on Luzzy and he said no. He lied to me.

"I asked Josh if he was cheating on Luzzy and he said no" I said. How could he lie to me about something like this? Just wait till his ass gets home.

"Did you talk to Josh too? Cause he's been avoiding you for hours" Star says to me.

"Yea I talked to him a while ago. He explained to me what happened with him and Soul" I told her.

"At this point I don't believe anything that they say. How could they keep this from Luzzy?" Peyton says.

"As Jalen says, because that's their bro" Star mocks. She rolls her eyes and takes a seat beside me.

"Bro my ass! Just wait till they come back. And I asked Shareef if anything was going on or if something happened with one of the girls and he said no" Heaven says shaking her head. Those lying bastards.

"How'd Luzzy find out anyway?" I asked.


"The girl exposed Mikey on live saying she sucked his dick and when she asked him for money, he said no. She got mad and told him if he doesn't give her money she's gonna expose him. They started arguing and Mikey told her to go fuck herself, and then she went on live and said what happened" Star says.

"And to make it worse, the girl went on live again just an hour ago and started talking shit about Luzzy. Luzzy joined her live and they were going back and forth with each other" Heaven says.

"Does Mikey know?" I asked them.

"No, he's in a middle of a game right now" Peyton pointed to the screen. I looked over at it and seen Mikey playing. This cheating ass nigga.

"How could he cheat on his pregnant girlfriend?" I asked shaking my head.

"The fact that Mikey cheated with one of those girls makes me think the other boys were doing something too. They obviously knew them before we got to the club" Peyton says.

"Do you think they were all doing something?" Star asks.

"I'm not saying they did, but they definitely covered for Mikey. The only one that was trying to rat him out was Dior" She says.

"The blabber mouth of course" Heaven says rolling her eyes.

"Where's Luz?" I asked them.

"She's In her room, we talked to her already. But you can go up there" Star says. I nodded and stood up. I put my bag down and walked towards the stairs. When I was finally up, I seen her door. I knocked.

"Luzzy, it's Storm. I'm coming in" I said and opened the door. There I seen her with boxes and it looked like she was packing. She was rushing to the closet and back to the boxes.

"Hey hey hey, slow down" I said to her as she was quickly pushing things in the boxes. She looks at me and starts to break down. I pull her into a hug and she starts crying on my shoulder. Aww Luzzy.


"How could he do this to me? After he begged me to stay! He said he needed me! He said we'll raise our child together" She cried. I frowned and rubbed her back. I hated seeing any of my friends crying or just upset in general.

"I'm sorry Luzzy, I can't believe he did this either. I know he regrets it though" I told her. Even though Mikey put on a tough act all the time his soft spot was Luzzy. You can tell that Mikey really loved her. He was in love with her. But he made a bad mistake, now he's losing her. And his baby.

"I don't care if he regrets it, I don't care if he wishes it never happened, I don't care! He broke my trust and that horny bastard couldn't help himself. He was messing with this girl behind my back, just because I didn't give him what he wanted! After being with that woman, he came and laid beside me. He slept beside me after being with another woman Storm! And then she has the nerve to disrespect me? Are you fucking kidding me? I'm done Storm" She says pulling away. She wipes her face and continues to pack. I sit down on her bed and look at the picture of her and Mikey that she had on her table.

"Have you talked to him?" I asked her.

"No, he's been avoiding my calls. Then he called me after the live but I didn't answer him. This dumb bitch had the nerve to call me fat! Bitch I'm pregnant of course I'm gonna have a stomach" She says turning around.

"She was like, "Oh Mikey said I suck his dick so good. He said I suck his dick like a pornstar". Ok bitch do you want a reward for being a hoe?" She says and I started laughing. This is probably a bad time to laugh but that was funny.

"I'm sorry that was funny" I said continuing to laugh.

"Go ahead and laugh at the bitch. She's lucky I'm pregnant, I would've beaten her ass" She says shaking her head.

"Where are you going though?" I asked her.

"I bought a condo in downtown. I bought it a while ago when I was first moving out but he convinced me to stay. Now I'm actually going" She says.

"If you need help you know you got us" I told her.

"I know, thank you Storm" She says and smiles at me. I smiled back and nodded. As I was about to say something, Josh called me.

"Hello?" I said.

He says.

"Good, cause we need to have a serious talk" I told him.

He says.

"Save your sorry for when you guys get here" I said then hung up.

"Who was that?" Luzzy asks.

"Josh, he's saying all of them are coming back tonight" I told her and she rolls her eyes.

"Tell them clowns to stay where they're at. Ain't no body wanna see them" She says.

"I can't believe they kept this from you" I said shaking my head.

"I'm not that surprised. They did this when Jalen cheated on Star, they did it when Josh cheated on you, and now they did it to me. I just thought we were better friends then that. But I guess not. I'm not cool with any of them anymore. I done with all of them. Fuck Mikey. Fuck them. And fuck every athlete there is out there. They're all the same" She says looking down.

Fuck everybody, I can't trust nobody!

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