《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 60


Storm's POV

"Hi mom" I said as I opened the door.

"Hi baby, you look beautiful. As always" She says smiling at me. She pulls me into a warm hug and we rock side to side. Nothing feels better then a hug from your mother.

"I missed you so much" I whispered to her.

"I missed you too baby" She says and pulls away from me. She brings her hand to my face and looks at me.

"What's wrong?" She asks me. I frowned as I looked her in the eyes.

"So much is wrong" I told her.

"Hey Ms.Nova!" Peyton says as she comes down the stairs.

"Hi Peyton, how are you beautiful?" My mom says and gives her a hug.

"I'm good, how are you? How was the flight?" She asks as they pull away.

"I'm good, and it was exhausting. I need to sit down" She says.

"Oh well I'll take your bags up to your room and let you and Storm have a talk" She says and grabs my moms luggage.

"Aww thank you honey" She says smiling at her. My mom then grabs my hand and walks us to the living room.

"Where are my grandchildren?" She asks me as we took a seat.

"Well Chelsey is upstairs taking her nap, and Lola, Marcus, and Kevin are out with Heaven and Shariah" I told her.

"Ok, I can't wait to see them" She says smiling.

"Yea, they're excited to see you" I said.

"So, what's been going on?" She asks me. I knew she was gonna get straight to the point.

"So much mom. Like, it's just" I sighed. There was so much to explain to her and I didn't even know where to start.

"In case you might be stuck, Peyton has been keeping me updated on everything that's been going. She told me what happened last night" She says. Thank you Peyton!

"Well I guess you know everything then" I said shrugging. I'm not gonna tell her about my heart problems. I don't want her to worry. Or how I have D's kids.

"Storm, I don't like how you treated Josh" She says and I give her a look. What?

"Pardon?" I ask. I treated him a certain why?

"Yes you did, and you need to talk to him" She says. I said that out loud? Yikes.

"How did I treat him? I don't think I did anything wrong" I said folding my arms.

"You're both in the wrong. Let me tell you how he's wrong" She says and turns to me. I sit there waiting for her to speak. This I have to hear.

"He hung out with another woman that you didn't approve of. He wasn't completely honest with you, but no lies were told" She says.

"But then you throw it all back in his face Storm. Not only did you tell him he doesn't make you happy, you made it seem like you regret your whole marriage with him. You sounded like you were ungrateful for him" She says.

"But I didn't say that-"

"But that's how it sounded. Do you know how that feels? To be told by someone you love that they don't make you happy, or they do things you don't like all the time? You made him feel like he isn't enough for you Storm. That's not ok" She says. I looked down as I listened to her. I didn't think of it that way.


"Yes no one is no angel, he's definitely made his mistakes in the past. And even though his were worst, you've made some as well. But if Josh is willing to overlook all of that and still be with you, why can't you do the same?" She asks me.

"Because he's always making the same mistakes mom. Over time you just get tired of it" I said rolling my eyes.

"But this situation seemed to be a bit different because of how he dealt with the situation. Old Josh would have made another mistake, but Josh now took himself out of the situation and came to you and told you. He's grown honey, he's changed. And so have you. Ever since what happened 7 years ago, you've both have grown. You guys are adults, with children. You're not 23, not 20, not 18" She says.

"Ok mom" I said sighing. Storm you know she's speaking facts.

"You know what I think your problem is?" She says pointing at me.

"What?" I asked her.

"You already lost someone that you loved and you don't wanna go through that again. But at the same time, you're pushing him away by thinking about all the pain and anger he has caused you in the past. You have to let go what has happened and forgive Storm. Forgive him, forgive other people, and forgive yourself. And if you spend so much time worried about what can go wrong and arguing with everyone, it's not gonna end so well. Josh is trying to be better for you and his kids everyday, and so are you. But you have to let each other be better together" She says. I nodded and smiled at her. This is what I needed to hear.

"I understand mom, I do. Thank you for this. I didn't know how much I needed this talk" She says and we both shared a laugh.

"Of course honey, what are mothers here for?" She says and pulls me into a hug.

"I don't about you, but I see you at your happiest when your with Josh" She says to me.

"He does make me happy, and he does so much for me. And has been putting up with my bullshit for years" I say to her and we laughed again.

"Exactly. You guys need to talk and figure things out. And Storm, learn to trust him. A marriage doesn't work without trust" She says.

"Ok mom, I will" I say to her.

"I love you" She says.

"I love you too" I said to her and we smiled.

"Hey Storm, there's a limo out at the front for you" Peyton says walking into the living room.

"Oh yea! I have to get going" I said standing up.

"Where are you going?" My mom asks me.

"Well you see how I recently modeled for Rihanna's brand right? I asked her if she could come to one of Josh's game. It's something he's wanted for years" I told them and they both smiled at me.

"He's going to love you forever!" Peyton says and my mom laughs.

"You're going to his game, lovely. I get some time with Peyton and Chelsey" My mom says and I nodded. I walked over to my bag and grabbed it, as well as my phone.


"I'll see y'all later!" I told them.

"Bye" They both say and I walk towards the door and put my shoes on. I looked at my hair and outfit first. Orange Sweatsuit with some Nike socks, paired with my orange sb dunk lows. I fixed my hair before opening the door and walking to the limo that's waiting for me. The driver waves at me and opens the door. There I see Rihanna sitting down on her phone.

"Hey girl, you look cute" She say looking at me.

"Thank you, so do you" I told her. I sat down and we shared a hug.

"Ready for this game!" She says all excited. I started laughing.

"Yes indeed!" I said to her. Josh didn't know I was coming to the game, and bringing Rihanna with me. Crazy how I'm doing this after what happened last night. I haven't spoken to him since, so I'm not sure how he feels about me right now. And he didn't come home, he stayed with his brothers for the night.

Ooo I should post the pictures I took earlier. I recently found out that Saweetie logged me out of my social media accounts because she didn't want me to see anything that has been going on. And honestly I don't think I want to either. I'll just post my pictures and turn my phone off.

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The car ride to the stadium was very much fun. We played some of her unreleased songs, talked about our jobs, and just got to know each other better.

"Storm, you're an amazing person you know that? Why do people hate you?" She asks and I started laughing.

"Sis haters are gonna hate" I said and she laughed. We have now arrived at the stadium and paparazzi was all around. We put our glasses on once the car stops and the driver opens the door.

"Rihanna and Storm!"

"Our new favorite duo!"


"Storm is Josh cheating on you?"

"Is it true you guys are getting a divorce?"

"Rihanna are you pregnant with Rocky's baby?"

"Storm, have you seen Josh's new girl?" They asked us questions. Our security leader us inside and walked us all the way to our seats.

"They always ask some dumb questions" She says shaking her head.

"They do, they need to mind their business" I said sighing. I looked at the time and seen that the game starts in 10 minutes.

"Hey is it ok if I go talk to Josh before the game starts?" I asked her and she nods.

"Oh yea of course, give him a nice pep talk" She says and I giggled. I stood up and the security followed to the back where the locker rooms were. When I walked there I saw the coach.

"Hey coach!" I said. He turns around and smiles at me.

"The one and only Storm. How are you hun?" He asks as we shared a hug.

"I'm good thank you. It's been a while" I told him.

"Yes it's been so long. Are you here to see Josh?" He asks.

"Yes I am, can you call him out here?" I asked him.

"Yes of course, I'm gonna need him back soon though. Game starts soon" He says.

"I just need a minute or two" I said and he smiles. He walks away and walks to the locker room. A few seconds later, Josh walks out. When he sees me, he frowns and looks down.

"Hi" I said to him.

"Hey" He says. We stood from a distance and didn't make eye contact. Man this is weird.

"I didn't know you were coming" He says.

"I made this decision a few days ago, I also have a surprise for you in the crowd" I said looking at him. He then looks at me. He looks like he's been crying.

"A surprise?" He asks.

"Yea, I kind of planned this out the other day. But then you know, last night happened" I said and looked back down.

"Wanna hear something funny?" He says and I hummed.

"Last night was one of the first times in forever I sobbed in front of my brothers. They were so shocked" He chuckles and I frowned.

"Josh I'm sorr-"

"No, not right now. I have a game in a few minutes and I need to stay in the mood that I'm in right now" He says.

"Ok, I completely understand. We'll talk later" I said to him and he nods.

"Good luck out there. I don't have to really give you the pep talk, you already know what I'm gonna say" I said to him and he nods.

"I'll see you later" He says. As I was about to walk away, I thought of something.

"Can I have a hug?" I asked him. He makes a face before looking at me.

"S-Sure" He says. We walk closer to each other and hug. Seconds later, I feel Josh pull me closer to him and rest his head on mine. I lean into him and smiled as I smelt him. He smelt so good. When we pulled away, he held my hand for a bit before letting go.

"You're not wearing your ring?" He asks while looking at me funny.

"When I was cleaning this morning, I took it off" I said to him. Good excuse Storm!

"But you always keep it on, even when you're cleaning" He says folding his arms. I looked at him then looked down. Damn. He scoffs and starts chuckling.

"You're a joke" He says before walking back to the locker room and I walk back out to the gym. I'm a joke? I walked to my seat with Rihanna and sat down.

"You ok?" She asks me.


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