《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 24


Hours later

Storm's POV

We arrived back to California and I instantly got upset. Ugh I don't wanna be here. The whole ride home was silent. Well at least to me. Everyone had conversation with each other but I didn't talk to anyone and no one talked to me. Didn't wanna talk to them anyways...

The boys were apparently at my house so were going there. I honestly didn't wanna be around anyone and just wanted to be with my kids. When we arrived inside, the boys cheered.

"And the queens are back! We missed you" Dior says loudly.

"Hi Dior" Heaven says laughing. Everyone shares greetings and hugs with one another.

"Hey Storm" Jalen says to me. I walk away and bring my luggage upstairs.

Star's POV

We all watched as Storm walked upstairs and I rolled my eyes. I wasn't trying to make her feel a way earlier, I just told her the truth but I guess she didn't take it well. She can go be mad by herself and then talk to me when she's ready to get her life together. She needs to lose the attitude as well, she won't talk to me with that tone again either.

"What's wrong with Storm?" Jalen asks.

"She's just mad that Star put her in her place earlier" Luzzy says sighing.

"And she's mad that we all agreed with what Star said" Heaven says sighing.

"What'd you say Star?" Caleb asks me.

"All I did was tell her to grow up and get her life sorted out. The way she's dealing with things isn't how you deal with things. And it also doesn't help that you drink away your problems" I said rolling my eyes. Josh then looks at me.

"She drank?" He asks.

"Yes, every single day a new bottle of vodka. She swears she wasn't drunk, just tipsy" I said mocking what she said. He groans before standing up.

"I'll be back" He says and walks towards the stairs.

"What's his issue?" Peyton asks.

"No idea, he's been like this all week" Shaqir says shrugging. Hmm, I wonder what's up with Gup.

Storm's POV

As I finish put my clothes away, I looked at the time. 8:08pm. I should go grab the kids from Josh's mom. I stand up and grab the car keys. I was about to walk out the room when Josh walks in.


"Hi baby" I said and peck his lips, but he doesn't kiss back. Ummm ok....

"Where are you going?" He asks as he looks at the keys in my hands.

"I'm gonna go get the kids" I said and was about to walk around him but he steps in the direction I'm walking towards.

"Can you move please? I'm not in the mood Josh" I said to him and move to the side, but he follows.

"Don't get them, we need to talk" He says and I fold my arms.

"We can talk after I get them from your moms house" I said and try to walk past him but he doesn't let me, again. Oh he's about to piss me off!

"They aren't there" He says and I froze. I look at him and cross my arms.

"Oh really, so where are they Josh?" I ask him.

"They're with Cali" He says and I scoffed. You've got to be kidding me.

"With Cali? Why are they with Cali?" I ask him with an attitude.

"Because she wanted to see them, so I let her. I asked you if they could but you didn't answer me or haven't been answering me for days" He says. I can see that he's mad at me, but is trying to stay calm. Well guess what buddy, I'm mad too!

"My phone was off" I shrugged and he chuckles shaking his head.

"So it's ok for you to be in another country and have your phone off but when my phone was dead and I'm at home it's a problem" He says.

"Yes because why are you home with a dead phone?" I asked.

"Why are you in another country and your phone is off?" He asks and I rolled my eyes.

"I had my reasons for turning off my phone. But back to Cali, how long have they been with her?" I asked him.

"This is the second day" He shrugs and I look at him with wide eyes.

"On a school day Josh? Are you kidding me?" I said in disbelief.

"Look I was busy and my parents had date night. Cali wasn't busy and wanted to see them so I let her. I don't see why you're mad" He say and I roll my eyes again.

"Ok so where's Chelsey?" I said tapping my foot.


"With Cali as well" He says and I bent down to break down into laughter. First button pushed....

"Oh my gosh that was a good joke. Ok but seriously where is she?" I asked and he stands there with the same mad facial expression he had when he walked in.

"I told you...with Cali" He says and my eyes widen.

"You let that bitch around my child???" I yelled. He was actually serious!

"Around our child, yes. It's my decision as well Storm and I don't see why Cali can't also watch Chelsey.

"Out of all of the people in the world. You could've even gave her to Patrick or your sister Paris. Maybe the zoo because she loves animals. But you chose that bitch Cali" I said looking at him like he was crazy.

"Stop throwing that word around Storm. And she wanted her siblings so it was a win for everyone. Again, I don't see why you're mad" He says rolling his eyes.

"I'm mad that you did this without telling me. And you had the nerve to leave them with her for days? Are you fucking serious!" I yelled. I didn't mind Cali with the twins and Lola because they were her children. But Chelsey is all mine, why on earth would Josh leave our daughter with a bitch I don't like.

"Stop yelling" He says and I shake my head.

"No I'm gonna yell! Cause you got me heated as fuck Josh! How could you be so stupid?!" I yelled at him and he groans.

"So I'm stupid now? I'm the stupid one?" He yelled back.

"Yes you are!" I said.

"Ok, let's talk about how you're stupid as well. I got a whole list for you" He says and I nodded. Second button pushed....

"Ok, let's hear it" I said standing in front of him as I waited for him to speak. Let's see how I'm stupid.

"One, you leave without telling. Two, you don't tell me where you are, I call you everyday and text you just to not get no answer. But when the girls post all I see is you partying and shaking your ass. Three you turn off your phone. And four, you drink heavily when I strictly told you not to. Should I continue Storm?" He asks and I roll my eyes. Yikes....well he caught me there.

"Look Josh I'm not sorry if that's what you're hoping I'd say. I was having fun and finally being me. I wasn't judged for anything I did or for what I wore, or for what I said. But now that I come back everything is all me me me!" I yelled.

"Storm I'm not judging you for having fun. I'm glad you had your fun and all but it's the drinking. You know you're not supposed to in your state" He says and my eyes widen.

"My state! What the fuck is my state????" I yelled at him again.

"The state that you're in right now. What the fuck were you thinking drinking vodka everyday?" He asks and I rolled my eyes.

"That doesn't concern you" I said to him and he chuckles.

"Anything you do concerns me because you're my wife Storm. Don't do that" He says and laughs.

"Boy please. I'm gonna tell you exactly what I told Star and the other girls. I'm grown and I can do whatever the fuck I want. End of conversation" I said and walk pass him. He grabs my wrist and pulls me back.

"We are not done talking. Stand back here right now" He says and puts me back in the stance I was in before. Did he just-

"You got some explaining to do" He says pointing at me.

"Excuse me?" I ask him. He's talking to me like I'm Kevin and Marcus when he's disciplining them.

"What's this?" He asks pulling out a folded piece of paper from his pocket.

"A piece of paper" I said rolling my eyes. He tosses it to me and I catch it.

"Open it" He says folding his arms. I open it and instantly recognize it.

"Where'd you get this?" I asked him and he chuckles.

"It doesn't matter where I got it. What the fuck is that Storm!" He says pointing at it.

"It's a letter I wrote to Melo after he died" I shrugged.

"I obviously know that, so explain it to me" He says and I roll my eyes.

"I don't have anything to explain to you Josh" I said and proceed to walk away. He tries to grab me but I dodge his hand and make my way downstairs.

"I need to leave"

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