《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 23


A week later

Storm's POV

It's been a week since the girls and I been away and I must say, fuck California! I'm staying here! Since I've been away I've been my most happiest and most comfortable while living. The environment was just a breath of fresh air and the people here were so kind. Also, everyone knew who I was and what happened but still treated me nicely. Americans can't relate.

A few days ago I started to get backlash again for posting the picture of me on vacation. People were jumping down my throat about traveling and having fun when "I have kids to take care of" or "I haven't given an explanation". I turned off my phone and haven't turned it back on since. But shit! People need to leave me alone. I'm grown and I can do whatever the fuck I want. Which I have been, cause I've been in the same routine everyday. Party, Drink, and Relax. It's been pretty amazing.

"Storm, not everyday Vodka" Luzzy says giggling at me as I held the tall bottle in my hand. All of this drinking has made me get my drinking under control. So I'm not really drunk, just on the tipsy side.

"Oh yes everyday, until I go back to the hell hole" I said giggling.

"We go back tonight so sober up" Heaven says walking into the kitchen.

"Tonight? Already?" I asked. It's only been a week.

"Yes tonight, how long did you think we were gonna be here for?" She asks giggling.

"I don't know, a month maybe" I suggested and they all laughed.

"Love we all got work to get back to, we can travel again soon" Peyton says grabbing my hand.

"What about you guys go and I stay here?" I said to her.

"No" They all said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"You're not gonna hide here Storm" Star says as she ate her açaí bowl. It looked so good...

"I'm not hiding...just laying low" I said smiling at her, but she shook her head.

"No Storm, you're coming back with us" She says and I groaned, I took a big sip of my drink before talking.


"Y'all don't wanna see me happy" I said folding my arms.

"It's not that we don't want to see you be happy, it's just you can't drop everything just to be here. You have a whole life back at home" Heaven says.

"I can give zero fucks about my life back home. I'll gladly grab my kids and go" I said rolling my eyes.

"What about Josh?" She asks.

"Oh....he can come to" I said and they all laughed.

"Josh will not leave the NBA just because you want to escape Storm" Star says laughing.

"You'd be surprised Star, Josh would go above and beyond for me" I said as I thought about him.

"Would you want him to though?" Peyton asks. I sat there thinking before I sighed and unfolded my arms.

"No. The last thing I'd want him to do is drop everything for me. That'll be selfish" I said and Heaven nodded.

"Very selfish" She says and sits down across from me.

"Just stop being childish" Star mumbles and I look at her.

"Who's being childish?" I ask her.

"You" She says and I was about to say something when Luzzy cuts me off.

"When are you gonna tell everyone what happened?" She asks me.

"I promised Josh that I'll do it when I get back home but honestly I don't want to. I don't owe anyone an explanation" I said to her and she nods.

"You don't but it'll put an end to all of this" Star says, I can hear the irritation in her voice.

"No it won't, it'll probably make things worse. That's the last thing I need" I said to her.

"Storm you can't be scared forever" She says slamming her hand down on the table. Oop there it goes.

"I'm not scared Star, I'm just avoiding another death threat. I don't need to hear anyone's opinions on me either" I said looking at her.

"Stop giving a fuck about what strangers have to say about you Storm, you never did before" She says.

"That's because life was amazing back then. I was to happy to give a fuck about what strangers had to say. But now my life is pretty shitty so now I have to care" I said standing up.


"Your life is shitty because you're letting it be shitty. Last time I checked Storm Nova didn't take shit from anybody and put anyone in their place that messed with her. Look at you now, you let all of this get to your head and it's affecting you inside. You've gone soft" She says standing up as well. Is she fucking serious???

"No it's not! You have no idea how I feel or what it's like to be in my shoes" I said raising my voice.

"I may not know what it's like but I have a pretty good idea of it. And yes it is Storm. Look at you, that's your fifth bottle for the week. You're drinking your pain away acting like everything is gonna go away" She says pointing at the bottle in my hand.

"Me drinking has nothing to do with you or anything else so leave it out" I said to her. She then starts laughing.

"I'm just saying Storm, you need to stop running away from your problems and face them. We're grown!" She says, now yelling. I hate when people yell.

"Yea we're grown, so that means I can do what the fuck I want" I said folding my arms.

"Don't get an attitude with me because I'm telling you the truth and I'm trying to help you. When everything comes crashing down on you again what are you gonna do?" She asks putting her hand up. Trying to help me?

"Definitely won't come running to you. I got everything under control so don't worry about me" I said to her and she gave me a look.

"Yea I'm just gonna take this..." Peyton says as she slowly takes the bottle out of my hand.

"Sober up and then come talk to me. Cause I have no idea who you're talking to right now" She says and then I walk towards her.

"I'm talking to you" I said and she walks over to me as well.

"I feel like I'm talking to a stubborn, hard headed, 10 year old" She says resting her hand on her hip.

"Here you go with this childish shit again. You watch how you talk to me now" I said now getting mad. I don't get why she would choose to argue with me now. How she approached me about this wasn't nice either.

"Cause you are childish. Your problems are big but solvable" She says and I scoffed.

"Easier said then done Storm. You're not in the position that I'm in so you have no say about it" I said pointing at her. She chuckles and pushes my hand away.

"I'd never be in the position you're in because I set shit straight the minute it goes left" She says looking me up and down. We glared at each other as we stared. I can see why she was mad, but I have a right to be mad. Everyone always tells me what I should do and how I should feel but need to understand I'm not them. I'm my own person and handle things differently from everyone else. And then they make me feel like everything is my fault, that's why I shut down.

"Fuck you Star" I said pushing passed her.

"Fuck you too Storm" She says pushing me back. I was about to turn back around when Luzzy grabs me.

"Oh hell no, you guys are not about to fight. Get it together. Now!" Heaven yells looking at the two of us.

"Tell your sister to get it together" I said looking at Star.

"Tell your cousin to grow the fuck up" Star says looking at me.

"Apologize" Heaven says looking at he both of us.

"No" we both said.

"Star. Storm" She says in a tone.

"Heav you know I'm right. All of you do. Tell me I'm wrong" Star says looking at all of the girls. It's silent. I laughed and shrugged Luzzy off of me.

"Wowwww, so all of you agree with Star?" I asked them, but it was silent again. I nodded and grabbed my bottle from Peyton. Before I walked away, I turned around.

"Fuck you all too"

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