《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 19



Storm's POV

"What do you mean you don't wanna work with me anymore?" I asked the photographer. When Saweetie and I got to my shoot, everyone started packing up their equipment.

"You currently have a bad image and the boss said he doesn't want to represent you" He says.

"This is ridiculous! She did nothing wrong" Saweetie said pointing to me.

"I'm sorry, it's just orders" He shrugs and walks away.

"Oh no sir, you don't walk away from me" She says and follows him. I sighed and turned to Annie.

"Every is going to be fine, Saweetie will take care of this" She says in a calm way.

"You think she's still mad at me?" I ask her. Before we walked into the studio, she gave me a lecture about how I wasn't careful about what I was doing. I honestly think I had nothing to be careful about. But in my situation I guess I should of thought about my actions a little more. This is all bullshit.

"No, she'll get over it and work something out" She says and I sighed crossing my arms. Saweetie then comes back and sighs.

"They don't wanna work with you anymore because they think it's gonna bring a bad image to their brand" She says rolling her eyes.

"This is bullshit" I said throwing my arms up.

"It is but Storm, you know the kind of ground you're on right now. Being at the club and doing what you did honestly wasn't the best idea" She says.

"Ok I get it. I said I was sorry!" I said shrugging. It already happened, what else does she want me to do?

"And who was that lady that had your kids?" She asks me.

"I don't wanna talk about it" I said looking down, she sighs and turns to Annie.

"Well, I guess we can all go home now" She says. I grab my bag and we all start to walk out of the studio.

"Storm, you have a shoot tomorrow evening. Try not to do anything by then to get this one taken away as well" Saweetie says to me.

"I'll try so hard" I said being sarcastic. I was honestly mad. I didn't think my situation is that deep, but people want to make it bigger then what it already is.

"Bye y'all" I said as I walked to my car. I got in and set my bag down. I grab my phone and dial my moms number. I really need her right now.


"Hi mom" I said sighing.

She instantly says.

"I'm so pissed off! My shoot just got canceled because of the news from this morning. 30k was just taken away from me! This is no longer about what people think of me, or my life. This is my job, my money. This has gone to far! When are people just gonna leave me alone!" I yelled into the phone.

She says.

"Speak up? About what?" I ask her.

She says and I rolled my eyes.

"No I'm not doing it. I don't care about what people think mom" I said to her.

She says and I sighed.

"Look mom, I'll say something when the time is right. I'll try and get this under control so things can go back to normal-" I tried to say until she cut me off.

She yelled. Hearing her say that felt like I just got punched in the stomach. She really said that mans name...

"No mom it's ok. Cause I know, I know it's my fault that LaMelo isn't here today. I know it's my fault that people got hurt because of me. If I dealt with Don earlier then Melo would've been here today. I know all of that now and I'm sorry! Now I'm dealing with the consequences from it!" I yelled as the tears welled up in my eyes.

"No it's fine. You know I called you to get some advice about what I should do, but it's ok. I'll figure it out on my own. Have a nice day mom, tell dad I say hi" I said before hanging up. I throw my phone in the back seat and turn my car on. I drive off and lean back in my seat as I stared at the road. When I got to a stop light, I grabbed my phone from the back. I opened it and tapped Josh's contact to call him. I connect my phone to the car speaker and he answers.

He says.

"Send me Cali's address. I'm going to go pick up the kids" I said to him.

He asks me.

"What do you mean?" I said as I drove.

He asks.

"I'll tell you when you get home. Just hurry and send me her address" I said to him.

He says.

"Mhm" I said hanging up. My phone then vibrates and I look down to see he sent me her address. Oh great she's real close.

I continued to drive until I got to her condo building. When I arrived, I found a parking spot and parked the car. I got out the car and walked towards the building and entered inside. I pressed the elevator number and looked back at Josh's message to read her floor number and door. I walked in the elevator and pressed the 10th floor button. As I stood there waiting, my leg bounced up and down. I was so mad. When the elevator door opened I walked out and looked for her door. Once I saw the number, I knocked and waited for her to open. When she opened the door she smirked. Oh great.


"Oh look, it's Stormy" She says. Ugh I don't have time for this.

"Hi Cali. I'm here to pick up the kids" I said to her.

"Aww already, we were having so much fun" She says and opens the door so I can walk in. I walk in and look around. Her place was clean and was very furnished. Her place looked great.

"You guys, Storm is here! Get your stuff ready!" She yelled out to them. She then sits down and looks at me.

"You can sit you know" She says rolling her eyes. I rolled my eyes and stood there.

"I'm good, I don't feel like getting comfortable" I said looking away

"Ooo someone got a attitude today. I've always liked when you were mad" She says laughing. I then turned to her.

"I knew nothing changed about you. You're still the nasty old Cali" I said to her.

"Oh I'm real nasty alright" She says winking at me. I rolled my eyes and looked away again. Can they hurry up and get their stuff together.

"Just ask your husband" I heard her mumble. My neck instantly snapped towards her.

"What did you just say?" I said walking up to her.

"I'm just kidding damn, loosen up Storm" She says putting her hands in a defensive way laughing. I stared at her and kept my straight face on. Nothing was funny about that. Like at all.

"I'm not doing anything with Josh, you don't need to get all jumpy" She says rolling her eyes.

"Psh I wish you would Cali" I said chuckling as she stood up. I need to keep my calm...

"Well I mean, nothing is stopping me" She says as she stands close to me. We stared at each other glaring. My hands shook as they balled up in a fist. She looks down at my hand and looks back at me giggling.

"You're gonna hit me? For joking around with you? Wow, nothing changed about you either" She says.

"You should be careful Cali. I'd watch what comes out of that mouth" I said smirking.

"You should do the same Storm" She smirks back and folds her arms. I was about to say something until the kids came. Finally!

"Storm! We missed you!" Kevin says as he ran to me. I bent down as the three of them hugged me.

"I missed you guys too. Did you have fun?" I asked them.

"Yea we had so much fun. I can't wait for us to come back" Marcus says. I'm not sure what it was, but I didn't like hearing that.

"Can we come back next weekend?" Lola asks me. I was about to answer her until Cali spoke.

"Of course you can baby" She says and then looks at me. Oooo she gets on my nerves!

"Uh let's go guys. So bye to Cali" I said standing up. They walked over to her and hugged her.

"Bye mom!" They all said.

"Bye babies. I love you" She says kissing all of their cheeks. I'll make sure they scrub their cheek off.

"We love you too" They said before walking towards the door.

"Hey guys, wait for me at the elevator ok?" I said to them. They nodded and walked out the door. I then turned back to Cali.

"You don't say when they can come see you. Only Josh and I can" I said pointing at her. She laughs and rests her hand on her hip.

"I'm their mom Storm, what I say goes now" She says smiling.

"You had the role to play mom and couldn't do it properly so I'm doing it now. I'm their mom now, you don't have a say in shit" I said smiling back. Her smile then drops and I can see she is now angry.

"Go to hell bitch" She says stepping up to me.

"I'll gladly bring you along with me bitch" I said as I stepped up as well. I looked her up and down before laughing. As I turned around to walk away, I made sure to say....

"Look at you trying to hop back on the mom train, we left you at the station a long time ago love"

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