《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 18


Storm's POV

I woke up to my phone buzzing like crazy. I opened my eyes slowly and the first thing I seen was Josh. He was lightly snoring and had me wrapped up in his arms. I turned around and tried to reach for my phone but couldn't get it. I reached for it again and that caused my elbow to hit Josh in his face. Whoops...

"Ow" He groaned.

"Sorry" I said as I laid back down. I seen a thousand notifications from Instagram and a text from Saweetie. I decided to answer her first.







I read her message a bit confused and then went to Instagram. The first thing I see instantly makes my jaw drop. Oh no...

"Josh wake up" I said to him.

"No" He says and snuggles into my neck. This boy.

"Josh this is serious, look at this" I said to him.

"Storm I'm tired. I'll look after" He mumbles.

"No! Look now!" I said now irritated. He groans and rolls off of me. He opens his eyes and looks at my phone.

"Fuck" He says shaking his head. I sit up and grab my tv remote. I turn the tv on and go to E news. My face is the first thing I see. Oh my gosh.

"Storm Christopher, man she's been doing a lot lately. Last night she was getting her partying on as her and all of her friends were at the strip club. She was drinking and decided to put on a little show for everyone in the club. Looks like the party queen is back and is ready to show out for the world again. Seems to me like she's over Melo and is back to living her life. But that's not all. The woman that was seen with her husband, Josh Christopher and their kids, posted on her Instagram that the kids were with her. Fans noticed the post and it instantly went over the media. Fans also discovered her as social media influencer Cali Daddy, she's had a quite a following over the years until she has disappeared. But she has now came back and seems to have a thing with Christopher" She says and then a picture of Cali pops up.


"Does Storm know her kids were left with another woman? Is Josh cheating on Storm? So many questions here. One question I can answer is, fans aren't to happy with the choices Storm has made since she's been back and she is getting backlash from it. I wonder how she feels about all of this. I'm Giuliana Rancic and you're watching E news" She says and I turn the tv off. I sighed as I looked at my phone. I went back on Instagram and went to the post The Shaderoom made and started reading the comments.

"How are you gonna leave your kids with another women and go shake your ass in a strip club😐"


"I thought you were better then this Storm😔"

"Y'all leave her alone, she's living her life🤪"

"Josh is definitely cheating on her. He's done it before🤧"

"Cali looks better then Storm😍"

"At the end of the day, she's a good mom🥰"

"Giving me very much basketball wives😗"

"You're in the club...but haven't spoken about the Melo situation...😬"

"She said this is for you Melo🤣"

I frowned as I read all of them. I should've known this would happen...

"No don't read the comments" Josh says snatching my phone from my hands.

"Josh, give me my phone" I said looking down.

"Don't listen to them Storm, people are gonna criticize you for anything and say what they want" He says. I played with my fingers as I felt a pain in my chest. This really hurt.

"This was all a bad idea, I shouldn't have went. I should've stayed home" I said biting my lip as I felt tears come to my eyes.

"No don't say that. C'mere" He says and pulls me to him I sit beside him and lay my head on his shoulder.

"I know it hurts. Everyone coming for you when you did nothing wrong. People try to put their expectations on you and they want you to live for them. What they don't understand is, that's not how it works. You live for you. You do what you please and say what you please. If someone wants to disagree, let them. At the end of the day it's your life Storm" He says holding my hand. He was right. I blinked away my tears and I looked up at him.


"What would I do without you Josh?" I ask him as I lightly smiled.

"Probably lay in bed all day, play some Brent Faiyaz, and hide from the world again" He says and I started to laugh. Again, he was right.

"I love you" I said to him. He leaned down and gave me a long kiss on my forehead.

"I love you too. Don't think to much about all of this ok?" He says and I nodded.


"I'm gonna go on live and speak about the situation from my part ok? I need to set some people straight. No one can come for my wife and think it's ok" He says and grabs his phone. I giggled and watched as he went to Instagram. He goes live and I sit up so I won't be in the camera frame.

"Morning y'all, so I won't be on here for long. I just wanted to say a couple things and set some things straight" He says. I tried to look for the comments but then notice he turned them off.

"So last night, the whole gang went to the strip club to celebrate Qir's win. Shoutout to my boy Qir" He says chuckling.

"Yes, Storm had a bit to drink but she wasn't drunk. She was with her girls and just like any girl, she was having fun. I don't know why it's a crime for her to have fun in a club because everyone does, but you know, only people who are poppin got haters" He says smirking. This boy.

"But I'm gonna need all the hate towards her to stop. She's my wife and I'm not about to let y'all attack her for having fun and living her life. Y'all be saying some hurtful shit and don't think about what it does to a person. For everyone that has followed me and Storm for years know the kind of person Storm is and everything she's been through. So enough with the hate and criticism because it's only bringing negativity into our lives and that's not something we need. And for y'all celebrities that's putting their two sense into the situation and tryna get clout off of it, I'll set Dior on all y'all's asses. I gotta be careful about what I say on here because anything I say my kids will think it's ok, when it's not. But Dior doesn't care about what he says or does. He'll come for you and ya moms" He says and I cover my mouth laughing. Dior really doesn't care about what he says. He has no filter.

"Y'all see this beautiful girl right here?" Josh says and turns the camera to me. I smiled as I looked at him.

"She doesn't deserve any bad thing that comes her way and no matter what I'm going to have her back and protect her" He says and I nodded. He then turns the camera back onto him.

"And y'all stop assuming I'm cheating on her. I'm either in the gym, with the gang, or home with her and our kids. Anything else that's going on or happening isn't anyone's business. The only person I got to tell anything to is Storm and Storm only" He says. That part.

"But that's enough talking now. I said what I said and I hope I don't have to repeat myself. Peace out y'all and remember to purchase your Gup merch" He says and then ends the live, I see him save it to his story and then he turns off his phone.

"Thank you, you didn't have to do all of that" I said to him. He turned to me and smiled.

"Don't thank me, and it's what I have to do. It's my job to have your back and make sure nothing happens to you. I'll set anyone straight for you" He says. He leans in and I lean forward as well to kiss him. The kiss was soft and very gentle. Kissing him always felt like we were kissing for the first time again.

"I got you like how you got me" He whispers to me. That instantly brought a smile to myself. Throwback to our wedding vows.

"Forever" I said.

"And always"

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