《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 11


A few days later...

Storm's POV

"Ayeee look who it is!" Jonathan yelled as I walked into my store. I smiled as customers looked at me in shock. Surprise Shawty!

"Hey guys" I said to my workers. Jonathan, Taylor, and Christina really been holding it down for me since I've been gone. I love these guys so much!

"Where have you been?" Taylor asks me.

"Hiding from the world" I said to her and we both laughed a little.

"Well I'm glad you're back, we missed you" Christina says and I smiled at her.

"I missed you guys too" I said and pulled them into a hug.

"Ok enough with the hugs" Jonathan whines as he pulls away.

"Boy you know you missed her the most" Taylor says and he rolls his eyes.

"So what brings you here Storm?" Christina asks.

"Well I wanted to check on you guys, the store. Restock if I have to" I said shrugging.

"Well while you were gone, we kinda got that covered. We didn't know how to exactly order the jewelry, so we left the papers in your office. Hoping you'll see it one day" She says.

"And that day is today" Taylor says. I nodded and walked to my office. I opened my door and stood as I stared inside.

"Looks the same" I said to myself. I haven't been here since...that day. I sighed and walked around and sat in my seat. I looked at the papers in front of me and man, I had a lot of stuff to order.

"Oh Storm, someone also left this for you a while ago. We forget to tell you about it" Taylor says walking in. It was a little cardboard box on it with orange tape on it.

"Thank you Tay" I said to her and put the box down. She then turns to walk away.

"Hey Taylor!" I called her back.


"How's your mom?" I asked her. She instantly smiled.

"She's getting better. She thinks about you everyday. Without your help she probably wouldn't be here today" She smiled at me.

"I'm glad to hear she's doing well, tell her I say hello" I said to her smiling.

"Will do" She says, before walking away. I grab a folder from my drawer and put the papers in it before putting them away in my bag. I then look at the box. I wonder what it is. I grab it and see my name and store address on it. It was shipped from England. Ooo England.

"Let's open this bad boy up" I said and tore the tape off of it. I opened the box, just to see a flat square pink box. I opened it and there was a note, and a picture. I read the note first.

Dear LaMelo,

We are sorry for the delay, it took a while for us to make this bracelet because you requested for it to be as unique as the person you wanted this for. We hope you and Storm both enjoy this beautiful handmade piece and we hope to work with you again.


Love, The Uk Jewelers

P.S. We wish Storm a Happy Birthday!

I looked at the note in confusion. My birthday....this note was made 2 years ago. Melo must've gotten me something from around my birthday when he was alive. I then looked at the picture. I gasped and tears instantly welled up in my eyes. It was a picture of Melo and I laughing while we sat court side at the All Star game a few years back. This was one of my favorite memories of us because we were so happy this day and all we did was make dumb jokes and laugh. I bit my lip as I tried to hold back my tears. I miss you Melo...

"No, I can't do it" I whispered to myself and closed my eyes. Storm...hold it....hold it. I opened my eyes to look at the picture once more. To late. The first tear to ever fall since Melo passed, has fallen. And just like that. I started crying. Sorry Melo, I broke our promise.

"Oh my..." I said as I moved the picture and note aside. It was a 24k diamond charm bracelet.

"Melo" I said as I frowned. I stared at it until I look at one of the charms. One of the charms had the picture of us from the All Star game inside. This is so beautiful.

"Why are you crying?" I heard. I look up and see Josh standing there with a bouquet of roses in his hands as well as a little pink bag . Since I fought him, I haven't seen him. I made sure to be home when he wasn't home because I was scared to face him. I frowned and stood up. I put the bracelet down and walk over to him. I instantly hug him. It felt so good to be in his arms.

"I'm so sorry for putting my hands on you. I was just so mad at you, I wasn't thinking. I didn't mean to hurt you like that-" I tried to finish but I just kept crying. Why am I crying so much now?

"Hey hey hey, it's ok. I'm ok" He says and wraps his arms around me. I sobbed into his chest as I held onto him. He gives me a long kiss on my forehead and rubs my back slowly.

"Let it all out" He whisperers to me. Realization then hits me and I wipe my face. I take a deep breath in and breathe out. No more crying Storm. That's enough!

"No" I said and sighed. I grabbed the tissue box that was on my table and wipe my eyes and blow my nose. I then throw it in the garbage and look at him.

"Are you ok?" He asks me and holds my hand.

"Yea, I guess I just need to let some of that out" I giggled shrugging.


"It's ok to cry Storm" He says.

"Yea but I choose not to. I can't afford to be an emotional wreck right now" I said looking down.

"Don't fight holding it in ok?" He says and then kisses my hand.

"Ok" I said and we all laughed a little.

"Well, these are for you" He says and hands me the flowers and the bag.

"What are these for?" I ask as I take a whiff of them. Mmm I just love roses.

"Well it's for many things. It's a sorry for everything that's been going on and to ask if you are still mad at me" He says. He then takes a seat in the chair in front of me and I sit on my table.

"I was still mad at you. But I can't be mad at you forever right" I said playing with the flowers.

"Storm, you have every reason to be mad at me. I have not been a good husband lately, and I haven't been there for you or supporting you like I should be. I was just scared that once you're out in the world again, everything would fall back on you. And I didn't want that to happen. I was scared" He says looking at me.

"I understand you were scared. And I'm sorry for not taking what you said into consideration. And guess what, you were right. The minute I logged back into Instagram, half of my dms were saying I should kill myself" I said chuckling to myself.

"And it hurt didn't it?" He says and I nodded.

"It hurt a lot" I said sniffling.

"We got some cold hearted people out in this world. We didn't prepare ourselves for the things they'll do to us" He says.

"We didn't at all" I said and we laughed a little.

"I'm sorry Storm. I'm really sorry" He says. I looked at him and looked at his eye that still had a bruise under it.

"I'm sorry too. Instead of coming to you and simply asking you about everything. I let my anger get the best of me" I said to him.

"You definitely got your hits in. I felt like that time you beat my ass when you found out I got you pregnant" He says and I laughed as I remembered that day.

"I'll never forget that" I said laughing.

"You should really try out for boxing" He says and I laughed again.

"How would I look in some short shorts and boxing gloves?" I smirked at him.

"You'd look very sexy. I'd let you fight me in the bedroom if you were to wear that" He smirks back and I giggled. This boy.

"But really. I'm sorry for putting my hands on you, I promise to never do it again" I said to him.

"Now we both know that's a lie. No matter what you'll always knock some sense into me. Especially when I need it" He says and I giggled.

"Yea I guess you're right" I said shrugging.

"You never fight back. You weak as hell" I joked and he laughed again.

"I'll always fight you back playfully. I'd never actually put my hands on you. I know you'd rock my shit" He says and I instantly nodded. He got that right!

"C'mere" He says licking his lips. I put the flowers down and he pulls me over to him and sits me down on his lap. He pushes my hair behind my ear, which causes me to blush.

"Do you forgive me?" He asks me as he looks into my eyes.

"Yes, only if you forgive me" I said to him.

"I forgive you" He says and I smiled at him. He smiled back and pulled me into a hug.

"Finally, man these past few weeks were so hard. I couldn't focus in games and practices knowing that we weren't ok" He says. I giggled and pulled away from the hug. Oh wait.....

"Were you cheating on me?" I ask him.

"Storm. After those 5 years of us not talking, I would never, ever, cheat on you again. I can not lose you again. You're my wife, the mother of my children, and my other half. I would not put that in jeopardy" He says looking at me. At least I know he's telling the truth.

"So who was that woman that The Shaderoom posted? And where were our kids? And don't lie to me, please" I said to him. He sighed and closed his eyes. Am I ready to hear this information?

"You have to promise to not get mad ok" He says.

"I can't promise you that, but I'll try to stay calm" I said to him. He sighed before looking back at me.

"The woman that you saw was Cali. She happens to be Lola and the twins mom and she got in contact with me to see them" He says. My eyes widen and I froze. Did....did he just say...Cali?

"C-Cali....as in, Cali from your university back in Arizona" I said.


"C-Cali....as in, the one I hate" I said.


"C-Cali....as in, the ass I beat because she wanted you" I said.

"Yes Storm" He sighed. I stood up and covered my mouth.

"I think I'm going to be sick"

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