《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 12


Storm's POV

After Josh told me about Cali being the kids mom, I had to leave the store. So many emotions were running through my head, I didn't wanna cause a scene in my store. Before I left I made sure to greet the customers and have conversation with anyone who wanted to have conversation with me. I loved how kind and understanding they were to me so I gave everyone 25% off of their purchases. Felt pretty good to do that.

After that, Josh and I drove home in silence. I didn't know whether to be mad at him, upset, or happy that she wanted to see her kids. I think I'm all three. I was also debating if I should tell him about that bracelet that Melo got me. Mmm I'll think about it. Also, in that small pink bag was a new iPhone. He got me a new phone since he broke my last one. Now we were home and the kids were still at school. Peyton went to go run some errands and brought Chelsey and LJ along with her. So we are home alone.

"Are you going to say something?" Josh asks as he walked into the living room with a smoothie in his hand. He wanted to stop to get one so badly. Him and these damn smoothies.

"I don't know what to say Josh" I said looking down. He walks over and takes a seat beside me.

"Well, how do you feel?" He asks.

"I don't know if I should be mad at you, or be upset, or be happy" I said to him.

"Mad? Why would you be mad at me?" He asks.

"Because you lied and hid this from me for weeks. I was really thinking you cheated on me and had the nerve to have that women around our kids" I said looking at him.

"You're right, I guess you can be mad at me. Storm I'd never disrespect you like that" He says sighing.

"Well I know that now. If I didn't find out through social media, were you ever gonna tell me?" I ask him.

"Honestly yes, but not anytime soon" He says. I chuckled and looked to the other side of the room.

"Wow Joshua" I mumbled as I rubbed the side of my face.

"I wasn't gonna tell you so soon because I know you don't like Cali. I know you would not let her see her kids Storm" He says. I then turn back to him.

"You're right Josh. I would not let her see them because they are my kids. All of a sudden she wants to play mommy and try and get back into their lives. Miss me with that bullshit Josh" I said standing up. I left him and walked into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed a water bottle. When I turned around, Josh was standing right there. He lifts me up and sits me on the counter.

"I see why you're mad and I apologize Storm. I didn't mean to make you feel like I was trying to do something behind your back" He says and wraps his arms around me.

"I understand your intentions Josh. I just wish you were honest with me. We are married, these are the kind of things we have to be honest about" I said to him, he nods and looks down. I pulled him into a hug and rubbed his back. As we hugged, thoughts of Cali came to mind. All I could remember of her is how she treated me and how she wanted Josh so badly. I remember her home situation and what Lola told me as well. I hope her getting better humbled her and made her more respectful of other people. What if she tries to get with Josh again?


"I promise you that you have nothing to worry about. And don't worry about Cali, you have to trust me" He says. It's like he read my mind.

"I trust you and I won't worry about her. But I do wanna talk to her and make sure my kids are safe when they're around her" I said as I pulled away from the hug.

"Definitely. We can both meet up with her" He says.

"I'd like that" I said nodding.

"And please, no more arguing" He says and I laughed.

"Keep me happy and we won't argue" I laughed and he laughed with me.

"Deal" He says and I smiled at him.

"Where were they honestly?" I ask him.

"They were out for lunch with Cali. The first time they hung out with her is when we walk went to the movies" He says and I nodded looking down. Still can't believe he didn't tell me.

"Honesty and communication is key. Remember that" I told him. He nods at me and looks down. My hand then goes over his bruise and I frowned.

"I can't believe I really did that. I feel bad this time" I said and he smiled.

"Don't. I deserved it" He says.

"What can I do to make up for it?" I ask him. He tilts his head to think before looking at me with a smirk. He then lifts my left leg and puts it over his shoulder. Oop-

"Let me get some" He says with a goofy smile on his face. You know that voice he makes when he gets all excited? Only Josh.

"Joshhhh no" I said laughing as I shook my head. He lifts me up and caries me to our bedroom. Once we got there, he sets me down and climbs on top of me. He looks at the clock then looks back at me.

"We got two hours"

Luzzy's POV

As I cooked, I rolled my eyes for the fifth time as I heard Mikey's loud ass in the living room. He was on the game and was speaking loudly to his friends on the mic. I was very confused on why he was still here. After I broke up with him, I expected him to leave. I guess not.

"Ow!" I yelled. I accidentally cut my finger while cutting the carrots. Fuck it hurts!

"You good?" I heard a deep voice behind me. I rolled my eyes again and ignored him.

"Let me see" He says and I grab a paper towel to wipe the blood off and continue to ignore him. Jheez Luzzy were you trying to cut off your finger?

"Stop being stubborn man. Lemme see" He says and turns me around and grabs my hand to look. He examines my finger and then looks at me.

"Owww! Be gentle man" I said to him. Grabbing me and shit!

"Wash yo hands and go sit in the living room. I'll continue for you" He says.

"No I'm fine" I said and pull my hand away from him. I wash my hand and close my eyes as it stinged. Ouch that hurts!

"Luz go sit down. I'll finish cooking" He says. I ignore him and wipe my hand.

"I'm not gonna say it again" He says from behind me. His tatted arm wraps around me and his hand wraps around my neck. Mmmm...


"Go sit down" He whispers in my ear. He just made me get a tingly feeling downstairs, if you know what I meannnn.

"Fine" I said and walked away. I walked to the living room and took a seat. I sighed and looked at my finger.

"At least it stopped bleeding" I said to myself. I sighed as I grabbed my phone from my pocket. I went to FaceTime and called Storm. It rings and then she ends the call. Hmm, she must be working. As I'm on my phone, Mikey's phone goes off and I glance at it. I squint my eyes to see who messaged him. My face drops when I see 💕. This nigga.

"Food is done. Let's just make it sit for a bit" He says walking in. He sits down and looks at me as I continue to be on my phone. He then grabs his phone and smirks before typing away. Cheating ass nigga.

"Why you got an attitude?" He asks looking at me.

"Fuck you Micheal" I mumbled.

"What the fuck did I do Luziana?" He says. He did not just say my full name!!!

"Why are you still in my house after I dropped your cheating ass?" I asked him. He gives me a look and folds his hands.

"Your house?" He questions and starts laughing.

"Yes. The house I bought!" I yelled standing up.

"Bro I pay the bills. It's our house!" He yelled standing up as well.

"And then you wanna be texting other bitches right in front of me. Lame ass nigga" I said rolling my eyes.

"You're crazy man. I'm not about to do this with you" He chuckles while going back on his game. You know what, let's do it.

"Nah Mikey do this with me" I said as I walked over to the tv.

"Getcho 5'3 ass away from the tv Luzzy" He says as he plays. I laughed and looked at him. I'm 5'7 baby, get it right. I plugged out the game and the tv and he jumps up.

"What the fuck man!" He yells.

"Go play video games at Deja's house" I shrugged. He groans and looks at me.

"You're about to piss me off dawg" He says and I walked up to him.

"Ok....and what? Go be pissed off at Deja's house" I said.

"Why do you keep bringing up Deja?" He asks.

"Because that's who you be cheating on me with. So go be with her" I said to him.

"Who said I even cheated on you with her. You see here you go again with your assuming shit" He says pointing at me.

"I don't gotta assume shit when the proof is all there in your phone. And then you be hiding shit from me and be lying about where your at" I crossed my arms.

"You see her name pop up on my phone and instantly think I'm cheating. Two friends can't have a conversation? And then you be questioning where I'm at every two seconds like your my mom or some shit. I don't like that" He says.

"I just like to make sure you're ok Mikey. And plus you do it all the time to me" I said crossing my arms.

"Because I can do it. Why do you gotta be texting niggas for? And you be out everyday, I gotta know what you're doing" He says. Didn't he just-

"So how come you can do it but I can't? Shit doesn't work like that Mikey!" I yelled in his face.

"I know how you are Luzzy, you give me reasons to be on your ass all the time" He says. My eyes then widen.

"Mikey Williams! You're the last person to say something like that. I know how YOU are and I know how girls act when it comes to YOU. I can list a million reasons why I'm on your ass all the time. Once upon a time you were a hoe" I said laughing. It's so funny how he was trying to turn all of this on me.

"Look Luzzy, I'm gonna make this clear to you one last time. I'm not cheating on you, and I never cheated on you before. If I was cheating I would've broken up with you a long time ago. And I was never a hoe, I just got girls" He starts. Mikey you were a hoe.

"Deja and I are just friends. I don't need to tell you what we talk about because it's my business. Just like how I don't always gotta tell you where I'm at or who I'm with every 10 seconds. What your ass needs to do is figure out who's baby that is in you cause it's not mine" He says and takes a seat in front of me. I bite my lip as my feelings were now hurt. Ok that hurt.

"How could you question who I'm pregnant by Mikey? I've never slept with anyone else" I said.

"You're on birth control and I strap up every time Luzzy. How could you get pregnant?" He asks.

"The condom could've broke. I maybe forgot to take my pill one day. There is so many ways I can be pregnant Mikey" I said as I felt like I was on the verge of crying.

"I don't want kids Luzzy. You know this already" He says shaking his head.

"So what do you want me to do then?" I crossed my arms looking at him.

"You figure that out" He sighs. My mouth falls open as tears start to fall from my eyes. I nodded while chuckling to myself. Wow Mikey...

"Fuck you Mikey. I'm moving out"

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