《The Wandering Fate》CHAPTER 4


Amaan had a tough night to sleep. He was restless for two reasons.

One Was his new project and other was his family's constant pressure.

He got engaged when he was too young to even understand the meaning of engagement.

And now from 7 years his family is telling him to officially make his fiancé his wife.

His thoughts were ended with a call of his secretary

'' go on''

He replied

His secretary swallowed hard and took deep breaths before replying to his boss.

'' good morning sir''

'' sir we got the 40% shares of global sunshine ENT now Mr. Mick miller the legal adviser of global sunshine wants to meet you for further talks so what date should I give him sir?

This was the news which he was waiting for. A content smile appeared on his tight lips.

He got what he wanted now he will think of his more plans to seed them.

'' yeah give them tomorrow morning around 10''

'' ok sir, have a good day ''

Ali saw his smile he couldn't help but to ask him.

'' you got it?''

Amaan give him a proud smug look and smirked .

'' what else do you expect from me''

Ali knew him, When he is after something, he will get it anyhow.

But he also knew it that he will not stop on 40% shares there is something more to it.

'' what are your plans?

I know you will not stop on those shares what are you up to?''

He languished and rest in his leather recliner

'' this is just the beginning I will get it all''

Ali got curious

'' but how''

Amaan looked at him for a good few seconds

'' I got 40% of shares I will reinvest those shares back in global sunshine and then gradually I will take over the full company but before that I have other plans to do''

Ali was speechless

Amaan looked at him and observed him for few seconds.

''I know what you are thinking bro

Do you think I am that stupid to be happy on 40% shares of that company?

No.......... I want it all'' he smirked

''I have everything, hotels much more successful than this, money, name, fame, I have one hospital I am working to open few more in different different countries just like my hotels so this 40% shares doesn not add any more money to my business but it will surely give a path for my revenge.

A path that I was waiting and yearning for it.

Right now the companies hotels are in lose that's why they sold 40% shares of its company but they don't know what real business means.

Now I am among the shareholders of that company it will not be long that I will get it''

Ali knew that Amaan is a very good businessman his mind works like machine and he does wonders in business industry.


'' Amaan are you trying to destroy that bastard?''

Ali asked him

'' trying?

Are you fucking with me Ali?

I have already destroyed him''

He sneered

'' he insulted my father among every one when he knew that dad is a thread for his business.

He humiliated him by getting all the contracts that dad was applying for.

He disrespected our religion.

He spread the rumors that dad is using pork in his dishes.

Even our Muslim community boycott our hotels,

It took dad along time to clear the taint and start again.

See right now AR COLLECTIONS is standing in its peak.

I have branches in US CANADA AUSTRIA LONDON CHINA DUBAI soon I will start in Jordan too''

He closed his eyes and continued

'' and that mother fucker will be finished soon

I will enter his business and I will finish him in his own business''

Ali sighed

'' I know that was a dark time for uncle.

But he is a strong man he never gave up on his dreams''

Amaan nodded

And he knew that Amaan is far steps ahead of his father.

That's why he is the young billionaire and business man in the world.

''Amaan you are guineas but still I have one question to ask from you''

Amaan nodded at him to continue.

'' you have more power and money than that Matthew phillip, you could destroy him easily so why you waited this long?

And this 40% shares, do you think it's enough to destroy him?''

He smirk and started sipping his coffee

'' I know I could easily destroy him but I am not coward Ali,

I don't stab from behind, when he is in lose so I can't attack on his vulnerable days.

I am a businessman, I do my business with mind.

And yes 40% shares is not enough to destroy him but don't worry as I said I have plans to do I just needed to enter as a businessman in his business now I will seed my plans''

The phone ringed at that very time.

He saw it was his dad

'' good morning dad''

''good morning son''

He sounded worried so Amaan sensed that

'' dad is everything fine mom is fine?''

He asked in one breath, He got a bad feeling since last night, his mom was upset cause of excuses of work that he was giving her but in reality, they were not excuses, but a rough reality he really was busy but she will never accept it, she thinks he is giving her excuses.

Well for some expenses it was true Amaan would completely ignore the same issue of his engagement and his fiancé.

He haven't seen her and never wished to see her ever.

Zarina his mother once send him her pictures but he never saw it and completely ignored it.


He had a fear that she will affect her health she is a heart patient.

'' dad say it please what's it there?

Where is mom I want to talk to her?''

He took few second then with a sad voice he said

'' Amaan your mother had a heart attack last night

She is in hospital now she is under observation son''

To say Amaan was worried it will be an understatement in fact he was horrified.

He felt guilt






All in one.

He couldn't lose his mother never in his life he can imagine his life without her.

''I know I am the reason who have given her too much stress

Or I should say this so called relationship.

Or that girl.

God, I used to feel nothing for her - no love no hate -but now I hate her.

She is the sole reason of stress in my life or my family's life.

For 7 years mom and dad were asking me to come and make this damn relation official, but I kept ignoring and traveling cause of my business.

But now I have to think

Have gone to far with my own family?

Yes, I have hurt my mom

I hate you girl I hate you from the bottom of my heart.

Pray that my mom gets well soon otherwise you don'tknow what I will do to you''.

'' Amaan are you listening?''

He jolted from his thoughts

'' yes dad,

what Dr is saying?''

'' the said she recovered from the stroke but the need to put her under observation for 24 hours.''

'' dad how this happened I talked with her yesterday morning she was fine how all of a sudden it happened?''

He got the urge to ask his father.

Mr. Ahmad sighed

'' yes I know son she was fine,

Yesterday was your late uncle and his wife's dead anniversary so we needed to go to Jamil's house to see Arzoo on her this sad day''

Amaan heard her name and his blood boiled with anger

Yeah it got to be her again

After all she is the sole reason of all our tensions.

She is a real burden,

Fuck only her name rages my anger I don't know what her presents will make me do to her.

'' we went there had dinner there but when we came back, she was quiet and all of a sudden this happened''

She must have said something to mom

Oh, I swear on my existence girl pray that my mom gets well soon otherwise if god forbid anything bad happened then trust you, I will rip you in pieces and you have no idea what I am capable of.

'' son she wants to see you''

Amaan knew it that his father will ask him to come but right now his mother was more important to him.

He sighed, his eyes were red and his nostrils were flaring fire.

'' I am coming dad''

Amaan brushed his fingers in his disheveled hair and punched the door hard that It broke

His hand started bleeding.

Ali caught his hand made him sit.

His whole persona was dark and dangerous to describe.

His eyes were red in flame of anger and hate.

His aura changed in to dark.

Fisting his hard so hard that his nails were digging in her palms.

His features darkened

Ali knew him better than anyone,

He knew that right now Amaan is in extreme level of anger.

And when he is angry he doesn't care about anything or anyone.

'' calm down''

'' don't you fucking tell me to calm down''

He roared

''that piece of shit has to be in everything who the fuck she is?

I hate her Ali you hate her''

Ali gently put his hand on his shoulder and squeeze it.

'' she must have said something to mom


She must have acted her innocence in front of her

She is a burden Ali

She is a fucking burden''

''I got engage to her when I was 8 who the fuck does that?

And that bitch in all these years she never realized that I don't want her? ''

Ali remained silent but he knew Armaan is deeply strained right now.

'' you need to calm down Armaan , this is not the solution''

Armaan clenched his jaw and took a deep breath to calm himself.

''I know she is a gold digger, Who wouldn't want a man like me?

He enraged

He took deep breaths and brushed his hair with his hands and clenching his fists he said.

''She needs to see her place and trust me I will make her life a living hell''

His whole being exuded power and authority.

Ali knew his this bearing.

It shows when he is in extreme anger.

His demeanor would change.

He would be livid, and his sinister mind would lose his control on his actions.

Amaan clenched his jaw and his eyes flashing red in anger.

'' you just fucked up with me girl

And with my life

You are a fucking burden on me but wait I have for you is a promising future'' he sneered

He took his iPhone from his pocket and called his secretary

'' make the jet ready I want to go AFG tomorrow ''

''Amaan I am coming with you too''

He looked at Ali

'' I want to see aunty you know I never had a mother and she has always been a mother to me and don't worry my partner will take care of my business''

Amaan nodded.

Ali was a successful businessman too.

He owned construction business with his partner Gavin.


Ah yeah i know its a long chapter but it was needed.

so tell me guys what you to say about these 2 charecters.


hold your breath alot is coming next?

what will Amaan do after seeing her?

keep reading and keep thinking.

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