《The Wandering Fate》CHAPTER 5


Mr. Jamil was home early he heard the news of Mrs. Zarina's heart attack. He was very tense

That night Arzoo and Noori prepared a good food they had it happily but this news worried him.

And also, the talks which he had with Mr. Ahmad left him in thoughts.

Mr. Ahmad wanted the marriage to happen as soon as possible.

He has always treated Arzoo as his own daughter.

But he knew that now she is not a little girl she was grown up and she needed to go to her real home.

This thought alone would hurt him.

He always knew that he can take care of her but one day she would leave him and his house.

She belonged to someone else.

He just took care of her.

He took her under his protective wings, secured her from people's evil eyes and bad intentions.

But this was not her home. He took care of her when she was in a vulnerable stage, he was used to her, his house was used to her but all those years ended in a blink of an eye.

Now was the time when she would go to her home.

Among her in laws, beside her husband.

On the other hand Arzoo was crying in her room.

She had so many reasons to cry, one of them was Mr. Zarina's health and the other was her time was about to be over in this sweet and peaceful house.

Noori patted her head

'' why are you crying Arzoo

I know you are worried for her health, but your tears makes me worried

Are you blaming yourself for her health?''

Her cry ceased and she looked at her friend with teary eyes.

'' I don't know but my heart is telling me something bad is going to happen''

Noori was confuse

'' but why you think like that?''

Arzoo's sobs ached her heart.


'' what is it Arzoo?

Why are you saying this?

Come on tell me sis''

Arzoo lost the little control which she had and hugged her friend like never before.

Noori was taken aback

Arzoo was never an expressive person, She would keep her tears, sadness, loneliness

All to her self.

But what happened now?

There has to be something big which is breaking her.

She comforted her by rubbing her back. It took time for Arzoo to get hold of her sobs.

Noori give her water and she calmed a tit bit.

'' ok go on I want to listen sis tell me what is eating you from inside?

Why are you holding it?

I know you have kept it for ages to yourself now say it

I am here with you and I will be''

Arzoo's gaze were down.

Noori held her hand and wiped her tears.

And gave her a determent look.

Arzoo couldn't keep it to herself now,

She needed to say it to someone who could understand her and at the moment Noori was the one.

She sighed

'' I can't marry someone who doesn't want me Noori''

Fresh tears were glistening her eyes, but they were not out yet.

Noori was shocked, She has never talked about Amaan before.

When Noori used to tease her, she would ignore like she didn't hear anything.

What happened to her all of a sudden?

'' but why and what happened?''

Noori knew Arzoo since childhood.

They were always together and she used to see the hollow loneliness in her eyes.

Although Noori and his father and brother were with her always but they loneliness in her eyes were always visible.

And her this loneliness made her a coy girl.

She would get nervous among people. She couldn't stare in anyone's eyes.

But right now, Noori saw her features were hurt with emotional pain.

She hugged her.


It looked like hours for Arzoo but it was a few seconds hug that she needed at that moment.

'' why are you saying this what happened?

Arzoo took deep breath

And with coy voice just like a whisper she said

'' I knew him, And I know him, But I don't understand him''

She looked at Noori and continued

'' I got engage to him when I was 4 and he 8

We were kid Noori''

She paused and continued,

'' when I realized that I am engaged to be someone's wife and that to someone I know ................. I ........... I felt like I have someone whom I can spent the rest of my life with''

She bite her lower lips to control her sobs

'' but ............ but Noori he never was mine and never will be''

She broke in her tears again.

'' shhhhhh what happened tell me why are you saying this?''

Noori hugged her and asked her. she pulled back and wiped her tears

'' I lost my parents when I was too young

I lost them in front of my eyes Noori

I saw their bodies lying in blood I saw all this when I shouldn't see it''


'' t.....then grand ma and uncle took me

I was warm in your embrace

I find uncle like a dad to me

Grand ma like a mother to me

You like a sister and Hamid brother like a brother.

I find all relations in one home''


'' uncle provided me with everything food, clothes, education everything''

Her chin wobbled and with sobs she continued

'' bu............but Noori where was he and where is he now?

He never wanted me Noori,

I saw his picture when aunty showed me but in all these years he never asked about my picture or even didn't bother to ask about me from me?

He never even bothers to know how I am feeling after the tragic loss of my parents.''

She cried her heart out

'' you know Noori he has already giving me his answer ................ he doesn't want me at all''

She cried loud and continued,

'' why should I marry him when he cares a damn about me?''

Noori had silent tears too in her eyes, She knew that Arzoo is right he never cared about her

and he never will.

'' then don't marry him Arzoo

Straight say it to dad and uncle

If he doesn't care about you then you also show him that you don't need him you never needed him and you never will''

Arzoo looked at her eyes

Her eyes showed concern for her friend

But Arzoo knew she can't do that

She took deep breaths and calmed her nerves a bit.

'' I can't do this Noori, I have to marry him''

She said with a broken voice.

Noori held her hands and asked in a determent voice

'' you can, Why you can't?

What is stopping you?''

Arzoo looked at her and said

'' because I am not you Noori''

Noori was confuse on her answer, Arzoo saw her confusion

she looked down and continued,

'' I have no parents, Although I have a family which I am great full for, but I can't give more stress to uncle.

Everyone knows this relation and I can't give a bad name to uncle''

'' why are you thinking about people? It's your life!''

Frustratingly Noori asked her

'' I am living in my uncle's house Noori, my uncle has his own two kids.

I see Hamid as my brother he sees me as his little sister but what about people?''

To say that Noori was shocked was an understatement she was gob smacked

'' what are you talking about Arzoo?

Where this came from?''

Arzoo sighed and looked in her eyes.


what does Arzoo hold to herself?

where is her life taking her?

to know more keep reading and please keep voting.

alot more is going to happen so stay tune.

keep reading, keep thinking.

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