《YOU ARE MINE(Under Editing)》Chapter 7



Today I m going to take huge step of my life .

I know Armaan think that there is no need me for doing job, but i really want to earn my own money .

They already gives us a alot, and I want my own money for spending atleast in daily life till my Rukhsati.

Well i am also thinking that what if rumours are real and my boss is really a angry jerk.

Then what I am going to do.

Well lets see first i have to go to the office on time .

Thank god that receptionist already told me that day that if i got selected then i have to be on time means sharp 9 .

Ok ok now i m getting late .

I have to go for breakfast and after that to meet mom then only my day will be successful.

After coming to table I greeted everyone and after that Anu give me a

Good luck,and I take all elders blessings after that I went to my destination.


Ooh my god !!!!!

finally I am standing infront of my destination,

I don't know what, I m going to do god help me.

I remember Armaan words that my boss is so strict but I neglected that part in my mind at that time,

but now I remember all information of my unknown boss.

After I entered in building receptionist told me that sir is already in his office but luckily he did not call me.

So I need to go to him from here.

When she entered in his office he is standing infront of his glass window talking to other person .

Noor looked at her boss who is facing others side , but she don't know why but he is looking somewhat familiar to her.

She then make her presence known "Good morning sir,


I am your new pa.

Can i bring ur coffee now sir?"

Armaan smiled and then turned toward her ( turning towards her) "Morning Mrs Noor Armaan Malik.

ya sure please bring my coffee now."

Seeing him as her boss,

she fainted at that moment.

Armaan got shocked seeing her fainting but quickly catch her and make her lay on sofa.

After sometime when she regain her sense then she understood all the situation.

And asked him

" Why didn't you tell me earlier."

So he said

" I didn't got chances to clear your misunderstanding,

So thought to surprise you in office directly,

So come on getup and do ur work otherwise maybe I fire you ."

Hearing this noor stand up and quickly run to make coffee for him .

But Armaan stop her in middle and said and "Ya Noor please,

don't add chilli in my coffee ."

Noor smiled at him then glare and said

" OK but listen if you scold me unnecessary in office,

then I am going to take revenge in home. Ok sir ".

When noor come after office she was. very tired so see slept directly,

and here Armaan is seeing her work that she is working efficiently and accurately. And he is impress by her work on first day itself.

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