《YOU ARE MINE(Under Editing)》Chapter 8


Next day when Noor come for breakfast ,then she her mama started to scold her for not eating dinner yesterday.

Then she thought to put all blame on Armaan.

So she gave him her famous smirk and he got to know that something is going to happen and she is going to take revenge on him.

Noor making a baby face and while showing her fake tear ( though all know that she was going to do her famous acting ) .

She said that


His mother asked getting worried


She said smirking

His mother glared at Armaan

Here our Armaan is shocked by her accusation and said that


All of know that it was Noor who can trouble him , not another way.

All elders are enjoying Armaan misery .

guys it is Noor 's habbit to make such type of prank according to her.

he is still a boring person.

Now here Armaan is thinking something and thought to take revenge of her little stunt which she pull on breakfast table.

After taking breakfast he said that



and here Noor is so shocked ,

and chocked her food because he is calling her wifey first time.

When they both sat in his car,

He grab her hand and kissed it and here she is so shocked by his act .

She tried to free her hand but

He said

Now she is too much shocked , but at the same time she is feeling shy also

She said hesitently


He said

".(actually in real ,

he is enjoying her nervousness because it is rare case when Noor get speechless).

After that when they both came in his office.

He came to his office and Noor went to take his coffee.

When Noor came in his office to give him his black coffee .


She saw that he is standing on the glassdoor and talking to someone she admired him very closely and said to herself

" Wow I got such a handsome hunk as my husband,

but I am not going to tell him.

Otherwise it will boost his ego at another level."

When he cut his call ,

he turned and start drinking coffee and said that

" Did u prepared my sedule for the day?"

She said

" I already prepared it and you have a meeting with Ahmed industry.

After that you have two other meeting also "

Armaan said to her

"Did you complete work?

which I gave u yesterday,

Which is very important in today's meeting? "

Noor looked at him with accusing expression as if he asked a wrong questions,

She replied

He looked at her shocked and asked

"You read all of them yesterday it."

She is confused looking at his expression

"Yes there is nothing in it ,

which will take time and now I m free ."

Armaan composed himself and said

"OK just be ready ,

I don't want any mistake ."

After meeting they both came from site .

Armaan is very impressed by Noor presentation ,

Even his most talented employees are not even in her competition.

When both came in inside the office. At that time a girl name Aima come and take Noor for lunch,

because in his office no one knows her as his wife .

they only know her as his PA

There is a employee name Asad,

Who is trying to talk Noor,

but Noor is not comfortable with boys .

so she always avoid him .

When Noor and aima having lunch. then aima asked her

" So how is ur meeting?

and and how is boss's mood toward you ."


Noor replied to her suppressing her anger that

"He is not that bad, It is just for work he is arrogant and rude."

( Actually Noor did not like that, someone speaking wrong about her hubby .)

After lunch when she came in his office,

She noticed that he is still working so she make a black coffee and give him. but he is talking on call ,

So he gave her coffee to hold it for sometime.

On the other side our Noor is feeling sleepy,

So she herself take a sip of his coffee and make face,

but Armaan saw her taking a sip so he asked with a surprised tone

"Did you just drink my coffee? "

Now it's Noor turn to embarrassed but she recover soon and said

" So what you r my husband and so you r mine as well as this coffe is also mine."

Replying him she just escape from there, and he stood shocked on his place.

At night when they both came home. then both are tired and again Noor was going to sleep,

But today Armaan drag her on dinning table for eating and she only glare him .

I have to talk to Noor for our relation.

I need to know that what she think about us because I heard that her mom was talking to my mom for our Rukhsati.

Tomorrow I am going to talk her that's final.

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