《YOU ARE MINE(Under Editing)》chapter 6


Day by day Noor saw a different shades of Armaan Malik.

Sometime he remains in his angry mode , sometime in fun loving mode,

but all of his shades is only for family members.

He is indeed a nice person, But whenever he got angry ,

He make sure that person should get its punishment.

He have some anger issue but he don't get angry on family.

But in all these days Noor noticed that ,

He need someone in his life who can understand him.

Who can tell him that he is also someone's priority other than family.

In initial day of Noor in Malik's Mansion she thought that

She will die rather than living her life with a rude person like him.

But slowly slowly she started to understand him .

And she also thought that it's their density ,

And somewhere she knew that she is lady version of him.

Because she have anger issue and sometimes she also behave rude with the people,

Who truly deserved her rudeness.

She thought that if he will show her his anger,

Then she will teach him a good lesson,

Which he will not able to forgot throughout his whole life.

On the other side Armaan also started to like her very much .

He noticed that within a week ,

She become everyone's favourite.

She know every damn thing of his house .

He saw how she take care of her mom as well as his mom .

He saw she always be polite with everyone ,and his dad adore her very much .

His brother and his sister love her like they are her long lost best friend,

and top of all she is so intelligent.

Today is an Important day for all of them.

Because today they will got to take the report of her mother ,

and Noor is taking too much tension.

From that day they both didn't talk to eachother.

But still Armaan make sure that both mother daughter don't take any tension.

Today only Noor came with Armaan .

Because they need to collect report only .

Though he was opposing still she was adamant that's why he have to take her with him.

Because he knows that she is same as stubborn as him

When both take report Noor was too much nervous.


Then Armaan take her hand in his big hand and said that

" Relax everything will be fine Noor .

Your Mom is going to be ok .

Don't worry just let the doctor read the report.

Ok relax."

After reading her mother's medical report doctor said that her mother's illness can be cure,

but they have to agree with a critical surgery . And patient may be slip in coma .

Noor froze for a second Armaan feel her stiffing beside him.

He turn towards her and saw that her eyes become teary.

Noor started crying and ran away from there.

Armaan followed her and sit beside her and said that by cupping her face

" Noor we need to agree with this surgery ,

Her condition may get worsen.

You need to be strong for her.

Its importance please agree with the conditions."

After that they both came in Malik Mansion.

Then Armaan explain everything to other .

because Noor is not in condition

To tell everyone .

Every one agree for surgery ,

but Noor is crying silently .

After dinner when everyone goes to their room respectively .

She came out of her room ,

and went toward terrace because she is not getting sleep.

She knows that in this surgery maybe she will lose her mother.

But it is needed to be done otherwise her mother have to bear the pain .

On the other side Armaan is not getting proper sleep .

Because he knows that Noor is upset so he thought to check on her ,

and when he check her room he find its empty.

After that he came towards terrace, because he knows Noor always came there at night whenever she is sad.

And his guess is right she is there crying silently sitting on a corner.

He came and sit beside Noor and placed his hand on her shoulder hesitantly .

She looked at him and will not able to control her emotions ,

She hug him tightly and started crying badly.

Armaan hug her back , he patted her head,

They both sit their silently,

After sometime time Armaan make her look at him ,

and wiped her tear and kiss her forehead and said that

" It's ok !

You need to let it go ur pain.


You need to let go past ,

Trust me everything will be fine.

Don't lose hope and I know my Noor is so very strong ."

Noor said that crying

" I don't have anyone except mom .

If something happens to her ,

I will also die , I can't afford to loss her plzease do something."

Armaan cups her face and said that

" First of all you have a very big family with you .

Two mother, a father ,a brother , a devil sister

And a very charming husband

Plus we all know that god is with us . Everything will be fine ok."

Noor nodded her head and think that she is indeed lucky for having such a supporting in law's.

Suddenly she realise her position that

She is sitting almost on his lap and immediately started to go back on her original position.

But Armaan tight his hold around her waist and said that.

" Stay here jaan"

Noir blush after hearing a new name from his mouth for her.

After that both cuddle eachother and enjoying each other presence in silence of night .

They both have never talk eachother freely but still both understand eachother very well.

Armaan want Noor to frank with him also.

And Noor want Armaan understand first.

They both trying to understand eachother.

For the sake of their family and for the sake of their relationship.

After sometime Noor started to get up

But Armaan stop her and said

"I need to ask something."

Noor said slowly "Yes tell me what

happens ?"

Armaan looked at her and then replied "Dad was saying that you want to do job?

May I know the reason ."

Noor nodded her head in yes.

Armaan looked at her in confusion and controlling his anger

"why ?

I mean if you have any problem you can tell me.

Noor you r my wife ,

If you need anything you can tell me without hesitation. "

She tried to say something but again he intrrupt her and said

"I am sorry,

I thought that you are comfortable here .

That's why i didn't ask you anything about money.

Its my mistake I should have asked you earlier."

Noor in panicking tone replied to him

"Armaan you are taking me.

wrong its not about money .

I want to do job trust me .

Its not about need , its about responsibility.

My self respect never allow me stay here if I am not doing job .

I know that u r capable of taking responsibility of mine and mom .

but i want mine contribution also in my mother's treatment.

And I don't want people to call me gold digger ."

He glared at her but she hold him by shoulder and said

"I want to help my mother by earning,

And our rukhsati is not done yet .

So i don't think it will be good,

if I m using your money before rukhsati."

Armaan looked her worried expression and said

" But noor everything which

is mine ,

that is yours also."

Noor pleaded him and said

" Please accept it Armaan ,

and don't worry i am going to

make you bankrupt after


Armaan smiled at her and said

"OK as ur wish."

Armaan asked her curiously "Did u applied in any company?"

Noor looked at him with a bright smile on her face and said

" Yes I applied for P.A job in AM


And tomorrow is my first day as PA of Mr. AM."

Armaan in mind with shocked expression ( ooh she doesn't know that she is applying in my company ,

Great tomorrow will be a intresting day because she is going to be mine pa only)

He thought to tease her and said

"Well Noor ,

I heard that CEO of that company is very strict .

He might be sometime get angry on you and maybe he will shout on you also."

She looked at him with worried expression.

He controlled his smile and asked her

"Are you sure about this job?

Are you sure that you are not going to back out after seeing CEO."

Noor looked at him with an angry expression and replied in determine tone

" I am not coward,

I will not back out from my job .

And if he makes me angry ,

then I am going to mix chilli in his coffee."

Armaan was shocked by listening her planning to torture her boss.

After talking to Armaan ,

Noor become happy and she slept peacefully.

And here Armaan too much excited for his new PA akka Lovely wife😀😉😉😉

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