《Her love & her regrets》Chapter 19
Aslam o alaikum guys
Hania's pov:
I was feeling most stupid and dumb girl of the century, like seriously? Why did I even confess my love in front of him, now he would take advantage of my feelings.
The most difficult thing to digest seemed to me was that Faraz Ismail didn't say anything hurtful, surprisingly he was acting like a normal and extra cool husband.
After talking to Khala for hours and then thinking about my situation, as I had nothing to do, so headache was a normal thing to happen to me, dragging myself to the washroom to change my clothes.
As soon as I entered, my breath caught in my throat and eyes widened....
"Ahhh" I yelped as Aaliyaan twisted my arm and kept his hand on my mouth to stop me from screaming... My eyes welled up because pain in arm was becoming hard to tolerate. He pushed me in the washroom and closed the door behind him.
"Shhh if you become a good girl and listen to me then I would leave your hand" He whispered, his voice was venom to my ear but had no other option so I nodded. And according to his words he left my arm and pinned me to the wall.
"This was the revenge of that slap" He smirked and rubbed his thumb under my eye. I was shivering under his touch but God I was stuck, my voice also became lost in front of him.
"I know you are married to Faraz but don't worry soon this relationship will come to an end" I knew everything about him and Hoorain but acted like I was shocked.
"You must me thinking, how do I know you and Faraz...Right? " I didn't say anything but to be honest was not interested in his so called past.
" He is my enemy, because of Faraz I'm here in this state that I have to hide myself from everyone specially police, I killed the girl he liked and now I would gladly kill you because you are his wife, I want to see him ruined" He chuckled...
"Kill me but remember he doesn't love me so you would only waste your time" I couldn't help but speak ,there was a stinging pain in my chest that no one was able to heal.... Pain that my husband was still in love with some other girl.
" Oh that's interesting so you are just a hope in his life, and do you know that if one's hope breaks, he breaks " He smirked.
"Don't worry I won't kill you but yeah I'll definitely make your husband's life a living hell and you are just a path through which it would be possible" He was about to kiss me when on instinct I kicked him between his legs, he winced as low growl escaped his mouth and his hold on my wrists loosened a little, taking the advantage by pushing him to the sink I ran into my room, there was a glass vase on side table which I quickly took in my hand to defend myself, he ran after me but halted in his steps when he saw me with glass vase.
"Take a step and I would break your head with vase, then your all revenges will be incomplete" I spat, glaring at him. He cursed loudly. My heart was thundering inside my chest.
"Get out or else your dead body would go from here... Should I shout and gather all people here? " my breathing uneven, tear tickled down my face as I furiously rubbed my cheek.
" You are also going to be ruined and that's my promise" He grated out, with that he took two steps back and climbed from the opened window.
Oh God why I didn't realise that window was opened...
Game it was a sick game
Allah please help me
With hasty movement I found myself shutting the window tightly, room door was already locked.
My legs were shaking whilst I dropped myself on the bed before I fall down. He was in washroom, anything could've happened. Tears made their way through my eyes and I thanked Allah numerous times for saving me from Aaliyaan's evil wishes.
"Sorry Ma'am it was an order from Sara Ma'am" he replied and they both got out from car. I also decended from car.
There came a Slim figure of Sara, smiling wickedly at me.
"Hey sweet heart" She smiled while I just smirked at her....
"I've done your work" She said as we both entered inside the house.
"Thank you so much Sara, You've done a huge favour on me" I replied
" Oh come on I'm your best friend, it was my duty"
"OK by the way where is he? " I was curious to see him.
"Yeah he is in that room tied with the chair" She affirmed, I nodded and entered in that room.
He was looking so much vulnerable with ropes tied around him, mouth was tied with tape, torn out clothes, sweat was sprinkled on his face and he was sleeping in most awkward position.... I was having sympathy for Ahtisham but it was necessary.
I softly knocked at the door to which he abruptly woke up, like his subconscious mind was waiting for someone to come.
He frowned when he looked at me, abviously he didn't know me.
"Don't put pressure on your mind, you don't know me but I know you Ahtisham" I said as removed the tape from his mouth and sat on the chair opposite him. Sara closed the room behind us, giving us some privacy, the issue was so sensitive that I didn't anyone to hear it.
" What do you want from me" He was visibly afraid, not a ounce of confidence.
"Look you've to answer honestly to my every question otherwise those bulky man standing outside would rip you out" I warned him to which he remained silent.
"Why did you rape Hoorain?" he was astonished, like someone has slapped across his face. He took minutes to come into his senses, his dried lips were trembling, indicating of how much hard he was thinking to lie to me.
" It was moment of weakness for me, I couldn't help myself from doing that to her" See I knew he would lie.
" Okay who gave you order to reach to her house" I patiently asked another question.
" Faraz Sir ordered me to keep my eyes on her so she doesn't run from her house"
"Oh God seriously Ahtisham? I didn't think that He would hire a stupid man for his so called destructive game" I spat, this time he was shocked like someone has shot him twice.
"Let's make it easy for you to spill the truth... I'm soon to be wife of your Faraz Sir who never asked you to stay at Hoorain's place because he is a powerful businessman, he would never ask a driver to keep an eye on someone, he could easily hire a guard for that... And you were driver of Fahad."
"Now would you like to tell me truth? See I won't let any danger reach you, trust me..." I pleaded him because I never wanted to torture him more than that he already had been.
"What if he knows about it? He would kill me and my family" his voice cracked.
"Relax Ahtisham relax... I promise you that I won't let anything happen to you and I mean it"
" Sara" I called her. She came in few seconds in the room.
" Please untie him and give him some food to eat" I requested her to which she obliged.
"Eat something then we will talk"
Flashback ends....
I'll not leave you Aaliyaan Ahmed, I'll make sure to throw you where you deserve to be
He thought he would control me and destroy me but he was wrong, utterly wrong....
Whole night I wasn't able to sleep, crying and feeling low...
My phone beeped on the side table, I wiped my tears and looked at the message from Faraz.
"I hope you aren't sleeping" I frowned at the message and looked at the time, it was 1:00 am, he was still awaking but why? I ran my hand in my hair and bit my lip.
I wanted to talk to him but was not in the condition to talk to him so I switched off my phone and kept it back on side table.
Tossing and turning on the bed for umpteenth time, I was frustrated. Dad also went to Islamabad in the evening and Hania was also not at the home.
I was surprised at my situation, never in these years I felt lonely when actually I was alone but today that feeling was deep.
Dad was with me for few months and now he was in another city, that's why I was getting annoyed...
I was about to message Fahad to meet me but then I looked at my wrist watch and didn't disturb him, he was a married man now and at this hour it was not fine to call him...
I didn't want to do that but I messaged Hania, if she was waking up so she could talk to me besides she was my wife, she could take some time for me if she wants....
"I hope you aren't sleeping" Gathering some courage I sent the message and waited for the reply but with passing time, disappointedly I laid down....
She must be sleeping
Of course it was 01:00 in the night....
Soon my mobile vibrated, Hania's message flashing on the screen, I hastily took the mobile.
"Can you please come over here. I need you" tension filled my mind as I gazed at my phone for good few minutes.
I didn't ask her anything in return, placing my phone in the pocket, took my car keys from dressing room I headed downstairs.
"Is everything fine sir? " Security guard asked the same question which I was gonna ask Hania after reaching at her aunt's house. I simply nodded and sat in the car. Soon engine started and I made my way out of the my house.
Thank God her home was not that much away infact it took only 15 minutes to reach there.
After arriving at her house, I rang the bell several times upon which maid opened the door... Her sleepy state made me realize that I was wrong to come at this hour of night...
"Faraz Sir? " her eyes became big as saucers, I cleared my throat.
"I want to meet Hania" I was embarrassed, what would she think of me meeting my wife at this hour.
"Yes yes she's in her room... Should I call Ma'am Aasia as well? "
"No no I just want to talk to my wife.. Where is her room" I asked, impatiently.
"On the upstairs, the first room on right side" She instructed and closed the main door of the house.
" Okay I'll go, you can go and sleep. Sorry for disturbing you" I politely apologized. She faintly nodded and walked out of there.
I quickly climbed the stairs and knocked on the door. No voice came, I again knocked and then door creeked opened....
When I saw her, it gave me heartache, her hair messy, eyes bloodshot, bleeding lip... I saw her in vulnerable state which made me vulnerable as well.
"Faraz" She muttered and something related to hope I saw in her eyes, She took no time and ran into my arms. I stumbled a little but firmly held her in my arms. my heart twisted when she sobbed.
"What happened Hania" I frowned and stroked her back. It was strange that I forgot all things when saw her in pain.
She sniffled when she separated from my grip, she grasped my wrist and silently pulled me inside, closing the door behind us.
She rubbed her eyes, more tears glistened and I was lost at words.
"Please don't cry Hania. I don't like your tears" words spilled from my mouth on it's own. We both were surprised. She quickly composed herself maintaining a smile on her face for which I was relaxed a bit.
"Sit" I sat on her bed and gestered beside me, she obeyed me.
"Now tell me what has happened?"
I asked keeping my hand on her's. She nodded.
"I want to tell you something, it's very important" Hania whispered.
"I'm all ears"
"I know everything" As soon as she spoke, sound of bullets boomed in the house along with a shriek.
We ran to downstairs, Hania sucked in a sharp breath as she reached at the end of staircase. Aunty Aasia also ran from her room towards the hall.
There was a dead body of the same maid who opened the door for me, blood oozed from her chest, I immediately took her wrist to check her pulses but she was no more. As I looked apologetically towards them.
Hania kneeled down beside me, crying hysterically at the demise of her maid named Fazila.
Aunty Aasia gestured me to take Hania to her room while she called ambulance, another servant who was standing by Fazila's dead body was scared as hell.
I myself felt like it was nightmare because like all family members I was also shocked and speechless.
Fazila's dead body reminded me of Naila when she was shot in the stomach... Shiver ran down my spine when her death replayed before me, all the bitter memories of that time became fresh.
My mouth sealed trying to process everything that happened in a blink of an eye. I grabbed Hania by her shoulder and made her get up from the floor, took her to the nearby room. She kept her hands on her face and crying like no end.
I felt my energy draining by every passing second but it was not the time to think about myself so quickly closed the door and found myself walking towards hall. In that mean time ambulance arrived and they were taking the dead body.
"You stay here with Hania, I'll take care of the rest.... I don't know how this happened and who did this? " Aunty Aasia said as she ran hand through her short hair for the umpteenth time....
All rituals were done, it was second day of Fazila's death. Aunty Aasia took care of everything, from Fazila's funeral to giving her family a handsome money to help them out... Of course Fazila's family was poor, she had only a little brother and a mother who also worked in homes.
I filled a tray with food and took to Hania's room who was awfully silent since the funeral, if asked anything she would only shake or nod a little like someone had sealed her mouth... I was stressed out for her but didn't say anything, God knows how was she feeling....
"Here eat something " keeping the tray on the table, I walked to the bed where she was laying and helped her sit up.
"Hania please tell me what's bothering you? You are not talking to anyone, not eating anything, not sleeping peacefully either.... This is not how life goes on, you've to find a solution, or atleast share your problem with us.. We can't see you like this" She finally looked upwards with blank expression. I was perplexed about her mental and emotional health.
"I want to go back home" She muttered. I sighed thankfully, finally she spoke.
"Are you sure? I mean if you want to stay here for more days you can" I offered but she shook her head. I caressed her cheek with my thumb, A known emotion filled her eyes, I leaned forward and kissed her forehead. She closed her eyes but our moment was ruined when my phone started ringing so I excused before requesting her to have breakfast.
"Hello Fahad how are you? " I asked as I walked backside of the house in the garden.
"I'm fine " he stated and sighed. I grew worried.
"What happened?"
" Uh nothing.. Where are you? "
"I'm at Aunt Aasia's place, one of her maids had been murdered yesterday night... I was also here, Hania is very upset at her sudden demise"
"Ohh! May Allah grant her Jannah... I'll come at evening for condolence"
" I'll wait for you" I affirmed.
"Hoorain didn't come? " I asked when I saw Fahad alone.
" Nope she's at her parent's house" He replied looking away.
"Is everything alright? Did you both fight? " I asked in fright.
" Would you please stop talking about her?" He snaped. I fisted my palms but controlled myself, it was not my home to get into fight with him. I breathed in and out while he rubbed his hand on his face to remove the traces of anger. I know this stupid man.
"Come inside" he nodded and we both fell into easy talk after getting inside. Hania made her presence but again she was absent minded and would only answer when loudly called her name. Aunty insisted Fahad to stay but he left after half an hour because he had some business to do.
After having dinner we decided to leave as well.
Life was anything but fair. Bit by bit I was losing my senses, this could not be happening. Recovering from every shock, now the little bit strength in me was giving up on me.
I was sinner so was my father and my mother because she forgave him so easily but me? Baba disowned me for my sins but never he felt guilty for his own actions.
I was punished for my own actions but there was still my father's past hidden in my future. I was being punished for not only my sins but also his sins.
I was thanking to God that Fahad left me, it doesn't matter what the situation was but he did. There was pain in his eyes when he knew my father's past, anyways we were not meant to be together because after what would Aaliyaan do, there was no way that Fahad would accept me.
Door opened of my room and revealed my mother who was only allowed to enter, baba, I was not having good thoughts about him but he also had locked himself in his room since his past was revealed. I guess he had no guts to face me, I also was not interested into bearing his presence.
I wiped my tears and sat straight on the couch when ami accompanied me as well.
"It's been a week, both Murataza and you have not talked or behaved normally... I'm here to tell you everything, now enough of this silence" ami softly spoke....
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