《Her love & her regrets》Chapter#20 (unedited)
Aslam o alaikum guys
Hoorain pov:
"It's been a week , both Murataza and you have not talked or behaved normally... I'm here to tell you everything, now enough of this silence" ami softly spoke, setting more fresh tears in my eyes. Nodding my head, holding onto my breath, I prepared myself for bitter confessions.
That day your father told me about his affair with that woman when he came from Islamabad after 5 months.... After 5 years of our marriage I saw the true happiness in his eyes and it shattered me completely that even if gave my everything into this relationship but it was still incomplete and broken....
"He said he would marry her but would never divorce me because I was mother of his daughter and he never wanted you to live without a father or with step father.... He wanted to keep everything normal infront of you"
My mother chuckled dryly, tears brimmed in her eyes, sitting beside her I kept my hand on her shoulder and released the breath, but to be honest I felt ashamed of not knowing how my mother sacrificed her whole life for me and lived with that man. I could've never done that, She compromised her entire self for me.
How was I oblivious to her problems and only thought about myself? Why was I so selfish like my father?
"He said, this house belongs to my daughter only and he would keep his second wife in another house which was bought by her... I agreed because having no other place to live and make your living better I had to do this... Murtaza again went to Islamabad to marry Sofia leaving us behind but after few days someone called me from hospital saying that he was admitted there.."
Tears streamed down her face, Ami sobbed silently. I was tore apart at her condition, terribly wanted to make her feel better but I was at loss of words, nothing seemed reasonable to console her.
"It was horrible day of my life Hoorain, more than the news of him getting married. Imagine the person whom you love dearly is laying on his death bed fighting for his life... I prayed alot for him because he was in terrible condition with injuries all over his body due to car accident and Sofia died, I was sad at her demise, your father loved her and I never wanted something bad for them. Never. After that Murtaza was depressed for a long time, then gradually that depression turned into guilt and I still see guilt along with love in his every action...
"Did he apologize for his sins?" I whispered.
"Yes numerous times although I forgave him long ago" She affirmed. My blood boiled at her statement but said nothing.
I knew it because the way my parent's used to treat eachother, it always felt like a perfect couple with no flaws. My father always loved me and my mother, never did he raise his voice on us, like he was the most blessed man on this earth. I was stupid to think so highly of him because it was not the love that he showered on us instead it was the compensation of his grave deeds.
"Didn't you hate him for a moment. He was about to ruin our lives Ami and you forgave him so easily. What if Sofia was still alive? What if Baba had married her? Still you would've loved him? " I spilled the venom against my father. Hatred was creeping in my veins.
"yes" firm yet weak voice spoke making us turn towards it abruptly.
"Murtaza" Ami frightened. I stared at the person standing before me. My father, his hands were trembling, eyes bloodshot and weary, his tears disappearing in his small grey beard. But he was only looking at my mother.
"You always loved me. I don't know what would've happened if I was married to Sofia neither I want to think about it. She was my bitter truth which can't be forgotten easily. I'm again asking for your forgiveness please forgive me Nageen" He came forward, more tears flowed from their eyes as ami made him sit on the bed and sat as well.
"It took time to tell you this but I love you please forgive me, I can't loose you. I just can't bear living without you, you are my strength, you never left me when I was weak then how would I allow you to leave me now when I've only you two women in my life" He kept his all emotions on his hand and I could see the happiness in her eyes. Murtaza hugged Nageen.
I found myself as a third wheel so I silently tried to make my way out of the room. I knew my mother would forgive my father so easily and here stupid me thought to get them separated.
"where are you going my child" my eyes closed on their own, taking a deep breath, I turned around to face them.
" Don't call me child" their faces changed into remorseful as they heard my cold and distant tone.
"Why you told me about your so called past when you had forgiven him? You both are responsible for my state... Look at me, Do I look happy and contented as you promised eachother to keep me? Why you didn't tell me about your past to make my future better? Why? " My heart sank upon looking at their flabbergasted faces. They were my parents and I was like a disobedient child shouting at them.
"I never wanted you to hate me" Baba said in low voice as he stood up and came towards me but I stepped back, he immediately halted , Ami stared at me, stunned at my sudden outburst.
"I don't hate you baba but I hate myself..." Dropping myself on the floor as anger and self loath rushed like volcano in me.
" Baba look at me, today I'm ruined, if only you had comforted me, supported me in my bad time, the time when I was on the verge of destruction, when everything slipped from my hands, when I was getting married in worst way, when I was falling down... Then maybe I could've been in much better state" I cried, Baba shook his head while trying to reach out to me but as stubborn as I was, again pushed myself backwards, still sitting on floor. Closing my eyes I took a breath and fresh tears escaped leaving me sobbing hard on my luck.
"You could've handled me, you could've trusted me like ami did. She stood with you even after being rejected and cheated, because she loved you but you never loved me like that. I was your daughter and you painted my luck with black color. If only you...." my voice stuck in my throat. This time I spoke in dangerously low voice with tears still lingering on my cheeks. Ami came and sat beside me taking me in her arms as she hugged me while crying, but what was use of that now. After few seconds I pulled myself from her embrace and ran out of there.
Going outside of the house, I wandered around the dark and silent streets not caring about anything. There was nothing that I feared Now because maybe I had lost all precious assets of my life.
My pain was witnessed by moon and stars. Only Allah knew how much I was suffering, how much I was waiting for death angel to come to me and take my soul.
I wanted escape from everything, every relationship, every commitment. My heart felt at peace after realising that yes I would go far away from everyone here.
Soft breeze touched my skin, swayed my hair, dried my tears and it vanished the anger which I was carrying inside me since one year but sadness was there, it won't vanish easily. One year of misery.... Taking a deep breath, I looked at the dark sky above me, which reminded me of my dark life.
I was about to tell everything to Faraz but Fazila's murder stopped me from ruining more lives. Right after Fazila's funeral I received message from unknown number threatening me not to spill anything to my husband otherwise the next person to die would be my Khala Aasia (Aunt).... I knew it was Aaliyaan but kept my mouth shut after that.
Now I was somehow normal but still Fazila's lifeless body was on my mind, torturing me like it was all because me that she died. She was young and had a future planned ahead, she also saw dreams about her life but they were crushed along with innocent being that she was, under our sick game.
It had been a week since she died and I was here at my home, Faraz was taking care of my meals and around him I felt secure. He didn't love me but he cared about me immensely, which anyone could feel through his actions which was making me fall for him all over again.
There was some hope in me, maybe one day I'd also be able to make my place in his heart as well and heal his wounds...
We both shared one room but that marriage thing never happened between us because we both needed some time even if we acted like normal couples but only we knew that we were anything but in normal terms.
I was helping Sumaira(cook) in making Chinese rice when Faraz came in kitchen with horrified expressions.
"Hania I want to talk to you. NOW" he emphasized on the word 'Now', making it a demand.
"I've put all the ingredients in the pot, stir them properly. I'm coming" instructing Sumaira, I hurriedly washed my hands and headed out of the kitchen.
"Come with me" Faraz held my wrist tightly and pulled me out of the house, in the garage. I was worried at his unusual behaviour.
He opened the car door and nudged me inside on passenger seat, his rough attitude was disappointing me to the core.
"What happened? Where are you taking me?" I asked as he sat on driving seat but he didn't answer.
"Faraz" I whispered as my hand rested on his arm, his hands clutched steering wheel so tight that the knuckles went white.
He started driving ignoring my plea, knowing that the reason behind his sour mood would be revealed, I removed my hand and sat straight.
When we reached the secluded area of the beach, he stopped the car and unlocked the doors. We both got out of the car and he was fast enough to go and stand at the shore with arms crossed, I sighed and went after him.
When I stood beside him, we both were almost equal in height, I thought I was shorter than him but today that thought proved wrong. Small smile appeared on my lips Even though I wanted to enjoy this cool weather with him but his face dulled all the light from my heart.
"Why are we here?" looking ahead I felt his angry glance towards me.
"Do you know Aaliyaan? " His question caught off me guard, I suddenly turned my face to him that my neck was about to twitch.
His cold gaze was fixed on me, his eyes screamed danger.
"Shocked? What you thought? That you would keep me in darkness and I will prove myself dumb" He growled.
I was out of words, he was misunderstanding me and that was sinking my heart. I took minutes to comprehend that and then I whispered.
"I-I know him but you have to listen me...
"I don't want to listen your so called love story."
"Faraz there is some misunderstanding...." he again cut me off.
"Just tell me why you lied that you love me? You were cheating on me? Oh my Allah how many women he has wrapped around his finger?" His red eyes told that he was in deep pain but the pain I was experiencing was beyond repair.
"I've never cheated...."
"You knew all this time that Aaliyaan murdered My Naila. He ruined Fahad's life, my life, Hoorain's life and you were playing innocent while we three were being fooled by you and Aaliyaan" He shouted like madman. Something in me was broken brutally when I heard "My Naila" from his mouth slipping so smoothly like his tongue was habitual of those two words.
My trembling hands fisted and eyes welled up.
"You are such a " He left his sentence incomplete while averting his gaze and quickly wiped a tear.
He must be missing his Naila... This thought sickened me.
He then went towards the car and came back with brown envelop. After taking some photos from it, he threw them on my face.
I flinched and stumbled back by his action. When my gaze flickered to mine and Aaliyaan's inappropriate pictures, they were fake but perfectly edited that no-one could deny their reality.
It was obvious that Aaliyaan would stoop so low but Faraz's reaction made all this unbearable for me.
He laughed wryly suddenly pulling me out of trance.
"You are caught red handed Hania... On our wedding day when you confessed your so called love, I was flabbergasted as how an egoistic girl like you can tell her feelings to her husband... But you know what I got my answer today. You were playing this love game to make me stupid..." his words brought a shooting pain in my head.
"You are insulting me Faraz" Tears formed in my eyes yet I looked in his eyes, only anger and hate was visible, which was making it difficult for me to breath.
"Still you are worried about your insult. Sorry I can't respect a characterless girl who entertain her husband's enem..." He couldn't complete his sentence as I kept my hand on his mouth.
"Don't you dare cross your limits" my voice trembled but my whole being shook with fear because in the next moment Faraz grabbed my arms ruthlessly.
" I've seen numerous girls like you who cheat on their husbands but you are special, you have the ability to commit this sin under pious appearance.... Such a disgraceful lady" In the blink of the eye, he pulled my loosely draped hijab from my head and threw on the sand. I was unable to do anything because his words pierced through my soul.
"Much better" He said. It's not like he had not seen me without my hijab but today his eyes were mocking at my opened hair. He was breaking my heart and I was letting him do that.
"You lost the game because you were not able to make a place in my heart, Naila still resides here... He kept his hand on his chest and again I saw tears in his eyes.
"No one can take her place, I'm glad that I saw your true self today, now respect and love has increased for her in my heart more than anything.... You were only my wife but she is my life." His confession ended all hopes from my life, I don't know how was I standing there but my vision got blurred for a second. Everything seemed to be destroyed beyond limits.
He turned around immediately, in that mean time tears dropped from my eyes but I was fast enough to wipe them off.
I took few steps away from him because he wasn't listening to me and now it was enough for me to explain anything to him.
"Where are you going now? Oh I forgot you have a man to ease your pain" As soon as those words reached my ears, I turned around quickly and slapped him across his face. He was shocked but I didn't care.
"Enough of your insults.. This is my promise to you that I won't explain anything to you now" I said in low voice. After picking my scarf from sand I turned to go from there but again he grabbed my wrist and pulled me with him.
"Don't you dare play smart with me. You'll pay for this slap but right now I'm going to take you where you belong to. I brought you here because I didn't want to tame my image in front of my servants" He pulled me towards the car.
"Leave my hand Faraz, You are hurting me." I wriggled and tried to free my hand but his grip was so tight. He threw me on the passenger seat and drove the car God know where.
Few traitorous tears managed to fall from my eyes because I was helpless. My situation was worst. He stopped the car at some police station. I was perplexed, what the hell was he doing but didn't ask anything.
He got out of the car, opened my side of door and again pulled me outside. Today he was handling me as rough as trash can.
"A year before Aaliyaan Ahmed was arrested for the murder of Naila Mehmood. Today Javed Police officer called me from this police station telling me that Aaliyaan has absconded from the jail." Faraz reminded senior police officer named Bilal Khan. They got busy in getting the details while we were sitting there in the office. I was awfully silent.
Soon a man came with a file and handed it to Mr.Bilal.
"Fortunately you are wrong because Aaliyaan didn't escape but someone from your family came and bailed him out 7 months ago, and there is no Javed named officer here. " This was the shocking news for me and Faraz both.
"Who bailed him? " Faraz asked Mr. Bilal.
"Actually the information is confidential so I can't open that to you but he was an elder man" He gave very little information while leaning forward in his chair and intervening to his hands.
I was thinking hard, who would be that old man because as much as I knew, Aaliyaan's family lived in some village. They couldn't afford the fees of bail.
As we came out of police station, I crossed Faraz's car and stood at the road waiting for cab.
"W-why are you standing here?" He asked while stammering. I didn't even glance at him and gave no reply.
Luckily one cab stopped and I was about to open the door when again Faraz held my wrist but this time gently.
"Don't worry I will not run away" I said still not looking at him, shoved my hand out of his grip and sat inside the taxi. I gave driver the address of Khala Aasia's house.
I was pulled out of my trance when cab suddenly stopped with screeching sound because a white car came out of nowhere infront of us. Two man in black attire with masks hiding their faces rushed and kept gun on my head gesturing me to come out of the car. Poor driver was shivering in fear.
"I'll come with you but leave this man, he has nothing to do with me" My voice was trembling with fright. One of man laughed coldly and right then he shot the driver in the chest. I shrieked as my eyes went wide, that poor man was shaking with pain but soon his blooded body became numb.
"You killed him. He is dead" I yelled at them and tried to move forward towards driver but one of them pulled me with him and dragged me.
They both became tensed when another car stopped.
Oh my Allah
It was Faraz who came out of car with a gun in his hands.
"Leave her right now or else you'll face the consequences" Due to headlights his face was clearly seen. His red eyes were enough proof of how much he had been crying.
"Actually we will face the consequences because leaving her is not the option" The man who was holding my arm, menancingly replied. His cold voice sent shivers down my spine because he was standing too close to my liking.
"I'll go with them you don't have to take worry" I finally broke my silence to which all three heads snapped to me.
I don't know what happened after that but gun shots made my ears numb. Something hard hit my head halting my breath due to shooting pain. My vision blurred yet I saw someone running in my direction but he fell as again bullet was fired. I tried to keep my eyes open instead darkness invaded me.
My eyes were heavy when I took in my surroundings. Everything felt unfamiliar. Wincing in pain , I struggled to sit properly but when my gaze flickered to my bandaged arm, all images replayed in my mind.
How someone called me telling me that Aaliyaan has absconded from jail, how I accused my innocent wife, how I got to know about Aaliyaan's bail and how those goons shot me in my arm and hit Hania on her head..... My eyes went wide at the thought of Hania.
I frantically looked here and there but then realised that I was tied with the chair. I silently prayed for her safety and Helplessly pinched my eyes closed.
How is she?
Hania where are you?
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